Ketogenic Diet Food List [What to Eat on The Keto Diet] (2024)

Trying a new diet can be frustrating, difficult, and can even cause irritability. It can be extremely frustrating trying to figure out what to buy at the grocery store or how to prepare it in your home. It can also be very difficult trying to find proper foods when dining at restaurants or friends and family members.

Yet, a proper diet can be a very positive change in your daily health. Over time, a diet filled with appropriate nutrition from all food groups should become part of your daily lifestyle.

A ketogenic diet is a great source for those who need to produce more ketones. During this diet, keep in mind that you’ll want to be in taking more fatty foods. Because ketosis works through changing your metabolism through using fat as an energy source, you’ll want to be storing more fat than you might have previously. While this can be a daunting thought to overcome, having an appropriate food list should help you establish the ultimate ketogenic diet.

There are many options for those looking for a ketogenic healthy diet.

Fats and Oils

It may sound silly to say that you need to eat fat to lose weight or be healthier. However, the fatty foods that you should be choosing will be filled with healthy nutrients.

Fats can be very important to our diet. However, eating the wrong fats can also be very detrimental. Fats should be the majority of your daily intake on a ketogenic diet, so be sure to know that you are eating the right kind of fatty foods.

Saturated fats like the contents of potato chips, processed pretzels, cookies, crackers, and other snacks do not fit into the fat category of a ketogenic diet. You need to be looking for foods that are saturated and monosaturated fats.

Saturated and monosaturated fats are foods constituted of butter, avocado, macadamia nuts, tuna/fish, and shellfish.

Similarly, you need to be stocking up on Omega 3’s. Omega 3 is a nutrient that is necessary in creating the right diet. Usually fish carry many Omega 3’s that you need. If you aren’t a big fan of fish, try going to a local supplement store. Omega 3 supplements can be bought in capsule form if you are not a fan of fish. It will help give your body what it needs for a balanced diet.

You also need to avoid hydrogenated fats. In hydrogenated fats, you’ll have oils like vegetable oil–this is bad. If you need to use oil, try using coconut oil or spray the pan lightly rather than saturating your food. The less oil you use, the more good fatty elements you can get from it.

See also 13 Best Foods to Eat When You Have a Cold

While organic and grass-fed sources are preferred, here are some great options for building fatty and oil intakes in your ketogenic diet.

  • Beef tallow
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Chicken fat
  • Avocado


Proteins are also essential to a ketogenic diet. While proteins should take significantly less space in your diet than fats and oils, you need proteins to be able to create enough energy.

Protein will cause you to be less hungry. It will also increase energy and motivational levels, a reoccurring symptoms of creation of ketones through ketosis.

When going for proteins, looking for grass-fed or organic options is a healthier choice. You should also look for products like free-range eggs. These options are both better for the animal and for your health.

Options for protein:

  • Fish
  • Red Meat
  • Poultry
  • Pork
  • Whole Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Shellfish

Fish are a great source of protein. If you catch the fish yourself or visit a local fish market, you are likely to get even more benefits due to the natural nature of the fish.


While many people aren’t a fan of the green and mushy, veggies are an essential source to your diet. Grown right from the earth, they provide many nutrients that proteins and fatty acids cannot. For healthy vegetables, look for veggies that are grown mostly above ground; Leafy greens are best. You should also be looking for organic vegetables that are grown without pesticides.

If you’d like to try for an added bonus, try growing your own fresh vegetables from home. By growing your own veggies, you’ll know exactly where they came from, what has been used to grow them, and where and how they’ve been grown.

While veggies are very healthy, be careful to watch for vegetables that are high in sugar. the best type of veggies for a ketogenic diet are those that are dark and leafy.

Also, keep in mind that a diet with low carbohydrates cannot allow for plentiful intake of nutrient-rich veggies. However, your carb intake will be high enough that you can include copious amounts of nutrient (including potassium) rich vegetables to offer the body sufficient nutrition.

See also 11 Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

Veggies that you can get the most nutrients from include kale and spinach, among others:

  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Avocado
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Mushrooms
  • Romaine Lettuce (note Iceberg lettuce does not have the nutritional value needed)

Read Next:30 Delicious Low Carb Vegetables ( and Yummy Recipes )

Dairy Products

Dairy products can also be a source of protein and a source of Vitamin D. However, dairy should be raw and purchased in full fat, not in low fat.

Here are some options:

  • Heavy whipping cream
  • Cheeses (both hard and soft)
  • Sour Cream

While dairy products should not be taking up very much of your ketogenic diet at all, they certainly should be a part of your nutritional need. Therefore, it’s important to stock up on nutrients from dairy now and then.

Seeds and Nuts

Nuts can be a great source of protein and nutrients. They are excellent to snack on and will curb cravings. For ultimate nutritional value, nuts are best when roasted. When roasted, the nut becomes free of all pesticides and things that are anti-nutritional while being grown. This gives the nut as most nutritional value as can possibly be obtained.

However, be careful to avoid peanuts. Peanuts are considered a legume which is not an often a recommended option for those on a ketogenic diet. If you are on a ketogenic diet for medical reasons, check with your doctor before opting for a choice of peanuts.

You should also look for nuts that are unsalted. Often times, sunflower seeds and cashews will already come pre- salted. Check the box or container to be sure that you are only getting the nut–not processed sodium with it.

What nuts and seeds should you eat? Here is a comprehensive list:

  • Macadamias
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Pistachio
  • Seed flours
  • Sunflower seeds

Remember that nuts are very high in Omega-6 fatty acids, so you’ll want to limit your intake. If consuming nuts every day, more than a handful will not be beneficial to your diet. However, eating and baking done in moderation will give you many nutrients that will provide you with protein and Omega-6’s.


If you are not familiar with ketosis or the ketogenic diet, know that one of the most popular symptoms that occurs almost instantly is dehydration. A ketogenic diet has a natural diuretic effect. While symptoms of dehydration will lessen over time, it should be noted that beverages will become an important element in your diet.

See also Keto Breadsticks

While on a ketogenic diet, always keep a bottle of water with you. Whether you are at work, at the gym, going to class, or meeting family members, bring hydration. It may help to invest in a nice water bottle. A water bottle with a preferable pattern or cooling system may help you to hydrate more often.

If you’ve had urinary infections or problems or bladder infections in the past, you will need to be more aware than others on a ketogenic diet. because of previous health conditions, you will want to drink twice the amount of what you believe you need. Water is the best beverage to keep hydrated. It’s natural, free of any anti-nutrients, and benefits your body in every way that it needs to. In order to meet dehydration needs, drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Remember that our bodies are 2/3rd made up of water. It’s an essential element. However, keep in mind that too much water can also cause detrimental health effects like water poisoning. Check with your medical professional to know how much water you should be in taking for your ketogenic needs and bodily weight.

Other beverages you can try include:

  • Coffee
  • Herbal teas
  • Flavor packets

If you get tired of regular water, you can try flavor packets like crystal lite. Yet, be careful because these flavor packets often contain carbohydrates which is detrimental to a ketogenic diet.


A ketogenic diet doesn’t need to be painful. In fact, it can be beneficial to your lifestyle if done properly. In many cases, a ketogenic diet will give you all of the nutrients that you need and then some. Be sure to follow this comprehensive list if you are on a ketogenic diet to be sure that you receive all of the proper nutrients you need while in ketosis.

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what are your favorite ketogenic diet foods? Leave a comment below!

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Ketogenic Diet Food List [What to Eat on The Keto Diet] (1)

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46 Responses

  1. I will like to try the keto diet however I am lactose intolerant and can’t have dairy. How do I supplement that part of the diet.


  2. I want to lose weight in a month’s time as i want to attend my bestie’s wedding.. The dietitian suggested me to try keto diet for a month. But while i was surfing i came across a blog from everydayhealth that stated that that there are also risks involved in it -
    Please let me know if any of you have tried this kind of diet before?
    And what are the results?


    1. I have lost 40 lbs in 4 months


    2. I lost 41 lbs in 41 days so far.


      1. i have lost 42 lbs in 42 days, beat that


  3. Really want to do this with my son; however he hates eggs, and many of the sample breakfasts have eggs. Any suggestions so that he’s not eating yogurt and strawberries every morning? Thanks!


    1. Here are some breakfast options that aren’t eggs:


  4. I found very useful information in this article. I follow some Keto foods and the results are unbelievable. Thank you for sharing such a great information.


  5. PS sorry forgot to ask about yogurt….I do love my breakfast yogurt…..


  6. I was wondering about fresh fruits…I do have blueberries, raspberries etc and cream but was wondering if Oranges, green apples, or grapes would be OK…I do miss not eating them…


    1. I think those might be high in sugar :(


  7. Can you tell me is like the tuna pouch two boiled eggs n 1 cup of green vegetables with two chicken legs considered under 20 carbs a day. I work long hours n want to do something easy n quick with cooking. Thanks in advance for your help.


    1. About beberages…. theres BOLERO that gives flavour to the water and has no carbs.


  8. I have to avoid the lactose laden foods even though I love them but my system can’t handle it anymore.

    I eat a banana daily… and sometimes sweet potatoes plain or with cinnamon, flax seeds and coconut oil would this throw off the ketosis state?

    How long would one need to be on a ketogenic diet?

    I do avoid white processed sugars etc…



    1. Bananas have as much sugar in them as a Snickers bar (medium banana = 27g of carbs)and sweet potatoes are full of sugar as well so no you can’t eat that and stay in ketosis. You only get 50g of carbs a day, preferably no more than 20-30g. As far as how long you need to be on the diet, that’s up to you. As soon as you go back to your old eating habits (eating carbs) you will gain weight back since you will no longer be in ketosis and burning fat, but burning glucose again.


  9. I’m new just wondering how much of any item is recommended there are no measurements on some of the recipes. I would like to do in right. Thanks


    1. This may help:


  10. Am new to keto diet so pleased to have such a lot of info at one hit will keep you posted how I do


  11. Im just trying to detoxify from the last 20+ yrs of vaccines. I have crohns & have a hard time chosing what my body will tolerate..1 thing is fruit n veggies plus wild game (moose, dead, salmon etc)..Ive lost 250lbs in last few yrs so I dont need to lose weight..just detox. Can I still follow this vut have some fruits still?
    Thks 4 Ur time.


    1. Have you looked in to Isagenix? Sounds perfect for you.


  12. Organic vegetables are grown with pesticides. Please stop perpetuating this myth. In FACT many organic pesticides used are derived from organic and poorly understood sources, which have shown to have cancer risks. ALWAYS wash your vegetables, especially organic ones.


    1. Duh! I would think we have common sense enough to know all fruits & veggies need to be washed before preparing them at home; even if they are “prewashed”


  13. I’m new to dis ketosis diet pls help with Wat not to eat Nd Wat to eat


  14. what can you use to substitute fish, tuna, salmon or any other sea food if you do not eat sea food?


    1. Fish oil supplements or omega 3 supplements


    2. Chicken or other protein;


  15. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong! I haven’t lost any weight in a month! I’ve been eating fats and protein. I’m not sure if I’m eating too much cheese and almond butter.


    1. Same for me!


      1. You should not be eating cheese on keto


        1. Cheese is on the list (hard and soft)! I’ve seen it only other keto lists as well.


    2. Don’t forget you still have to burn more calories than you eat in order to lose weight. Download the “lose it” app and start tracking your calories.


    3. You have to consider the IF also intermittent fasting to allow the fats burn . Keto diet + IF


  16. Is there any type of pasta at all? Whole wheat, or whole grain?


    1. Costco has noodles made from edamame!


      1. Edamame are considered a legume, like peanuts, which is not recommended in a keto diet.


        1. Miricle Noodles, walmart carries them or amazon. No carbs, no calories. Very filling.


  17. Why is peanut butter allowed but not peanuts?


    1. Because it has sugar and other added stuff usually. If you can find 100% natural peanut butter I think that’s fine.


      1. Peanut butter is allowed? It’s full of carbs!!! I am going to stick with the “Keto” I know that works! Avoid: Bread, Potatoes ( white & sweet), rice , pasta, beans, flour, sugar, beans. No soda, cakes, cookies , chips, processed foods ( hotdogs, turkey bacon, popcorn,), diet soda, grits, oatmeal… EAT: Lean meats, fish ( seafood), veggies ( no corn or potatoes)& drink-drink-drink water!!! BTW; lemon & lime are only allowed fruit because they don’t have sugar; use for flavor. Also, mayo & mustard is ok, but no ketchup due to sugar!


  18. Hi,

    We were wondering if we can eat as much as we want off the Keto list, or is it just a certain amount allowed?


    1. That’s a very good question! I need that answer too! Please!


      1. You can use this link to enter your weight, height, gender etc and it will give you an estimate of how much you should eat for each food group (carbs, protein, fat) and the calories you should consume to get results.


  19. under vegetables you don’t mention any? you have dairy info…is that a typo?


    1. Thanks, Sue. I’ve corrected that


  20. I am new to keto diet and I do love fruits, we are in perfect season for fruits and veggies. Can I have any fruits without limits on keto diet?


    1. Anna, Fruit is off the list because of the high sugar it contains.


Ketogenic Diet Food List [What to Eat on The Keto Diet] (2024)


Ketogenic Diet Food List [What to Eat on The Keto Diet]? ›

The main foods you will eat on a ketogenic diet include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, oils, cream, avocado and nuts. You may have some low carbohydrate vegetables, such as lettuce and cucumbers.

What foods to eat on a keto diet list? ›

Foods you can eat on the keto diet include fish and seafood, meat and poultry, non-starchy vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, and zucchini, avocados, berries, nuts and seeds, eggs, high-fat dairy products, olive oil and other oils, and high-cocoa chocolate.

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1–3. Animal proteins
  1. Seafood. Fish and shellfish are very keto-friendly. Salmon and other fish are not only nearly carb-free but also rich in B vitamins, potassium, and selenium ( 9 ). ...
  2. Meat and poultry. Meat and poultry are considered staple foods on the keto diet. ...
  3. Eggs. Eggs are an extremely healthy protein source.

What are the food portions for keto diet? ›

"With a keto diet, the breakdown is approximately 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein and 5 percent carbohydrates." For example, a woman who weighs 150 pounds and is moderately active is recommended to eat 25 grams of carbs (think one medium sized apple!), 86 grams of protein (a little over three 3 oz chicken breasts) ...

Can you eat peanut butter on keto? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

What fruit can I eat on keto? ›

Keto fruits by definition are low in carbohydrates. You still need to exercise portion control with most keto-friendly fruits to be within the limits of a keto diet. Keto-friendly fruits include avocados, watermelon, strawberries, lemons, tomatoes, raspberries, peaches, cantaloupe, star fruit, and blackberries.

What meat is keto-friendly? ›

Nearly all minimally processed meats are good sources of keto-friendly protein, including beef, chicken, fish, shellfish, pork, turkey, bison, and lamb. A 100-gram serving of these meats typically contains 17-21 grams of protein. Fattier cuts, like bacon and sausage, are lower in protein than leaner cuts.

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Plenty of low-carb vegetable options include arugula, asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, mushrooms, spinach, and tomatoes. Those vegetables provide other benefits like reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases, containing antioxidants, and providing filling fiber.

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We'll also share some great low-carb egg-based keto recipes. Eggs are keto-friendly and safe to eat when you're on the ketogenic diet. Eggs are low in carbs while containing high amounts of protein and healthy fats. You can have 6 to 7 eggs every day while on the keto diet.

What food has fat but no carbs? ›

Like most food items on this list, quality is important for no-carb fats and no-carb oils.
  • Butter.
  • Olive Oil.
  • Coconut Oil.
  • Canola Oil.
  • Avocado Oil.
  • Lard.
  • Suet.
  • Tallow.
Nov 13, 2021

What to do when hungry on keto? ›

Make sure you are eating enough fat. Being much more energy-dense than carbohydrates, fats are also more satiating. They will also ensure that you stay in ketosis. Increase the size of your meals with nutrient-dense foods.

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There are so many people who have heard some positive outcomes taking 9 meals a day while some prefer three-five simple meals. Still, others have been successful with three meals a day.

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Net carbs are calculated by taking the total grams of carbohydrate in a food and subtracting the amount of fiber. In this case, popcorn contains 6 grams of carbs per 1 cup serving and 1.2 grams of fiber, bringing the net carbs per serving to 4.8 grams. Yes friends, popcorn is indeed a keto food.

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“Done correctly, a healthy keto diet will consist of lots of well-raised animal proteins (like grass-fed beef, pastured chicken and wild-caught seafood), healthy fats (including avocados, extra virgin olive oil, nuts/seeds, olives, coconuts, etc) and non-starchy vegetables for fiber and micronutrients,” Presicci says.

What are the main foods to avoid on a keto diet? ›

When following the diet, avoid high carb foods like dried fruits, refined carbs, sweet sauces, and reduced fat diet foods. These can provide too many carbs or not enough fat and inhibit ketosis. Also, limit your portions of healthy, higher carb fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Is popcorn keto-friendly? ›

Net carbs are calculated by taking the total grams of carbohydrate in a food and subtracting the amount of fiber. In this case, popcorn contains 6 grams of carbs per 1 cup serving and 1.2 grams of fiber, bringing the net carbs per serving to 4.8 grams. Yes friends, popcorn is indeed a keto food.

Can you eat bananas on keto? ›

Bananas may be great for muscle recovery, reducing bloat, and calming an upset stomach, but they're on the list of foods you can't eat on the keto diet. With 25g of carbs per 100g serving, bananas are too high in carbs.

What protein can you have on keto? ›

6 Top Protein Sources for a Clean Keto Diet
  • Beef. Choosing high-protein animal products like beef might be smart if building muscle is your goal. ...
  • Eggs. “Eggs are a perfect protein source for a keto diet because they are complete, easily accessible, and versatile,” says Sabat. ...
  • Fatty Fish. ...
  • Nuts and Seeds. ...
  • Tofu. ...
  • Turkey.
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