Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (2024)

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Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (1)

Legal Aspects of Bankruptcy and Insolvency:

Debt Restructuring and Liquidation



Bankruptcy and insolvency are difficult yet inevitable realities in business

cycles. By providing options to address debt distress, laws aim to balance

creditor recovery with second chances for businesses and individual debtors.

Major jurisdictions have comprehensive frameworks governing procedures

for company liquidation or negotiated debt restructuring under creditor/court

supervision. This paper analyzes key legal aspects of bankruptcy and

insolvency in major economies like the US, UK, and India. It examines

regimes and procedures for both liquidating non-viable entities and

restructuring viable ones through negotiation. The debates around regulation

to minimize systemic impacts while maximizing recoveries for equitable

outcomes are also discussed.

Definition and Scope of Bankruptcy Laws

Bankruptcy refers to formal legal proceedings initiated when an individual or

incorporated entity is unable to repay outstanding debts owed to creditors.

Insolvency indicates a situation where liabilities exceed assets, rendering the

debtor balance-sheet insolvent.

Most jurisdictions have separate laws for individual vs. corporate

bankruptcies. Personal bankruptcy laws discharge eligible individual debtors

from unpaid debts, providing a ‘fresh start’. Corporate insolvency

frameworks aim to maximize value from winding up non-viable businesses

while reviving viable distressed entities through debt restructuring under

creditor/court guidance.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (2)

Bankruptcy codes typically govern processes like initiation of proceedings,

moratorium on creditor actions, appointment of nominee officers,

admission/verification of creditor claims, business asset valuation and

realization, distribution of proceeds to creditors, discharge or liquidation

order. Insolvency laws also regulate out-of-court workouts and negotiated

debt settlements to avoid costly formal processes where possible.

Liquidation vs. Restructuring Options

When negotiations between a distressed debtor and creditors fail to resolve

debt distress, formal legal/ adjudicatory mechanisms step in. Two broad

resolution avenues then emerge:

Liquidation: It involves winding up business operations and converting

remaining assets into cash through sale/auction to settle creditor dues in

order of priority fixed by law. Any surplus funds after settlements revert to

business owners.

Restructuring: It aims to save debtor firms as going concerns through

reorganized capital structures involving sacrifice/ waivers by creditors. Debt

haircuts, repayment rescheduling, equity conversion etc. are negotiated to

generate sustainable operations with credible repayment capacities.

Restructuring balances preservation of business value with creditor recovery


As recovery prospects and creditor interests vary case to case, most regimes

offer flexible ‘rescue’ options including reorganization, schemes of

arrangement or compromise. The law’s overarching purpose influences

leaning toward one path or balancing both based on viability assessment in

each case.

Major Insolvency Regimes

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (3)

The US Bankruptcy Code provides three main avenues for companies—

Chapter 7 for liquidations, Chapter 11 for business reorganizations and

Chapter 13 geared toward individual debt adjustment plans. Chapter 11

reorganizations dominated historically given flexibility. Since 2005, a

comprehensive UK Insolvency Act governs both individual and corporate

insolvency with bespoke rehabilitation procedures like

administration/Company Voluntary Arrangements.

In India, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 established time-bound,

market-linked resolution systems. The Corporate Insolvency Resolution

Process provides 180/270 days for debt restructuring/liquidation applications

before Adjudicating Authorities and Insolvency Professionals. Liquidation

commences if resolution plans fail to garner requisite creditor/court

approvals within these timeframes.

Overall, major laws share common goals but employ tailored approaches

factoring jurisdictional contexts determining efficient recoveries via

consensual negotiations or mandatory decrees. Debtor-creditor relations

based on utmost good faith and minimum interference into commercial

decisions remain fundamental principles despite nuanced differences in

models and procedures.

Liquidation Process

Most legal frameworks envision liquidation as a last resort, reserving it for

non-viable businesses where turnaround proves unfeasible within given

timeframes. Key steps typically entail:

- Filing of liquidation petition and admission by adjudicating authority,

superseding management control.

- Appointment of an insolvency professional as liquidator to take custody

of assets and admit creditor claims.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (4)

- Valuation of business assets through independent agencies and public

sale via e-auctions or sealed tenders.

- Realization of sale proceeds and distribution to creditors as per

statutory ranking—taxes first, workmen next, secured lenders.

- Settling balance claims from available funds through pro-rata

distribution if insufficient assets exist.

- Striking off company names from register post settlement conclusion.

- Ongoing powers for liquidator in relation to fraudulent transactions,

contributories’ liability etc.

- Mandatory reporting/disclosure requirements for transparent processes

and regulatory oversight.

While maximizing value, liquidation frameworks balance speedy resolution

with principles of utmost transparency, equality and creditor rights. Their

deterrent effect aims at rehabilitation incentive for economically viable

debtors through negotiated settlements where possible.

Debt Restructuring Process

Restructuring addresses debt distress early via cooperation between debtors

and key lenders/creditors for consensual revival while preserving going-

concern benefits. Common steps include:

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (5)

- Initiation of proceedings by debtor or creditors involving a moratorium

on creditor actions.

- Appointment of a Resolution Professional to manage operations and

coordinate negotiations.

- Convening of Committee of Creditors representing various

secured/unsecured financiers.

- Submission of viability assessment and repayment projections by


- Inviting, evaluating and negotiating resolution proposals involving

haircuts, equity conversion, extension in tenure etc.

- Approval of winning plan by specified creditor majority for

implementation under court supervision.

- Cramdown of dissenting creditors if approved plan is fair and equitable.

- Supervisory role of courts/authorities to ensure integrity and


Principal aims involve averting liquidation destruction of value through

composition/arrangement where majority creditors recognize revival in their

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (6)

interest. Time-bound processes aim to limit uncertainty while balancing

creditor recovery maximization.

Challenges in Insolvency Laws

While bankruptcy laws evolve to address resolution complexities, certain

challenges persist:

- Information asymmetry between debtors/creditors affecting viability

assessments and resolution negotiations.

- Valuing intangible business assets precisely in formal liquidation sales.

- Coordinating diverse interests among various creditors classes toward

consensus when their interests may conflict.

- Preventing side deals distorting deliberations and resulting in unequal

treatment of similar creditors.

- Addressing cross-border insolvencies involving multi-jurisdictional

assets/claims through improved international cooperation.

- Ensuring integrity of processes and mitigating related disputes through

capacitated and regulated professionals.

- Striking optimal balance between speed of resolution and procedural

fairness to participants.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (7)

- Coherently addressing specialized insolvency situations like corporates

in clusters and financial sector bankruptcies.

- Curtailing strategic defaults and preventing erosion of credit Culture

through right incentivization and judicious use of penalties.

Constant reforms guided by judicial precedents and comprehensive reviews

aim to strengthen frameworks to effectively handle such realities and


Debate around Legal Approaches

While consensus exists around core insolvency law functions, certain aspects

attract debate:

- Mandatory vs. voluntary approaches for initiating proceedings. Uniform

rules ensure timeliness but flexibility risks undermining negotiated


- Prescriptive laws vs. judicial discretion balancing precedence and rule-

bound justice delivery. But discretion needs calibrated to prevent


- Adversarial litigation vs. coordinated negotiations minimizing disputes

within regulated timelines. But coercive elements may still be needed

to align differing interests.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (8)

- Creditor rights vs. debtor protections, especially small firms. Laws

balance timely, equitable recoveries for all through calibrated

approaches varying by firm size and type.

- Ring-fencing domestic policies from global capital flows given

interconnected economies. But parochial ring-fencing also reduces

capital access risking inefficiencies.

- Prioritizing fresh start for eligible debtors vs. creditor recoveries. Laws

balance between relieving over-indebtedness through discharge while

upholding credit discipline.

Overall, imperfect regulations remain preferable to inaction as business

conditions evolve. Continuous learning and adaptations ensure frameworks

strengthen transparency and efficiency to the mutual benefit of all



In conclusion, comprehensive insolvency regimes play a crucial role in

facilitating orderly debt resolution, minimizing contagion risks and sustaining

credit flows in a manner balancing competing interests equitably. While

liquidation processes maximize recoveries for non-viable firms’ creditors,

rehabilitation avenues incentivize negotiated settlements to save viable

enterprises and jobs. Continuous innovations guided by empirical evidence

help address shortcomings through calibrated, principled approaches

factoring diverse stakeholder needs. As cross-border inter-connections

increase, ongoing international coordination remains imperative. Overall,

insolvency laws remain work-in-progress given dynamic real world

complexities, necessitating periodic reviews and consensus-based

improvements for equitable, growth-oriented outcomes.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (9)

Bankruptcy and insolvency are difficult yet inevitable realities in business

cycles. By providing options to address debt distress, laws aim to balance

creditor recovery with second chances for businesses and individual debtors.

Major jurisdictions have comprehensive frameworks governing procedures

for company liquidation or negotiated debt restructuring under creditor/court

supervision. This paper analyzes key legal aspects of bankruptcy and

insolvency in major economies like the US, UK, and India. It examines

regimes and procedures for both liquidating non-viable entities and

restructuring viable ones through negotiation. The debates around regulation

to minimize systemic impacts while maximizing recoveries for equitable

outcomes are also discussed.

Definition and Scope of Bankruptcy Laws

Bankruptcy refers to formal legal proceedings initiated when an individual or

incorporated entity is unable to repay outstanding debts owed to creditors.

Insolvency indicates a situation where liabilities exceed assets, rendering the

debtor balance-sheet insolvent.

Most jurisdictions have separate laws for individual vs. corporate

bankruptcies. Personal bankruptcy laws discharge eligible individual debtors

from unpaid debts, providing a ‘fresh start’. Corporate insolvency

frameworks aim to maximize value from winding up non-viable businesses

while reviving viable distressed entities through debt restructuring under

creditor/court guidance.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (10)

Bankruptcy codes typically govern processes like initiation of proceedings,

moratorium on creditor actions, appointment of nominee officers,

admission/verification of creditor claims, business asset valuation and

realization, distribution of proceeds to creditors, discharge or liquidation

order. Insolvency laws also regulate out-of-court workouts and negotiated

debt settlements to avoid costly formal processes where possible.

Liquidation vs. Restructuring Options

When negotiations between a distressed debtor and creditors fail to resolve

debt distress, formal legal/ adjudicatory mechanisms step in. Two broad

resolution avenues then emerge:

Liquidation: It involves winding up business operations and converting

remaining assets into cash through sale/auction to settle creditor dues in

order of priority fixed by law. Any surplus funds after settlements revert to

business owners.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (11)

Restructuring: It aims to save debtor firms as going concerns through

reorganized capital structures involving sacrifice/ waivers by creditors. Debt

haircuts, repayment rescheduling, equity conversion etc. are negotiated to

generate sustainable operations with credible repayment capacities.

Restructuring balances preservation of business value with creditor recovery


As recovery prospects and creditor interests vary case to case, most regimes

offer flexible ‘rescue’ options including reorganization, schemes of

arrangement or compromise. The law’s overarching purpose influences

leaning toward one path or balancing both based on viability assessment in

each case.

Major Insolvency Regimes

The US Bankruptcy Code provides three main avenues for companies—

Chapter 7 for liquidations, Chapter 11 for business reorganizations and

Chapter 13 geared toward individual debt adjustment plans. Chapter 11

reorganizations dominated historically given flexibility. Since 2005, a

comprehensive UK Insolvency Act governs both individual and corporate

insolvency with bespoke rehabilitation procedures like

administration/Company Voluntary Arrangements.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (12)

In India, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 established time-bound,

market-linked resolution systems. The Corporate Insolvency Resolution

Process provides 180/270 days for debt restructuring/liquidation applications

before Adjudicating Authorities and Insolvency Professionals. Liquidation

commences if resolution plans fail to garner requisite creditor/court

approvals within these timeframes.

Overall, major laws share common goals but employ tailored approaches

factoring jurisdictional contexts determining efficient recoveries via

consensual negotiations or mandatory decrees. Debtor-creditor relations

based on utmost good faith and minimum interference into commercial

decisions remain fundamental principles despite nuanced differences in

models and procedures.

Liquidation Process

Most legal frameworks envision liquidation as a last resort, reserving it for

non-viable businesses where turnaround proves unfeasible within given

timeframes. Key steps typically entail:

- Filing of liquidation petition and admission by adjudicating authority,

superseding management control.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (13)

- Appointment of an insolvency professional as liquidator to take custody

of assets and admit creditor claims.

- Valuation of business assets through independent agencies and public

sale via e-auctions or sealed tenders.

- Realization of sale proceeds and distribution to creditors as per

statutory ranking—taxes first, workmen next, secured lenders.

- Settling balance claims from available funds through pro-rata

distribution if insufficient assets exist.

- Striking off company names from register post settlement conclusion.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (14)

- Ongoing powers for liquidator in relation to fraudulent transactions,

contributories’ liability etc.

- Mandatory reporting/disclosure requirements for transparent processes

and regulatory oversight.

While maximizing value, liquidation frameworks balance speedy resolution

with principles of utmost transparency, equality and creditor rights. Their

deterrent effect aims at rehabilitation incentive for economically viable

debtors through negotiated settlements where possible.

Debt Restructuring Process

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (15)

Restructuring addresses debt distress early via cooperation between debtors

and key lenders/creditors for consensual revival while preserving going-

concern benefits. Common steps include:

- Initiation of proceedings by debtor or creditors involving a moratorium

on creditor actions.

- Appointment of a Resolution Professional to manage operations and

coordinate negotiations.

- Convening of Committee of Creditors representing various

secured/unsecured financiers.

- Submission of viability assessment and repayment projections by


Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (16)

- Inviting, evaluating and negotiating resolution proposals involving

haircuts, equity conversion, extension in tenure etc.

- Approval of winning plan by specified creditor majority for

implementation under court supervision.

- Cramdown of dissenting creditors if approved plan is fair and equitable.

- Supervisory role of courts/authorities to ensure integrity and


Principal aims involve averting liquidation destruction of value through

composition/arrangement where majority creditors recognize revival in their

interest. Time-bound processes aim to limit uncertainty while balancing

creditor recovery maximization.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (17)

Challenges in Insolvency Laws

While bankruptcy laws evolve to address resolution complexities, certain

challenges persist:

- Information asymmetry between debtors/creditors affecting viability

assessments and resolution negotiations.

- Valuing intangible business assets precisely in formal liquidation sales.

- Coordinating diverse interests among various creditors classes toward

consensus when their interests may conflict.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (18)

- Preventing side deals distorting deliberations and resulting in unequal

treatment of similar creditors.

- Addressing cross-border insolvencies involving multi-jurisdictional

assets/claims through improved international cooperation.

- Ensuring integrity of processes and mitigating related disputes through

capacitated and regulated professionals.

- Striking optimal balance between speed of resolution and procedural

fairness to participants.

- Coherently addressing specialized insolvency situations like corporates

in clusters and financial sector bankruptcies.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (19)

- Curtailing strategic defaults and preventing erosion of credit Culture

through right incentivization and judicious use of penalties.

Constant reforms guided by judicial precedents and comprehensive reviews

aim to strengthen frameworks to effectively handle such realities and


Debate around Legal Approaches

While consensus exists around core insolvency law functions, certain aspects

attract debate:

- Mandatory vs. voluntary approaches for initiating proceedings. Uniform

rules ensure timeliness but flexibility risks undermining negotiated


Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (20)

- Prescriptive laws vs. judicial discretion balancing precedence and rule-

bound justice delivery. But discretion needs calibrated to prevent


- Adversarial litigation vs. coordinated negotiations minimizing disputes

within regulated timelines. But coercive elements may still be needed

to align differing interests.

- Creditor rights vs. debtor protections, especially small firms. Laws

balance timely, equitable recoveries for all through calibrated

approaches varying by firm size and type.

- Ring-fencing domestic policies from global capital flows given

interconnected economies. But parochial ring-fencing also reduces

capital access risking inefficiencies.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (21)

- Prioritizing fresh start for eligible debtors vs. creditor recoveries. Laws

balance between relieving over-indebtedness through discharge while

upholding credit discipline.

Overall, imperfect regulations remain preferable to inaction as business

conditions evolve. Continuous learning and adaptations ensure frameworks

strengthen transparency and efficiency to the mutual benefit of all



In conclusion, comprehensive insolvency regimes play a crucial role in

facilitating orderly debt resolution, minimizing contagion risks and sustaining

credit flows in a manner balancing competing interests equitably. While

liquidation processes maximize recoveries for non-viable firms’ creditors,

rehabilitation avenues incentivize negotiated settlements to save viable

enterprises and jobs. Continuous innovations guided by empirical evidence

help address shortcomings through calibrated, principled approaches

factoring diverse stakeholder needs. As cross-border inter-connections

increase, ongoing international coordination remains imperative. Overall,

insolvency laws remain work-in-progress given dynamic real world

complexities, necessitating periodic reviews and consensus-based

improvements for equitable, growth-oriented outcomes.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (22)

Bankruptcy and insolvency are difficult yet inevitable realities in business

cycles. By providing options to address debt distress, laws aim to balance

creditor recovery with second chances for businesses and individual debtors.

Major jurisdictions have comprehensive frameworks governing procedures

for company liquidation or negotiated debt restructuring under creditor/court

supervision. This paper analyzes key legal aspects of bankruptcy and

insolvency in major economies like the US, UK, and India. It examines

regimes and procedures for both liquidating non-viable entities and

restructuring viable ones through negotiation. The debates around regulation

to minimize systemic impacts while maximizing recoveries for equitable

outcomes are also discussed.

Definition and Scope of Bankruptcy Laws

Bankruptcy refers to formal legal proceedings initiated when an individual or

incorporated entity is unable to repay outstanding debts owed to creditors.

Insolvency indicates a situation where liabilities exceed assets, rendering the

debtor balance-sheet insolvent.

Most jurisdictions have separate laws for individual vs. corporate

bankruptcies. Personal bankruptcy laws discharge eligible individual debtors

from unpaid debts, providing a ‘fresh start’. Corporate insolvency

frameworks aim to maximize value from winding up non-viable businesses

while reviving viable distressed entities through debt restructuring under

creditor/court guidance.

Bankruptcy codes typically govern processes like initiation of proceedings,

moratorium on creditor actions, appointment of nominee officers,

admission/verification of creditor claims, business asset valuation and

realization, distribution of proceeds to creditors, discharge or liquidation

order. Insolvency laws also regulate out-of-court workouts and negotiated

debt settlements to avoid costly formal processes where possible.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (23)

Liquidation vs. Restructuring Options

When negotiations between a distressed debtor and creditors fail to resolve

debt distress, formal legal/ adjudicatory mechanisms step in. Two broad

resolution avenues then emerge:

Liquidation: It involves winding up business operations and converting

remaining assets into cash through sale/auction to settle creditor dues in

order of priority fixed by law. Any surplus funds after settlements revert to

business owners.

Restructuring: It aims to save debtor firms as going concerns through

reorganized capital structures involving sacrifice/ waivers by creditors. Debt

haircuts, repayment rescheduling, equity conversion etc. are negotiated to

generate sustainable operations with credible repayment capacities.

Restructuring balances preservation of business value with creditor recovery


As recovery prospects and creditor interests vary case to case, most regimes

offer flexible ‘rescue’ options including reorganization, schemes of

arrangement or compromise. The law’s overarching purpose influences

leaning toward one path or balancing both based on viability assessment in

each case.

Major Insolvency Regimes

The US Bankruptcy Code provides three main avenues for companies—

Chapter 7 for liquidations, Chapter 11 for business reorganizations and

Chapter 13 geared toward individual debt adjustment plans. Chapter 11

reorganizations dominated historically given flexibility. Since 2005, a

comprehensive UK Insolvency Act governs both individual and corporate

insolvency with bespoke rehabilitation procedures like

administration/Company Voluntary Arrangements.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (24)

In India, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 established time-bound,

market-linked resolution systems. The Corporate Insolvency Resolution

Process provides 180/270 days for debt restructuring/liquidation applications

before Adjudicating Authorities and Insolvency Professionals. Liquidation

commences if resolution plans fail to garner requisite creditor/court

approvals within these timeframes.

Overall, major laws share common goals but employ tailored approaches

factoring jurisdictional contexts determining efficient recoveries via

consensual negotiations or mandatory decrees. Debtor-creditor relations

based on utmost good faith and minimum interference into commercial

decisions remain fundamental principles despite nuanced differences in

models and procedures.

Liquidation Process

Most legal frameworks envision liquidation as a last resort, reserving it for

non-viable businesses where turnaround proves unfeasible within given

timeframes. Key steps typically entail:

- Filing of liquidation petition and admission by adjudicating authority,

superseding management control.

- Appointment of an insolvency professional as liquidator to take custody

of assets and admit creditor claims.

- Valuation of business assets through independent agencies and public

sale via e-auctions or sealed tenders.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (25)

- Realization of sale proceeds and distribution to creditors as per

statutory ranking—taxes first, workmen next, secured lenders.

- Settling balance claims from available funds through pro-rata

distribution if insufficient assets exist.

- Striking off company names from register post settlement conclusion.

- Ongoing powers for liquidator in relation to fraudulent transactions,

contributories’ liability etc.

- Mandatory reporting/disclosure requirements for transparent processes

and regulatory oversight.

While maximizing value, liquidation frameworks balance speedy resolution

with principles of utmost transparency, equality and creditor rights. Their

deterrent effect aims at rehabilitation incentive for economically viable

debtors through negotiated settlements where possible.

Debt Restructuring Process

Restructuring addresses debt distress early via cooperation between debtors

and key lenders/creditors for consensual revival while preserving going-

concern benefits. Common steps include:

- Initiation of proceedings by debtor or creditors involving a moratorium

on creditor actions.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (26)

- Appointment of a Resolution Professional to manage operations and

coordinate negotiations.

- Convening of Committee of Creditors representing various

secured/unsecured financiers.

- Submission of viability assessment and repayment projections by


- Inviting, evaluating and negotiating resolution proposals involving

haircuts, equity conversion, extension in tenure etc.

- Approval of winning plan by specified creditor majority for

implementation under court supervision.

- Cramdown of dissenting creditors if approved plan is fair and equitable.

- Supervisory role of courts/authorities to ensure integrity and


Principal aims involve averting liquidation destruction of value through

composition/arrangement where majority creditors recognize revival in their

interest. Time-bound processes aim to limit uncertainty while balancing

creditor recovery maximization.

Challenges in Insolvency Laws

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (27)

While bankruptcy laws evolve to address resolution complexities, certain

challenges persist:

- Information asymmetry between debtors/creditors affecting viability

assessments and resolution negotiations.

- Valuing intangible business assets precisely in formal liquidation sales.

- Coordinating diverse interests among various creditors classes toward

consensus when their interests may conflict.

- Preventing side deals distorting deliberations and resulting in unequal

treatment of similar creditors.

- Addressing cross-border insolvencies involving multi-jurisdictional

assets/claims through improved international cooperation.

- Ensuring integrity of processes and mitigating related disputes through

capacitated and regulated professionals.

- Striking optimal balance between speed of resolution and procedural

fairness to participants.

- Coherently addressing specialized insolvency situations like corporates

in clusters and financial sector bankruptcies.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (28)

- Curtailing strategic defaults and preventing erosion of credit Culture

through right incentivization and judicious use of penalties.

Constant reforms guided by judicial precedents and comprehensive reviews

aim to strengthen frameworks to effectively handle such realities and


Debate around Legal Approaches

While consensus exists around core insolvency law functions, certain aspects

attract debate:

- Mandatory vs. voluntary approaches for initiating proceedings. Uniform

rules ensure timeliness but flexibility risks undermining negotiated


- Prescriptive laws vs. judicial discretion balancing precedence and rule-

bound justice delivery. But discretion needs calibrated to prevent


- Adversarial litigation vs. coordinated negotiations minimizing disputes

within regulated timelines. But coercive elements may still be needed

to align differing interests.

- Creditor rights vs. debtor protections, especially small firms. Laws

balance timely, equitable recoveries for all through calibrated

approaches varying by firm size and type.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (29)

- Ring-fencing domestic policies from global capital flows given

interconnected economies. But parochial ring-fencing also reduces

capital access risking inefficiencies.

- Prioritizing fresh start for eligible debtors vs. creditor recoveries. Laws

balance between relieving over-indebtedness through discharge while

upholding credit discipline.

Overall, imperfect regulations remain preferable to inaction as business

conditions evolve. Continuous learning and adaptations ensure frameworks

strengthen transparency and efficiency to the mutual benefit of all



In conclusion, comprehensive insolvency regimes play a crucial role in

facilitating orderly debt resolution, minimizing contagion risks and sustaining

credit flows in a manner balancing competing interests equitably. While

liquidation processes maximize recoveries for non-viable firms’ creditors,

rehabilitation avenues incentivize negotiated settlements to save viable

enterprises and jobs. Continuous innovations guided by empirical evidence

help address shortcomings through calibrated, principled approaches

factoring diverse stakeholder needs. As cross-border inter-connections

increase, ongoing international coordination remains imperative. Overall,

insolvency laws remain work-in-progress given dynamic real world

complexities, necessitating periodic reviews and consensus-based

improvements for equitable, growth-oriented outcomes.

Bankruptcy and insolvency are difficult yet inevitable realities in business

cycles. By providing options to address debt distress, laws aim to balance

creditor recovery with second chances for businesses and individual debtors.

Major jurisdictions have comprehensive frameworks governing procedures

for company liquidation or negotiated debt restructuring under creditor/court

supervision. This paper analyzes key legal aspects of bankruptcy and

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (30)

insolvency in major economies like the US, UK, and India. It examines

regimes and procedures for both liquidating non-viable entities and

restructuring viable ones through negotiation. The debates around regulation

to minimize systemic impacts while maximizing recoveries for equitable

outcomes are also discussed.

Definition and Scope of Bankruptcy Laws

Bankruptcy refers to formal legal proceedings initiated when an individual or

incorporated entity is unable to repay outstanding debts owed to creditors.

Insolvency indicates a situation where liabilities exceed assets, rendering the

debtor balance-sheet insolvent.

Most jurisdictions have separate laws for individual vs. corporate

bankruptcies. Personal bankruptcy laws discharge eligible individual debtors

from unpaid debts, providing a ‘fresh start’. Corporate insolvency

frameworks aim to maximize value from winding up non-viable businesses

while reviving viable distressed entities through debt restructuring under

creditor/court guidance.

Bankruptcy codes typically govern processes like initiation of proceedings,

moratorium on creditor actions, appointment of nominee officers,

admission/verification of creditor claims, business asset valuation and

realization, distribution of proceeds to creditors, discharge or liquidation

order. Insolvency laws also regulate out-of-court workouts and negotiated

debt settlements to avoid costly formal processes where possible.

Liquidation vs. Restructuring Options

When negotiations between a distressed debtor and creditors fail to resolve

debt distress, formal legal/ adjudicatory mechanisms step in. Two broad

resolution avenues then emerge:

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (31)

Liquidation: It involves winding up business operations and converting

remaining assets into cash through sale/auction to settle creditor dues in

order of priority fixed by law. Any surplus funds after settlements revert to

business owners.

Restructuring: It aims to save debtor firms as going concerns through

reorganized capital structures involving sacrifice/ waivers by creditors. Debt

haircuts, repayment rescheduling, equity conversion etc. are negotiated to

generate sustainable operations with credible repayment capacities.

Restructuring balances preservation of business value with creditor recovery


As recovery prospects and creditor interests vary case to case, most regimes

offer flexible ‘rescue’ options including reorganization, schemes of

arrangement or compromise. The law’s overarching purpose influences

leaning toward one path or balancing both based on viability assessment in

each case.

Major Insolvency Regimes

The US Bankruptcy Code provides three main avenues for companies—

Chapter 7 for liquidations, Chapter 11 for business reorganizations and

Chapter 13 geared toward individual debt adjustment plans. Chapter 11

reorganizations dominated historically given flexibility. Since 2005, a

comprehensive UK Insolvency Act governs both individual and corporate

insolvency with bespoke rehabilitation procedures like

administration/Company Voluntary Arrangements.

In India, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 established time-bound,

market-linked resolution systems. The Corporate Insolvency Resolution

Process provides 180/270 days for debt restructuring/liquidation applications

before Adjudicating Authorities and Insolvency Professionals. Liquidation

commences if resolution plans fail to garner requisite creditor/court

approvals within these timeframes.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (32)

Overall, major laws share common goals but employ tailored approaches

factoring jurisdictional contexts determining efficient recoveries via

consensual negotiations or mandatory decrees. Debtor-creditor relations

based on utmost good faith and minimum interference into commercial

decisions remain fundamental principles despite nuanced differences in

models and procedures.

Liquidation Process

Most legal frameworks envision liquidation as a last resort, reserving it for

non-viable businesses where turnaround proves unfeasible within given

timeframes. Key steps typically entail:

- Filing of liquidation petition and admission by adjudicating authority,

superseding management control.

- Appointment of an insolvency professional as liquidator to take custody

of assets and admit creditor claims.

- Valuation of business assets through independent agencies and public

sale via e-auctions or sealed tenders.

- Realization of sale proceeds and distribution to creditors as per

statutory ranking—taxes first, workmen next, secured lenders.

- Settling balance claims from available funds through pro-rata

distribution if insufficient assets exist.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (33)

- Striking off company names from register post settlement conclusion.

- Ongoing powers for liquidator in relation to fraudulent transactions,

contributories’ liability etc.

- Mandatory reporting/disclosure requirements for transparent processes

and regulatory oversight.

While maximizing value, liquidation frameworks balance speedy resolution

with principles of utmost transparency, equality and creditor rights. Their

deterrent effect aims at rehabilitation incentive for economically viable

debtors through negotiated settlements where possible.

Debt Restructuring Process

Restructuring addresses debt distress early via cooperation between debtors

and key lenders/creditors for consensual revival while preserving going-

concern benefits. Common steps include:

- Initiation of proceedings by debtor or creditors involving a moratorium

on creditor actions.

- Appointment of a Resolution Professional to manage operations and

coordinate negotiations.

- Convening of Committee of Creditors representing various

secured/unsecured financiers.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (34)

- Submission of viability assessment and repayment projections by


- Inviting, evaluating and negotiating resolution proposals involving

haircuts, equity conversion, extension in tenure etc.

- Approval of winning plan by specified creditor majority for

implementation under court supervision.

- Cramdown of dissenting creditors if approved plan is fair and equitable.

- Supervisory role of courts/authorities to ensure integrity and


Principal aims involve averting liquidation destruction of value through

composition/arrangement where majority creditors recognize revival in their

interest. Time-bound processes aim to limit uncertainty while balancing

creditor recovery maximization.

Challenges in Insolvency Laws

While bankruptcy laws evolve to address resolution complexities, certain

challenges persist:

- Information asymmetry between debtors/creditors affecting viability

assessments and resolution negotiations.

- Valuing intangible business assets precisely in formal liquidation sales.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (35)

- Coordinating diverse interests among various creditors classes toward

consensus when their interests may conflict.

- Preventing side deals distorting deliberations and resulting in unequal

treatment of similar creditors.

- Addressing cross-border insolvencies involving multi-jurisdictional

assets/claims through improved international cooperation.

- Ensuring integrity of processes and mitigating related disputes through

capacitated and regulated professionals.

- Striking optimal balance between speed of resolution and procedural

fairness to participants.

- Coherently addressing specialized insolvency situations like corporates

in clusters and financial sector bankruptcies.

- Curtailing strategic defaults and preventing erosion of credit Culture

through right incentivization and judicious use of penalties.

Constant reforms guided by judicial precedents and comprehensive reviews

aim to strengthen frameworks to effectively handle such realities and


Debate around Legal Approaches

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (36)

While consensus exists around core insolvency law functions, certain aspects

attract debate:

- Mandatory vs. voluntary approaches for initiating proceedings. Uniform

rules ensure timeliness but flexibility risks undermining negotiated


- Prescriptive laws vs. judicial discretion balancing precedence and rule-

bound justice delivery. But discretion needs calibrated to prevent


- Adversarial litigation vs. coordinated negotiations minimizing disputes

within regulated timelines. But coercive elements may still be needed

to align differing interests.

- Creditor rights vs. debtor protections, especially small firms. Laws

balance timely, equitable recoveries for all through calibrated

approaches varying by firm size and type.

- Ring-fencing domestic policies from global capital flows given

interconnected economies. But parochial ring-fencing also reduces

capital access risking inefficiencies.

- Prioritizing fresh start for eligible debtors vs. creditor recoveries. Laws

balance between relieving over-indebtedness through discharge while

upholding credit discipline.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (37)

Overall, imperfect regulations remain preferable to inaction as business

conditions evolve. Continuous learning and adaptations ensure frameworks

strengthen transparency and efficiency to the mutual benefit of all



In conclusion, comprehensive insolvency regimes play a crucial role in

facilitating orderly debt resolution, minimizing contagion risks and sustaining

credit flows in a manner balancing competing interests equitably. While

liquidation processes maximize recoveries for non-viable firms’ creditors,

rehabilitation avenues incentivize negotiated settlements to save viable

enterprises and jobs. Continuous innovations guided by empirical evidence

help address shortcomings through calibrated, principled approaches

factoring diverse stakeholder needs. As cross-border inter-connections

increase, ongoing international coordination remains imperative. Overall,

insolvency laws remain work-in-progress given dynamic real world

complexities, necessitating periodic reviews and consensus-based

improvements for equitable, growth-oriented outcomes.

Bankruptcy and insolvency are difficult yet inevitable realities in business

cycles. By providing options to address debt distress, laws aim to balance

creditor recovery with second chances for businesses and individual debtors.

Major jurisdictions have comprehensive frameworks governing procedures

for company liquidation or negotiated debt restructuring under creditor/court

supervision. This paper analyzes key legal aspects of bankruptcy and

insolvency in major economies like the US, UK, and India. It examines

regimes and procedures for both liquidating non-viable entities and

restructuring viable ones through negotiation. The debates around regulation

to minimize systemic impacts while maximizing recoveries for equitable

outcomes are also discussed.

Definition and Scope of Bankruptcy Laws

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (38)

Bankruptcy refers to formal legal proceedings initiated when an individual or

incorporated entity is unable to repay outstanding debts owed to creditors.

Insolvency indicates a situation where liabilities exceed assets, rendering the

debtor balance-sheet insolvent.

Most jurisdictions have separate laws for individual vs. corporate

bankruptcies. Personal bankruptcy laws discharge eligible individual debtors

from unpaid debts, providing a ‘fresh start’. Corporate insolvency

frameworks aim to maximize value from winding up non-viable businesses

while reviving viable distressed entities through debt restructuring under

creditor/court guidance.

Bankruptcy codes typically govern processes like initiation of proceedings,

moratorium on creditor actions, appointment of nominee officers,

admission/verification of creditor claims, business asset valuation and

realization, distribution of proceeds to creditors, discharge or liquidation

order. Insolvency laws also regulate out-of-court workouts and negotiated

debt settlements to avoid costly formal processes where possible.

Liquidation vs. Restructuring Options

When negotiations between a distressed debtor and creditors fail to resolve

debt distress, formal legal/ adjudicatory mechanisms step in. Two broad

resolution avenues then emerge:

Liquidation: It involves winding up business operations and converting

remaining assets into cash through sale/auction to settle creditor dues in

order of priority fixed by law. Any surplus funds after settlements revert to

business owners.

Restructuring: It aims to save debtor firms as going concerns through

reorganized capital structures involving sacrifice/ waivers by creditors. Debt

haircuts, repayment rescheduling, equity conversion etc. are negotiated to

generate sustainable operations with credible repayment capacities.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (39)

Restructuring balances preservation of business value with creditor recovery


As recovery prospects and creditor interests vary case to case, most regimes

offer flexible ‘rescue’ options including reorganization, schemes of

arrangement or compromise. The law’s overarching purpose influences

leaning toward one path or balancing both based on viability assessment in

each case.

Major Insolvency Regimes

The US Bankruptcy Code provides three main avenues for companies—

Chapter 7 for liquidations, Chapter 11 for business reorganizations and

Chapter 13 geared toward individual debt adjustment plans. Chapter 11

reorganizations dominated historically given flexibility. Since 2005, a

comprehensive UK Insolvency Act governs both individual and corporate

insolvency with bespoke rehabilitation procedures like

administration/Company Voluntary Arrangements.

In India, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 established time-bound,

market-linked resolution systems. The Corporate Insolvency Resolution

Process provides 180/270 days for debt restructuring/liquidation applications

before Adjudicating Authorities and Insolvency Professionals. Liquidation

commences if resolution plans fail to garner requisite creditor/court

approvals within these timeframes.

Overall, major laws share common goals but employ tailored approaches

factoring jurisdictional contexts determining efficient recoveries via

consensual negotiations or mandatory decrees. Debtor-creditor relations

based on utmost good faith and minimum interference into commercial

decisions remain fundamental principles despite nuanced differences in

models and procedures.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (40)

Liquidation Process

Most legal frameworks envision liquidation as a last resort, reserving it for

non-viable businesses where turnaround proves unfeasible within given

timeframes. Key steps typically entail:

- Filing of liquidation petition and admission by adjudicating authority,

superseding management control.

- Appointment of an insolvency professional as liquidator to take custody

of assets and admit creditor claims.

- Valuation of business assets through independent agencies and public

sale via e-auctions or sealed tenders.

- Realization of sale proceeds and distribution to creditors as per

statutory ranking—taxes first, workmen next, secured lenders.

- Settling balance claims from available funds through pro-rata

distribution if insufficient assets exist.

- Striking off company names from register post settlement conclusion.

- Ongoing powers for liquidator in relation to fraudulent transactions,

contributories’ liability etc.

- Mandatory reporting/disclosure requirements for transparent processes

and regulatory oversight.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (41)

While maximizing value, liquidation frameworks balance speedy resolution

with principles of utmost transparency, equality and creditor rights. Their

deterrent effect aims at rehabilitation incentive for economically viable

debtors through negotiated settlements where possible.

Debt Restructuring Process

Restructuring addresses debt distress early via cooperation between debtors

and key lenders/creditors for consensual revival while preserving going-

concern benefits. Common steps include:

- Initiation of proceedings by debtor or creditors involving a moratorium

on creditor actions.

- Appointment of a Resolution Professional to manage operations and

coordinate negotiations.

- Convening of Committee of Creditors representing various

secured/unsecured financiers.

- Submission of viability assessment and repayment projections by


- Inviting, evaluating and negotiating resolution proposals involving

haircuts, equity conversion, extension in tenure etc.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (42)

- Approval of winning plan by specified creditor majority for

implementation under court supervision.

- Cramdown of dissenting creditors if approved plan is fair and equitable.

- Supervisory role of courts/authorities to ensure integrity and


Principal aims involve averting liquidation destruction of value through

composition/arrangement where majority creditors recognize revival in their

interest. Time-bound processes aim to limit uncertainty while balancing

creditor recovery maximization.

Challenges in Insolvency Laws

While bankruptcy laws evolve to address resolution complexities, certain

challenges persist:

- Information asymmetry between debtors/creditors affecting viability

assessments and resolution negotiations.

- Valuing intangible business assets precisely in formal liquidation sales.

- Coordinating diverse interests among various creditors classes toward

consensus when their interests may conflict.

- Preventing side deals distorting deliberations and resulting in unequal

treatment of similar creditors.

Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (43)

- Addressing cross-border insolvencies involving multi-jurisdictional

assets/claims through improved international cooperation.

- Ensuring integrity of processes and mitigating related disputes through

capacitated and regulated professionals.

- Striking optimal balance between speed of resolution and procedural

fairness to participants.

- Coherently addressing specialized insolvency situations like corporates

in clusters and financial sector bankruptcies.

- Curtailing strategic defaults and preventing erosion of credit Culture

through right incentivization and judicious use of penalties.

Constant reforms guided by judicial precedents and comprehensive reviews

aim to strengthen frameworks to effectively handle such realities and


Debate around Legal Approaches

While consensus exists around core insolvency law functions, certain aspects

attract debate:

- Mandatory vs. voluntary approaches for initiating proceedings. Uniform

rules ensure timeliness but flexibility risks undermining negotiated


Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (44)

- Prescriptive laws vs. judicial discretion balancing precedence and rule-

bound justice delivery. But discretion needs calibrated to prevent


- Adversarial litigation vs. coordinated negotiations minimizing disputes

within regulated timelines. But coercive elements may still be needed

to align differing interests.

- Creditor rights vs. debtor protections, especially small firms. Laws

balance timely, equitable recoveries for all through calibrated

approaches varying by firm size and type.

- Ring-fencing domestic policies from global capital flows given

interconnected economies. But parochial ring-fencing also reduces

capital access risking inefficiencies.

- Prioritizing fresh start for eligible debtors vs. creditor recoveries. Laws

balance between relieving over-indebtedness through discharge while

upholding credit discipline.

Overall, imperfect regulations remain preferable to inaction as business

conditions evolve. Continuous learning and adaptations ensure frameworks

strengthen transparency and efficiency to the mutual benefit of all



Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (45)

In conclusion, comprehensive insolvency regimes play a crucial role in

facilitating orderly debt resolution, minimizing contagion risks and sustaining

credit flows in a manner balancing competing interests equitably. While

liquidation processes maximize recoveries for non-viable firms’ creditors,

rehabilitation avenues incentivize negotiated settlements to save viable

enterprises and jobs. Continuous innovations guided by empirical evidence

help address shortcomings through calibrated, principled approaches

factoring diverse stakeholder needs. As cross-border inter-connections

increase, ongoing international coordination remains imperative. Overall,

insolvency laws remain work-in-progress given dynamic real world

complexities, necessitating periodic reviews and consensus-based

improvements for equitable, growth-oriented outcomes.

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    • Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (58)
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Legal aspects of bankruptcy and insolvency: Debt restructuring and liquidation procedures | ACCT 511 (2024)


What is the law of restructuring and insolvency? ›

Restructuring and insolvency lawyers act for clients (either individuals or companies) in financial difficulties. Restructuring is usually the first stage in the process of agreeing a way forward with creditors in order to manage repayment of the debt, without the client becoming insolvent.

Does chapter 11 wipe out all debt? ›

While Chapter 11 bankruptcy does not typically clear debts, it may allow you to retain assets and to operate a business if you have one. When you file a petition for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, your creditors must suspend attempts to collect the debt and repossess or foreclose on any property.

What is chapter 11 protection? ›

This chapter of the Bankruptcy Code generally provides for reorganization, usually involving a corporation or partnership. A chapter 11 debtor usually proposes a plan of reorganization to keep its business alive and pay creditors over time. People in business or individuals can also seek relief in chapter 11.

Who gets paid first in chapter 11? ›

Secured creditors like banks are going to get paid first. This is because their credit is secured by assets—typically ones that your business controls. Your plan and the courts may consider how integral the assets are that secure your loans to determine which secured creditors get paid first though.

What is the debt Insolvency Act? ›

An individual is insolvent if they are unable to pay their debts. This is, essentially, a question of fact, rather than law. Sections 267 and 268 of the Insolvency Act 1986 set out circ*mstances in which an individual is deemed unable to pay their debts if one of their creditors presents a bankruptcy petition.

What is the difference between liquidation and restructuring? ›

In a reorganization, the debtor retains ownership of its assets and continues business operations while renegotiating debt repayments with creditors. In a liquidation, the creditors seize control of the debtors assets and sell them to pay off the debt.

What is the downside of Chapter 11? ›

The Bottom Line. Chapter 11 can allow a business that is experiencing serious financial difficulties to regroup and get back on track. However, it is complex, costly, and time-consuming. For these reasons, a company should consider Chapter 11 reorganization only after exploring other possible alternatives.

What happens when a company goes into Chapter 11? ›

The goal of Chapter 11 is for the company to take steps during the bankruptcy to turn itself around financially, for example, by selling assets and closing business locations, and then confirm a plan of reorganization that permits the company to emerge from bankruptcy with restructured debts and a financially healthy ...

How often is Chapter 11 successful? ›

Only about 10% of Chapter 11 filings result in success; far more often, they end up in Chapter 7 straight bankruptcy, in which the company closes and its assets are sold to pay back secured creditors.

What happens to unsecured creditors in Chapter 11? ›

An unsecured creditor with a nonpriority claim must be paid at least as much as the creditor would have received had the debtor filed under Chapter 7, and the payments need not be in cash. Nonpriority claims may be paid in cash, property, or securities of the debtor or the successor to the debtor under the plan.

What is the absolute priority rule? ›

Absolute priority, also known as "liquidation preference," is a rule governing the order of payment among creditors and shareholders in the event of a corporate liquidation. The absolute priority rule is used in corporate bankruptcies to decide the portion of payment that will be made to each participant.

What is the order of payout in liquidation? ›

There are a lot of intricacies when navigating the priority list of creditors during a liquidation process. In general, secured creditors have the highest priority followed by priority unsecured creditors.

What is the law of insolvency? ›

Bankruptcy is a determination of insolvency made by a court of law with resulting legal orders intended to resolve the insolvency. Insolvency describes a situation where the debtor is unable to meet his/her obligations. Bankruptcy is a legal scheme in which an insolvent debtor seeks relief.

What is the restructuring and insolvency directive? ›

The new Directive emphasises the European legislators' determination to establish, within all State members, preventive restructuring procedures for companies facing financial struggles without being insolvent, and thus hopes to reinforce the culture of anticipation and prevention of insolvency (I.).

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The court held that a restructuring plan is an insolvency tool because it requires a company to be in financial difficulty to use the process. As a result, restructuring plans will likely not benefit from recognition under the Hague Convention (as insolvency proceedings are excluded from its scope).

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The Bankruptcy Code defines “insolvent” as “financial condition such that the sum of such entity's debts is greater than all such entity's property, at a fair valuation.” Hence, under the Bankruptcy Code, insolvency is “essentially a balance sheet test.” A debtor is insolvent when the debtor's liabilities exceed the ...

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