Apricot Tart French Style - Jenny is baking (2024)

Do you know Tarte Tatin, the French tart with apples and caramel? I have a recipe on my blog, you will find the classic tarte tatin recipe here. However, today I am going to introduce the summer variation with apricots. This apricot tart the French way only contains six ingredients: a lot of ripe and delicious apricots, flour, sugar, butter, an egg yolk to make the crust and rosemary. That’s it!

You may wonder what a tarte tatin is. Well, it basically is an upside-down tart. Normally a tart is not done that way, but tarte tatin is. Hence the name. Usually you need an oven-proof skillet for turning it upside down. However, if you don’t own one, I got you covered. It is also possible to make this tart with a cake pan, don’t worry. You may also use a tart form, just follow the instructions below. If you have a skillet, you will have to wash less, but as stated, it is also possible to do without. You will need to make the caramel separately.

I love tarts, especially in summer. This has to do with the fact that tarts contain so much fruit. I honestly don’t understand how people don’t like tarts, they are the perfect dessert in summer in my opinion. Moreover, you can prepare the crust the night before. This tart in particular also tastes delicious the next day after chilling it. So good! Take it to a potlock, a picnic, or any other event to are celebrating outside. I recommend making it the night before if you take it along as it will be much easier to cut. Apricots are juicer than apples. During the night the juices are able to set a bit more.

So what is this apricot tart about? You will get caramelized apricots with a hint of rosemary, which is held together by a pie crust. If this doesn’t scream summer all over, I don’t know what is! I hope you have fun baking it, let me know how it went.


  • Pastry Dough
  • 200 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 100 grams of cold butter
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Cold water, if necessary

  • Filling
  • About 10 apricots
  • 100 grams of regular sugar
  • 75 grams of butter at room temperature
  • 2-3 rosmary



For the pastry dough place butter in cubes on flour and sugar and work into crumbs the size of peas. Add the egg yolk and work into a ball, if still too crumbly, add a little bit of cold water. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for at least 30min in the fridge or overnight.


For the filling halve the apricots, take out stone.


Place the sugar in an oven-proof skillet and melt at medium-high temperature. Once melted, add soft butter, wait again until melted, reduce heat to low, add rosemary and place the apricots, cut side facing down in a circle all around. Simmer for about two minutes. If you don't have an oven-proof skillet, you can also make the caramel seperately. Line a cake pan with parchment paper, pour caramel on top and place the apricots on it, then continue as below.


Meanwhile preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Take out the pastry dough and roll out into a circle larger than your skillet. Place on top of the skillet, trim off sides and tuck apricots away.


Bake for about 25min or until golden. Loosen edges with a knife and turn skillet upside down. Be sure to use a large plate for turning over, you may wish to take a baking sheet in the worst case. Serve immediately or chilled.


No idea what to do with the leftover egg whites? Check out see this blog post including how to freeze them properly.

PS: If you would like to know the classic variation, I have a recipe for classic tart tatin with apples here:


apricotsaprikosenfranzösischFrenchrosemaryRosmarintartTartetarte tatinumgedrehtupdside down

Apricot Tart French Style - Jenny is baking (7)

About Jenny

Hi, I'm Jenny, a German who lived in the U.S. and Uruguay, Latin America for several years. I'm married to a Colombian and currently living in the south of Germany in Munich. You will mainly find sweet recipes on my blog. I usually like simple, yet impressive recipes. You will also occasionally find more complicated ones. Check my recipe index for further inspiration.

Apricot Tart French Style - Jenny is baking (2024)
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