How to Create Your Daily Sahm Schedule: An Easy Step by Step Guide - Making Mommas (2024)


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Get ready to conquer your day with our step-by-step guide on creating the perfect stay-at-home mom schedule.

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I understand the challenges of balancing a busy household! As a stay-at-home mom, time always feels limited, right?

The laundry pile never shrinks, meals need preparing, the house needs tidying, and you want to spend quality time with your children. It can be overwhelming and exhausting.

But with a well-planned daily schedule, everything changes. Implementing a structured stay at home mom routine transformed my chaotic and stressful days into organized and manageable ones.

It took us out of survival mode, momma!

I’ll guide you through creating a personalized stay-at-home mom schedule that ensures you conquer your day effectively, giving you control and much-deserved ‘me’ time. Trust me, it’s liberating!

Let’s get started!

1. Do a Self Assessment

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A self-assessment involves evaluating your daily tasks, responsibilities, and time management habits.

To get started, reflect on your typical day, listing daily chores, activities with children, and other commitments. Include less frequent tasks like grocery shopping or doctors appointments.

The purpose of a self-assessment is to gain visibility into your workload and time utilization. Identify time sinks, tasks taking longer than expected, and potential periods for increased productivity.

Doing a self-assessment before creating your stay-at-home mom schedule is crucial. It sets the foundation for a realistic and achievable plan that prioritizes important tasks and allows for essential me time.

But besides assessing your current daily schedule, you also need to consider your needs, the needs of your children, and your own personal stay at home mom values.

Understanding Your Own Needs and Energy Levels

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Understanding your own needs and energy levels is crucial for creating an effective stay-at-home mom schedule. Recognize your limitations, capacities, and the importance of rest and self-care to function at your best!

We all experience energy fluctuations throughout the day. Identify when you’re most alert and plan demanding tasks accordingly. Reserve downtime for lower-energy periods.

To get to know your needs, honestly reflect on activities that drain or recharge you. Identify tasks that ignite passion and those you dread.

Notice which duties, if left undone, cause stress. Answering these questions reveals patterns and improves understanding.

Pay attention to your physical, emotional, and mental responses throughout the day. Notice when you feel overwhelmed or exhausted, and when you feel most energetic and focused.

Understanding and respecting your energy levels and personal needs doesn’t mean slacking off on responsibilities. It’s about optimizing your stay-at-home mom schedule, to give your best to your family and yourself.

Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. So, let’s create a schedule that works for you!

Assess Your Children’s Needs Based on Their Ages

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When planning your schedule as a stay-at-home mom, it’s crucial to assess your children’s needs based on their ages. Understand their specific requirements to structure your day effectively.

Infants need frequent feeding and napping, while toddlers and preschoolers benefit from structured activities. School-aged children may require homework help and have after-school activities.

Observe their routines, note meal times, sleep patterns, play times, and learning periods to assess their needs. Foster independence and self-reliance as they grow.

Establish a schedule that supports their development while allowing time for self-care and personal tasks.

Assess Your Family Values and Corresponding Tasks

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Assessing your family values is a crucial part of creating an efficient schedule that works for stay-at-home moms.

Family values are shared beliefs and attitudes that serve as a foundation for your family’s behavior and decisions. By identifying what you consider important as a family, you can ensure that your daily activities align with these values, fostering a harmonious, fulfilling family life.

To assess your family values, you can start by having open discussions with your family members about what they believe is important. This could include values such as education, health, quality family time, or personal development.

Once you have identified your family values, you can then start to incorporate tasks into your schedule that correspond to these values.

For instance, if health is a shared family value, make sure your schedule includes time for cooking healthy meals and engaging in physical activity. If education is a priority, you could designate a specific time slot for helping your children with homework or encouraging independent reading.

Adding tasks that correspond to your family values into your schedule not only organizes your day efficiently but also ensures you’re prioritizing activities that contribute to your family’s overall well-being and happiness. This approach makes your schedule more meaningful and effective in achieving your family’s long-term goals and aspirations.

2. Choose Your Scheduling Tool and Technique

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Once you’ve completed your comprehensive assessment of your family values and you’ve identified tasks that align with those values, it’s time to put your findings into action! With a clear understanding of your family’s priorities, you’re now ready to start creating your schedule.

This next section will help you choose the right scheduling tool and technique that fits your family’s unique needs and lifestyle, making your daily activities both manageable and meaningful.

Scheduling Tools for Your Stay at Home Mom Schedule

In an era where technology simplifies our daily activities, choosing an appropriate scheduling tool can make a significant difference in organizing your family’s time. Let’s explore some useful scheduling tools that can help you seamlessly integrate your tasks into your stay at home mom schedule.

These tools can assist in tracking your family’s activities, ensuring that everything is planned efficiently and carried out according to your family’s values and priorities.


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Calendars are one of the most basic and enduring scheduling tools available. They are easy to use and offer a visual representation of your day, week, month, or even year.

Whether it’s a traditional paper calendar or a digital one, they are perfect for scheduling and tracking your family’s activities. Digital calendars, such as Google Calendar or Apple Calendar, offer additional advantages, like the ability to set reminders, share schedules with family members, and even sync with other apps or devices.

This flexibility allows you to keep track of your family’s schedule effortlessly, making it an effective tool for managing your daily schedule.


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Planners are another invaluable tool when it comes to scheduling and organization. Much like calendars, they are available in both physical and digital formats, each offering their own unique benefits.

Physical planners, such as day planners or bullet journals, provide a tactile experience that many find satisfying and grounding. They allow for a degree of personalization and creativity that can make the planning process enjoyable, as well as functional.

On the other hand, digital planners, such as apps like Asana or Trello, offer robust features such as task categorization, priority setting, and easy rescheduling. At your fingertips, these digital planners ensure that your to-do list is always accessible and up to date, making it easier than ever to stay on top of your daily schedule.

Printable Planners

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Printable planners are a fantastic solution for those who prefer a physical representation of their schedule but also value the convenience of digital planning tools. They offer the best of both worlds; you can easily download and print a variety of pre-made templates or even create your own using online tools.

The versatility of printable planners lies in their customization; you can choose daily, weekly, or monthly layouts that suit your needs. And they allow for quick, at-a-glance views of your schedule and tasks, which can help you stay organized and productive as a stay-at-home mom.

You can also easily add your own personal touch with colored pens, stickers, or highlighters, making your stay-at-home-mom schedule not only functional but also a reflection of your personal style.

Apps for Planning

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Apps for planning, such as Asana, Trello, or Google Calendar, offer a dynamic and highly accessible way to organize your schedule as a stay-at-home mom. These apps offer features such as notifications, task categorization, and the ability to easily adjust and reschedule tasks as needed.

Many of these apps also have collaboration features, allowing you to share and coordinate tasks with family members or other caregivers. In a digital age, having your stay-at-home mom schedule in your pocket at all times can be a great advantage, ensuring that you are always up-to-date with your tasks and responsibilities.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into scheduling tools and how they can make your daily routine smoother, you can check out my post on it: Say Goodbye to Chaos: These 5 Tools Will Transform Your Daily Routine!

Scheduling Techniques to Create Your Sahm Schedule

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Creating a stay-at-home mom schedule isn’t just about the tools you use—it’s also about the techniques you adopt.

So, before writing your stay-at-home mom schedule down, let’s explore different scheduling techniques that you can incorporate into your stay-at-home mom routine. Understanding and implementing these techniques can help you optimize your time, effectively manage your tasks, and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Time Blocking

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Time blocking is an effective scheduling technique that involves assigning specific time slots to activities throughout your day. The concept is to devote particular hours to one task or a group of similar tasks, minimizing the likelihood of distractions and increasing focus.

This method is especially beneficial for stay-at-home moms as it allows for a clear visual representation of the day, helping to balance housework, child care, personal time, and any other obligations. It promotes productivity and reduces the stress of feeling overwhelmed.

With time blocking, you can have a structured and well-organized day, while ensuring every task gets the attention it deserves.

Time Chunking

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Time Chunking is another highly effective scheduling technique. Rather than assigning specific hours, time chunking involves grouping similar tasks together and working on them in a single, uninterrupted period.

This method helps in reducing the cognitive load that comes from task-switching, allowing you to channel your energy and focus on one type of task at a time.

For stay-at-home moms, time chunking can be handy in managing repetitive tasks like meal prep and washing dirty dishes, enabling efficient use of time and energy. By chunking these tasks together, you not only streamline your tasks but also free up more time for other activities or much-needed relaxation.

My 5 Block System

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My 5 Block System is a unique approach to time management, designed to enhance productivity and maintain work-life balance. It involves dividing your day into five distinct blocks: pre-morning, morning, work, afternoon, and evening.

The Pre-Morning block is time set aside in the early mornings, before the kids wake up. It is time dedicated to personal interests, such as exercise, bible study, or enjoying a hot cup of coffee, that help set a positive tone for the day.

Or, you could spend the time working on your biggest tasks for the day.

The Morning block starts when the children wake up, and is time set aside for a few chores and getting the kids ready for school, ensuring everything is in order before diving into work-related tasks.

The Work block is designated for the working mom. Whether it’s remote work, a home business, or personal projects, this uninterrupted time-block is dedicated to productivity.

Setting your schedule up like this makes work at home mom life so much easier momma! Trust me on this one.

The Afternoon block serves as a transitional period, ideal for when the kids get home. It may include nap time or quiet time for the kids at home as well.

It also includes dinner prep and any necessary household tasks or errands.

Finally, the Evening block is for winding down. This is dinner time, story time, and quiet time.

It is the perfect time for spending quality time together as a family.

This 5 Block System ensures a balanced distribution of time for all essential aspects of life, making sure your day is well-rounded and fulfilling. It’s like having a roadmap to navigate through your daily stay at home mom routine, ensuring you give adequate attention to everything that matters.

Batching Tasks

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Batching Tasks is a time-management technique that involves grouping similar tasks together to complete them in one sitting. Instead of switching between different tasks, which can be mentally exhausting and reduce productivity, batching tasks allows you to focus on one type of task at a time.

For instance, you could batch all your email-related tasks together, and only focus on responding to emails during a designated block. This technique helps to reduce task-switching and promote deep work, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

It works best for work from home moms.

Eating Frogs

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“Eating Frogs” is a metaphorical concept in time management strategies, originating from a quote by Mark Twain. “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”

The ‘frog’ represents the most challenging or unpleasant task of your day. By tackling this task first, you set a positive and productive tone for the rest of the day, as all subsequent tasks will seem less daunting in comparison.

This approach encourages tackling difficult tasks head-on instead of procrastinating, leading to improved productivity and a sense of accomplishment.

Routine VS Schedule

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A routine and a schedule, while often used interchangeably, have distinct differences that may impact how you manage your time. A routine refers to a regular sequence of activities or procedures that are typically followed.

For instance, waking up, brushing your teeth, and then having coffee is a morning routine.

On the other hand, a schedule assigns specific times for certain activities or tasks throughout the day. For instance, waking up at 6 a.m., brushing your teeth by 6:10 a.m., and having coffee at 6:30 a.m., is a schedule.

Choosing between a stay at home mom routine and a schedule largely depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle. If you thrive on structure and strict time management, a schedule might be more beneficial.

However, if you prefer a bit more flexibility, then a routine might be a better fit.

For more in-depth information and a better understanding of the differences between routines and schedules, as well as how to choose what’s best for you, feel free to read my post on this topic: Schedules vs Routines: My Startling Secret to Rockin’ That Sahm Schedule!

3. Write Out Your Daily Stay at Home Mom Schedule

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Now that you have a better grasp on the different types of scheduling techniques you can use, and have figured out what works best for you, it’s time to put that knowledge into action!

In the next section, I’ll walk you through the process of creating your own daily schedule as a stay-at-home mom.

Do a Brain Dump of All Your Tasks

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Begin by doing a comprehensive ‘brain dump’ of every task, responsibility, or to-do item that you can think of. This exercise involves jotting down everything that comes to your mind, no matter how big or small the task seems.

Whether it’s doing laundry, preparing meals, homeschooling, paying bills, or scheduling appointments, get it all down. The goal here isn’t to organize these tasks yet or decide how they fit into your day.

Rather, it’s about clearing your mind and gaining a concrete understanding of all the tasks that demand your attention. It’s a cathartic process that can help reduce feelings of overwhelm and give you a clear visual of your responsibilities.

Divide the Day into Manageable Time Blocks

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Once you’ve listed all your tasks, it’s time to divide your day into manageable blocks. This technique, often known as ‘time blocking’, involves allocating specific time slots to different activities throughout your day.

It’s a simple yet effective way to structure your time, allowing you to focus on one task at a time without feeling stretched thin. To get started, break your day down using natural transition points and then create mini routines around these transition points.

These natural transitions are usually breakfast time, when you eat lunch, nap time, snack time, dinner time, bath time, and when the kids are in bed.

And your mini routines would be morning, afternoon, and evening routines.

Creating a Morning Routine

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Start your day on the right foot by establishing a consistent morning routine. Tailor your routine to your personal preferences and commitments, ensuring it’s something you can stick to daily.

Typically, a morning routine begins from the moment you wake up and continues until you begin your work or daily commitments.

Consider including activities that promote a positive mind-set such as prayer, reading, or a quick workout. Healthy practices like a good breakfast and proper hydration can also be part of this routine.

Try to include tasks from your brain dump that can be accomplished in the morning, such as checking emails or planning your day. Remember, the goal is to wake up with a clear purpose and prepare yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally for the day ahead.

Afternoon Routine

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Just like how a morning routine sets the tone for the day, having an afternoon routine can be a much-needed reset, especially for stay-at-home moms when the kids come home from school.

To kick off your afternoon routine, try starting right after the kids arrive home. You could spend some time together, like helping with homework or engaging in fun activities.

It’s also a great opportunity to have a quick snack and recharge.

Afterwards, it’s time to prioritize tasks for the rest of the day. This may include household chores, meal preparation, or any other responsibilities that need attention.

Remember, the goal of an afternoon routine is to maintain productivity while also ensuring you have quality time with your kids. Keep your routine flexible enough to accommodate any unexpected needs or activities that may arise throughout the day.

So go ahead and give it a try! Find your own rhythm and make the most out of your afternoons as a stay-at-home mom.

Evening Routine

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As the day winds down, an effective evening routine is essential for stay-at-home moms. It can be a decompression period, where you transition from the roles of the day towards a state of rest. This may include preparing a light dinner, performing some light cleanup around the house, or starting bedtime routines.

In addition, it’s important to carve out some time for self-care. This could be reading a book or simply savoring a quiet moment.

Wrapping up the day with a routine encourages better sleep, helps manage stress, and resets your energy for the following day. Remember, it’s all about balance – ensuring all tasks are completed, while also taking care of your own well-being.

Then Schedule in Appointments and Obligations

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When it comes to actually creating your schedule, the first and most important step is to block out time for fixed commitments like appointments, meetings, or obligations.

These could be anything from school pick-ups or school drop-offs to doctor’s appointments or scheduled work hours – basically, any non-negotiable time blocks. By prioritizing these commitments and penciling them into your schedule right from the start, you can avoid overbooking yourself or forgetting any important obligations.

By establishing a solid foundation with these commitments, you’ll be able to realistically assess and allocate time for other tasks and activities. So, make sure to keep them front and center in your planning process!

Fill in the Rest of the Time with Activities that Represent Your Sahm Values

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Once your obligations and fixed commitments are firmly in your schedule, it’s time to fill in the remaining slots with activities that reflect your values as a stay-at-home mom. This may be focused on your children’s education, for example, setting aside time for reading together, assisting with homework, craft time, or educational play time.

If physical health and activity are priorities for your family, you may want to include outdoor play time, sports practices, or family walks in your schedule. Spirituality can be integrated with designated moments for prayer or attending religious services.

Making room for social interactions is also crucial, this could be play dates for your children or social gatherings with other moms. Remember, your schedule should reflect not just your needs, but also your family values.

Lastly, don’t forget to include moments of relaxation and self-care. These activities should mirror what fills your cup and rejuvenates you.

It could be exercise, reading, or simply enjoying a peaceful cup of tea. Your schedule should serve as a tool that ensures your family’s values are being met while also nurturing your well-being.

Utilize Down Time for Spontaneous Fun or Educational Activities

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Once your schedule is filled with your commitments, obligations, and activities that align with your values, you may find that there are still some empty spaces left.

Rather than seeing these as gaps to be filled, view them as opportunities for spontaneity or further learning. This time can be left open for unplanned fun – perhaps an impromptu picnic in the park, a surprise visit to the local museum, or a spontaneous baking session with the kids.

These unexpected moments often bring joy and create the most treasured memories.

Or, if you prefer a more structured approach, you can use this time to incorporate additional educational activities. I call these ‘filler activities’ because they fill in the empty spaces in your schedule. 😆

This might include interactive science experiments, a fun math game, or engaging art projects that can further enhance your child’s learning experience.

Remember, the goal of your schedule is to create a balanced, fulfilling lifestyle that works best for you and your family, and that includes leaving room for spontaneity and continued learning.

4. Testing and Adjusting Your Schedule

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The final step in creating a functional, balanced schedule is to test it and make necessary adjustments.

Implement the schedule you’ve designed for a predetermined period, such as a week or a month, and observe the results.

Does it facilitate smooth flow of activities? Does it resonate with your family’s values and lifestyle?

Most importantly, does it cater to everyone’s needs and foster happiness and fulfillment?

Remember, scheduling is an evolving process. Don’t be disheartened if your first draft doesn’t work flawlessly.

Be ready to assess the effectiveness of your schedule, pinpoint any snags or obstacles, and make adaptations as needed. You might need to shuffle activities around, adjust durations, or even add or drop an item completely.

With time, patience, and continuous refinement, you’ll be able to craft a schedule that appropriately supports your family’s life rhythm and enhances overall well-being and satisfaction.

Scheduling Tips for Stay at Home Moms

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There is no one-size-fits-all approach to daily routines! What works wonders for one family might not be as effective for another.

However, there are some useful tips that can universally assist all stay-at-home moms in their scheduling endeavors.

1. Prioritize Your Tasks

Start your day by making a list of tasks to be accomplished and prioritize them based on their importance and urgency. This will provide a clear roadmap for the day and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

2. Incorporate Self-Care

Repeat after me: Self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity!! 😁

Be sure to include slots in your schedule for activities that rejuvenate you, be it reading, exercise, or a leisurely walk.

3. Set Realistic Expectations

Remember, it’s impossible to do everything!! Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself. Accept that some days might be more productive than others, and that’s perfectly okay.

4. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Utilize apps and tools that can help with time management and organization. From grocery shopping lists to appointment reminders, technology can significantly streamline your tasks.

5. Delegate When Possible

Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks when possible!! If your children are old enough, assign them small tasks. This not only eases your load but also helps instill responsibility in children.

6. Maintain Consistency

While spontaneity is great, having a consistent stay at home mom routine can be beneficial in managing time efficiently. It provides a sense of order and predictability, especially for children.

7. Allow for Flexibility

While maintaining a schedule, remember to leave some room for flexibility. Unexpected events will occur, and it’s important to be able to adjust your schedule as needed.

At the End of the Day…

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At the end of the day, it’s all about finding what works best for you.

Time management isn’t some rigid formula, but more like an art that requires adaptability, resilience, and a little self-compassion. Remember, not every day will go as planned, and that’s totally okay.

The goal isn’t to flawlessly execute your schedule, but rather to continuously strive for balance and well-being.

So, take a deep breath, embrace the chaos, and keep finding joy in the journey. Because, in the end, it’s not just about “managing” time, but about living our lives to the fullest. 💕

Grab Your Free Stay at Home Mom Schedule Template!

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Download the FREE Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule Templates

Print them & use them as they are or customize them with Canva!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to simplify your daily life! Enter your email to Grab Your FREE Stay at Home Mom Schedule Templates now!

With customizable fields and easy-to-use design, it’s a foolproof way to organize your tasks, manage your time, and bring balance to your life as a stay-at-home mom.

Remember, better time management means less stress and more time for the things you love.

Just put your email in the box below and start your journey towards a more organized life today!

More on Schedules & Routines

What Are Rituals and How Do You Use Them In Your Stay at Home Mom Schedule?

What Are Mini Routines and How Do You Use Them In Your Daily SAHM Routine?

Tired of Putting Out Fires? Here’s How to Control the Chaos with a Daily Sahm Routine!

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How to Create Your Daily Sahm Schedule: An Easy Step by Step Guide - Making Mommas (2024)


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SAHMs are often in charge of appointments, grocery shopping, home repairs and more, ensuring everything around the house is handled. Cooking and cleaning. Because they're home most of the day, SAHMs often clean the house and cook the meals. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and all the snacks.

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SAHMs are often in charge of appointments, grocery shopping, home repairs and more, ensuring everything around the house is handled. Cooking and cleaning. Because they're home most of the day, SAHMs often clean the house and cook the meals. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and all the snacks.

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Here's how that goes for me: Mondays are for cleaning, Tuesday is a catch-all day, Wednesday is baking, Thursday is projects, Friday is errands, Saturday is family-fun day, Sunday is for resting. You can plug in whatever theme days work for you and your home.

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Depending on the size of the home, family, pets, and numerous other conditions, a stay-at-home parent may work upwards of 98 hours a week. According to 2019 data from, if you are a stay-at-home parent and paid for your services, you would be looking at a median annual salary of $178,201.

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KEEP A RUNNING LIST OF SMALLER, LESS IMPORTANT TASKS. When you have a few minutes of free time throughout the day, you can make progress on this list. RELY ON THE 52-17 RULE. Schedule 52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of rest open_in_new to give your brain a break from constant output.

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Daily Schedule Template

This simple, blank schedule template allows you to plan each day to the half-hour as well as plan ahead for the week. Set the starting time and then organize your daily schedule with whatever activities you choose to include.

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Utilize time management tools: Tools like planners, calendars, and apps can help you keep track of your tasks and manage your time more efficiently. Prioritize tasks: Not all tasks are equal. Prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. Delegate tasks: You don't have to do everything yourself.

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Choose a time-based or completion-based schedule. A time-based schedule is created with a specific time frame, such as: 9 AM Storytime, 10 AM Numbers, 10:45 AM Break, 11 AM Circle Time, 12 PM Lunch. A completion-based schedule requires children to complete an activity before moving on.

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According to the survey, the typical stay-at-home mom works almost 97 hours a week, spending 13.2 hours as a day-care teacher; 3.9 hours as household CEO; 7.6 hours as a psychologist; 14.1 hours as a chef; 15.4 as a housekeeper; 6.6 hours doing laundry; 9.5 hours as a PC-or-Mac operator; 10.7 hours as a facilities ...

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.