Fatty Liver: Meal Plan for a Week (2024)

If you are suffering from a fatty liver and you’re serious about curing it, eating right is probably the most important thing you have to do.

But reading about the foods to avoid, you might end up thinking that you don’t really have any sort of variety of real options – which is false.

This is why I have decided to share this weekly meal plan for fatty liver disease: to show you that you can still have a varied diet and eat healthy at the same time, in your quest to reverse your fatty liver.

Also, this meal plan will help you with actual dishes and meals to have, many of this blog’s readers following it precisely with great success (based on the emails that I have received).

Fatty Liver: Meal Plan for a Week (1)

As you will see, there are a ton of things you can prepare and eat and never get bored. The most difficult part is – and I know it well – deciding if a food is safe to eat or not.

I have already shared with you some ideas for the various meals throughout the day – and you will find links to all my recommendations at the bottom of this article, after you go through the weekly meal plan itself – so make sure you read all the way to the end because there’s a real treat waiting for you there.

Now it’s time to check an actual meal plan for fatty liver. My goal with it is to keep it as varied as possible, sharing as many different meals as possible. But you can definitely have the same thing two or three days in a row.

Table of Contents

Fatty Liver Disease 7-day Meal Plan: the Basics

My fatty liver meal plan is based on a few main rules (low fat, low sugar/carbs, smaller portions and healthy eating based on the Mediterranean diet I’ve been following) but it might NOT be suitable for those who also suffer from diabetes or have other conditions.

So please take this as general advice from somebody who has reversed their fatty liver, but had no diabetes or other health problems. In other words, don’t take it as medical advice, but more like guidelines on what to eat.

Always discuss it with your doctor, especially if you have other health problems besides a fatty liver, food allergies or any other problems.

Fatty Liver: Meal Plan for a Week (2)

The truth is that I ate all the things that I am recommending below – maybe even exactly in the same order – and I had absolutely no problems.

Even better, I have reversed my fatty liver! But each person is different, and other things might work better (or taste better) if approached slightly differently.

However, I am sharing this fatty liver meal plan for a week not for you to necessarily follow exactly, but to show you an example on how you can eat healthy and varied and still work on reversing that NAFLD!

I am sure that it will prove extremely useful to both those who have just been diagnosed, but also those who have been eating healthy for a while and are starting to run out of options.

But I repeat: it’s not all set in stone and you can change things around as you see fit, following the same base rules: low calories, low fat, low carbs. Moderation is key!

Now that we’ve cleared that out, let’s check out below my meal plan for a week for those who have NAFLD / fatty liver!

Recommended weekly menu for fatty liver

I always ate following a similar schedule to the one below and reversed my fatty liver. But the snacks are not “must have”. If you can do without them, it’s even better!

I am starting to skip them every now and then and it’s not too difficult (I’m not always hungry).

So if you don’t go insanely hungry in between meals, you can skip a snack or two as well.

And make it your goal to eventually eliminate them: it took me 5 years to be able to stop having these snacks, so consider it as a marathon, not a sprint!


Breakfast: Homemade healthy porridge / oatmeal with blueberries (don’t add any sugar or toppings, just the oatmeal, low fat milk or water and blueberries!)

I use 4 tablespoons of oats when preparing it, then even amounts of water and low fat milk.

Use as much as you like – I prefer it mushier, others don’t. It’s good either way. I add a solid handful of blueberries to the mix (60-70 fruits and yes, originally I did count them!)

1st Snack: Handful of nuts, raw or roasted, not fried in oil (about 1/4 a cup)

Lunch: Mediterranean Salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, onion, olives and olive oil, a bit of white cheese if you can’t do without). I always use salt too and unless you have other health problems, you should too as salt is essential for humans.

2nd Snack: One Banana

Dinner: Brown rice or black rice, plain, with grilled Turkey breast


Breakfast: Homemade guacamole on toast (2 slices – but only use the best bread for NAFLD with no added sugars or other chemicals)

1st Snack: Two small sized, organic apples (or a large one)

Lunch: Homemade vegetable soup and quinoa with beans salad

2nd Snack: One cup of low fat yogurt (add 1 whole wheat cracker if not enough, or fruits like blueberries or strawberries)

Dinner: Barley-Stuffed Poblanos/Peppers (cook without oil!)


Breakfast: Chia pudding with berries and half a tablespoon honey

1st Snack: A cup of homemade popcorn (use no oil/butter!)

Lunch: One Eggplant Boat, Homemade

2nd Snack: A small bowl of fresh fruits (raspberries, strawberries, apricots… whatever you have)

Dinner: Cilantro Lime Grilled Tofu Skewers


Breakfast: Skinny Omelette (check out my breakfast ideas article below for recipe – and recipes for most of the things on this menu)

1st Snack: One Chia Bar (check my favorite here)

Lunch: Lentil Salad with Poached Eggs and beetroot

2nd Snack: One cup of Beets Smoothie

Dinner: Big slice of grilled or oven-baked wild salmon (with no oil), the size of one adult’s hand, with leafy greens salad. Or you can use your favorite fish instead.


Breakfast: Large portion of low fat yogurt with berries or other fresh/frozen fruits

1st Snack: Fresh vegetables (try one carrot or two cucumbers, raw)

Lunch: Low fat Chicken Wrap (go even healthier and use lettuce instead of a flour wrap)

2nd Snack: Handful of nuts and seeds (anything goes, as long as they’re not fried)

Dinner: Mixed salad (add vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, peppers, avocado and mix them together with a dash of extra-virgin olive oil)


Breakfast: Fresh fruits and seeds (one banana and a cup of berries OR two apples and a bit of roasted nuts)

1st Snack: Graham or rye crackers, a handful

Lunch: Homemade vegetable soup andone low fat Tuna Wrap with beetroot salad

2nd Snack: One cup of low fat yogurt and berries

Dinner: Three beans & kale salad


Breakfast: Low fat cottage cheese spread on toast (two slices)

1st Snack: Two apples or two oranges or something similar

Lunch: Green beans stew

2nd Snack: A cup of fresh vegetables or boiled cauliflower puree

Dinner: Leafy greens salad with roasted chicken breast

When it comes to what to drink throughout the day, things will be a bit repetitive: water is the only thing that we can allow.

Get sparkling water if you want a bit of a change, or add fresh mint leaves or lemon/lime juice or to the water to change things up.

You can also drink coffee (without sugar or with minimum amounts of it) as well as green tea. But no juices, not even 100% fruit juices. Keep it simple to reverse this condition! You can read more about what to drink with fatty liver here.

And make sure to pin this for later:

Fatty Liver: Meal Plan for a Week (4)

Wrapping up

This would be an example of a weekly menu for reversing fatty liver. As you can see, I went with different recommendations each day in order to show you that there’s a lot of variety that you can achieve.

I repeat – this was the main goal of the menu above. It’s not set in stone and you can alternate meals as you see fit. You can eat the same breakfast, for example, or eat the same thing multiple days in a row. I usually did and still do.

As long as you keep your calories under control and the food healthy, you’re on the right track!

This means that you can prepare some of these foods (and others) in larger quantities and have them for a couple or a few days or freeze them and use later.

Also, have in mind that this list is under no circ*mstances complete. There are many, many other things that you can eat and as long as you keep the dishes healthy.

There are many vegetables that you can use more of – fresh or boiled or roasted, you can add more chicken, turkey or fish to your diet and much more.

If you want more ideas for each meal of the day, I have shared more suggestions in the articles below. Check them out and you will have even more options to really add a ton of variety to your daily menu:

Breakfast Ideas for fatty liver disease
Lunch Ideas for fatty liver disease
Dinner Ideas for fatty liver disease
Snack Ideas for fatty liver disease

Hopefully I managed to reach my main goal: that of showing you that fortunately a fatty liver isn’t insanely restrictive when it comes to things you can eat. You can still have a lot of variety!

Also, if you’re just starting up with your diet and healthy eating for the liver – or if you were starting to run out of ideas of things to prepare for your daily meals, this article will hopefully give you some nice ideas – and then you have four more for additional dishes and recipes.

I hope you found this helpful and you will keep it up with your diet and healthy eating. It’s your health, it’s your life and as you can see, it’s not as difficult as you might think it is when you first start!

If you want even more recipes for fatty liver, as well as a well laid out plan on how to reverse your fatty liver, make sure to check out my favorite program out there – Reverse Your Fatty Liver.

It is not free, but it is a complete program that will guide you through all the steps that you need to follow to reverse your fatty liver (and it includes over 180 liver-friendly recipes!).

Fatty Liver: Meal Plan for a Week (5)


I was diagnosed with a fatty liver back in 2014 and managed to reverse it by mid-2015. Since then, I’ve been studying it, continuously updating my knowledge with the latest scientific findings and practical approaches to give others the help they need to reverse their condition.

My approach to managing fatty liver is holistic, balancing scientifically-backed information with real-life, practical advice based on personal, direct experience.

I am also the admin of the Fatty Liver Support Group on Facebook and the Fatty Liver Subreddit.

Fatty Liver: Meal Plan for a Week (2024)


How can I reduce my fatty liver in 7 days? ›

10 diet and lifestyle tips to reverse fatty liver disease
  1. Lose weight. ...
  2. Stay physically active. ...
  3. Try the Mediterranean diet. ...
  4. Eat more antioxidants. ...
  5. Increase your intake of vitamins and minerals. ...
  6. Avoid added sugars. ...
  7. Include omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. ...
  8. Limit alcohol intake.

What is a good menu for fatty liver? ›

Aim for non starchy vegetables and whole fruits. Choose leaner proteins like fish, poultry, beans, and nuts. Limit red meats, cold cuts, bacon and other processed meats. Choose whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal or whole wheat pasta.

What foods shrink a fatty liver? ›

Foods That Help Fatty Liver Disease
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Fruits.
  • Whole grains.
  • Nuts.
  • Olive oil.
  • Vegetables.
  • Avocados.
  • Legumes.
Mar 8, 2024

Is plain popcorn ok for fatty liver? ›

Make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day. 1/2 cup cooked rice, pasta, cereal, couscous or bulgur Whole grain breads, hot and cold cereals, pasta, brown rice, couscous or bulgur. Low fat snack foods such as air popped popcorn and low sodium pretzels.

What is the best drink to flush your liver? ›

11 Drinks to Help Your Liver Detox
  • Lemon Water.
  • Ginger and Lemon Drink.
  • Grapefruit Juice.
  • Tumeric Tea.
  • Green Tea.
  • Chamomile Tea.
  • Oat Tea.
  • Jujube Fruit Juice.

Are eggs ok for fatty liver? ›

People with cirrhosis on average should only eat 1-3 eggs per week. Eat boiled eggs instead of fried or fried eggs. However, you should not continuously eat eggs when you have cirrhosis because the liver will have to work harder, increasing pressure on the liver, making liver disease worse.

What dissolves liver fat? ›

Two or more serves of oily fish per week has a beneficial effect on lipids and may reduce hepatic steatosis, regular filtered unsweetened coffee is associated with reduced fibrosis severity in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and a handful of nuts per day improves liver function tests.

What are the 5 liver super foods? ›

Top foods and drinks for liver health
  • Coffee. A 2021 study analyzed data from 494,585 people in the United Kingdom to learn how different types of coffee might affect the risk of chronic liver disease, including decaffeinated, instant, and ground coffee. ...
  • Oatmeal. ...
  • Green tea. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Grapes. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Prickly pear.

What are the three worst things for your liver? ›

Foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt put extra stress on the liver. Fast food, packaged foods, and processed foods tend to contain a lot of these elements.

What is a good breakfast for fatty liver? ›

  • Whole grain toas/Whole grain waffle with peanut butter.
  • Egg Whites and Turkey Bacon.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Quinoa and Fruit.
  • Low fat Yogurt.
  • High Fiber Cereal with Low Fat Milk.

What is the best protein for liver disease? ›

Low in red meat such as beef, pork and lamb. Choose chicken, turkey, fish, dairy or plant-based options such as beans, pulses or tofu.

What salad dressing is good for fatty liver? ›

Extra virgin olive oil is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids and has many protective benefits for the liver. So, next time you make a salad opt for the more natural choices – olive oil, fresh lemon and apple cider vinegar really are quality liver-friendly salad dressings.

What is the fastest way to cure a fatty liver? ›

How is fatty liver disease treated?
  1. follow a healthy diet and avoid sugar.
  2. lose weight.
  3. exercise regularly.
  4. control your blood sugar.
  5. treat high cholesterol if you have it.
  6. avoid medicines that can affect your liver.
  7. drink no or very little alcohol, and quit smoking.

What is the best vitamin for liver repair? ›

Vitamin B. Studies have shown that B vitamins can benefit liver function in several ways, including reversing liver inflammation. Many B vitamins, including vitamin B12 and folic acid, can improve liver health in people with fatty liver disease.

Can apple cider vinegar clean out your liver? ›

When it comes to home remedies, apple cider vinegar is a preferred choice since it has amazing detoxification properties. Apple Cider Vinegar works by helping the liver flush out the toxins that can interfere with the body's normal functioning.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.