Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (2024)

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Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (1)

The weather is starting to get warmer and today for the first time I was thinking that sometime soon I would have to retire my winter coat for the year. With that I also realized that winters produce would soon disappear from store shelves and that I should get in any last minute enjoyment from them that I can. One thing that I have been enjoying throughout winter but that I seem to have forgotten to post about is brussels sprouts. One of my new found favorite ways of enjoying brussels sprouts this wither was this brussels sprouts dish with bacon and lemon. Bacon always makes vegetables tastier and the lemon in this dish really brightens it up. Shredding the brussels sprouts takes a bit of work but I really enjoy the texture of them done this way so it is worth the effort. Overall this is a fairly quick and tasty side dish that has been a welcome addition to my recipe collection this winter.

Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (2)

Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon

Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes Servings: 4

  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 shallot (chopped)
  • 1 pound brussels sprouts (cleaned, shredded, blanched and drained)
  • 4 slices bacon (cooked and crumbled)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Heat the oil in a pan.
  2. Add the shallot and saute until tender, about 3-5 minutes.
  3. Add the brussels sprouts, bacon, lemon zest, salt and pepper and toss to mix.

Similar Recipes:
Roasted Brussels Sprouts Gratin
Peas with Pancetta and Shallots
Green Beans in Butter and Lemon with Parmigiano Reggiano
Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta and Parmigiano Reggiano
Brussels Sprouts and Bacon Covered in Melted Gorgonzola
Brussels Sprouts in Black Bean Sauce

Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (3)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (4)Sharon says

    Oh wow, super delicious Kevin!


  2. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (5)Daziano says

    Oh, I already retired my winter coat, 2 weeks ago… and I’m not Canadian, and Quebec City is much colder! But that’s why I got a cold!!! 😉


  3. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (6)Heather says

    this might be my favorite recipes you’ve done in awhile. i just adore brussel sprouts!!


  4. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (7)Beachlover says

    this vegetables is a change for coleslaw!! love BS and bacon!! now you remind me to repack and wash all winter coats!


  5. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (8)Jenn Sutherland says

    This looks awesome! When brussels come back in season in the fall, I’ll definitely whip up this recipe. This time of year, I give the same treatment to cabbage, bacon, lemon, a bit of butter and lots of pepper…preferably served with an over-easy egg on top. Mmmm.


  6. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (9)Treehouse Chef says

    I have been looking for a good recipe for brussels sprouts-this looks like a winner!


  7. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (10)unconfidential cook says

    Love this….Please check out the brussels sprouts with pancetta on my site that a reader sent–I think you’ll really enjoy.


  8. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (11)Sara says

    Why am I not surprised that you can make brussell sprouts looks divine. Great idea to shred them.


  9. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (12)Jan says

    I love brussels sprouts and bacon -I’ve never added lemon. Sounds and looks good!


  10. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (13)Marie says

    Oh gosh Kevin that looks sooo good! I just love brussels sprouts. What a wonderful way to enjoy them!


  11. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (14)tigerfish says

    Wow, you shredded the little cuties!


  12. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (15)Donna-FFW says

    These brussels sprouts look super fantastic!


  13. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (16)ttfn300 says

    oh to retire my winter coat… soon?? this looks awesome 🙂


  14. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (18)Anonymous says

    Kevin enjoy the last of winter..lovely sprouts there


  15. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (19)Dishesdone says

    I love this! So will my family. Thanks for another great recipe!


  16. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (20)Elra says

    Delicious veggy Kevin, I made it similar like this but, never put lemon in it. I’ll try with lemon next time, sounds delicious.


  17. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (21)Juliana says

    It looks very tasty, as you mention perfect for the warmer weather.


  18. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (22)Kerstin says

    What a great way to dress up brussel sprouts – love the shallots and bacon!


  19. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (23)Helene says

    Kevin, delicious way to enjoy brussels sprouts.


  20. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (24)Karen says

    Love brussels sprouts – never thought of shredding them. Can’t retire my winter coat yet… we’re supposed to get 4″ snow tomorrow! Yikes!


  21. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (25)diva says

    great combo of flavours..some people really dislike the taste of brussel sprouts but think the lemon will sort that out beautifully x


  22. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (26)Jan says

    I love brussels, and this sounds like a great way to serve them.


  23. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (27)Kirby! says

    YUMMY!!! I am a huge oatmeal fan…. I don’t know why I’ve never thought to make a pumpkin version! Thanks for the idea!


  24. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (28)Anonymous says

    I’ll be trying this. I love all the main ingredients so much…how could I not try this? YUM


  25. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (29)Wine Lover says

    Fantastic! It looks so good!


  26. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (30)Anonymous says

    Looks like a nice way to have brussel sprouts! I have never tasted it but this looks like a good way to prepare it.


  27. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (31)Deborah says

    I love Brussels sprouts and bacon, but I’ve never shredded them and never added lemon. Delish!


  28. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (32)Gabby says

    I made this yesterday for Easter! I didn’t shred them though…I coarsely chopped. Everyone loved this dish so much! Thank you!


  29. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (33)Pinkfoodie says

    I am so glad I came across your blog. I just purchased some Brussels sprouts from the market today. I might have to give this recipe a try. What a wonderful idea to blanch and shred the Brussels sprouts.


  30. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (34)Paule says

    Thanks a lot, this recipe is perfect!
    I have done it with pasta and feta cheese and it was great.


  31. Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (35)Heidi says

    This was amazing! THANK YOU!


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Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Lemon (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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