LIIFT4 - The Perfect Way to Add Strength Training to Your Running - Fitness Fatale (2024)

You know me – for years I’ve been combining strength training with running – I started this blog because I was training for my first marathon while doing P90X (wow, those were the days when I had enough time and energy to do something so rigorous – pre-kids, obviously!). I’ve written about combining 21 Day Fix with running, Shift Shop with running and 80 Day Obsession with running. All of that time, I’ve recommended modifying these programs – dropping a workout, changing up the nutrition plan, etc. because it’s generally not realistic to complete 6-7 workouts a week, sometimes up to one hour, and also train for a marathon or half marathon at the same time.

But now there’s a program that doesn’t NEED to be modified to work with your running. It’s literally designed with someone who has a passion for other activities like running, cycling, Orange Theory, and hiking in mind. It’s also designed for someone who doesn’t have the time to get in 7 workouts a week. You guys, I’m pretty excited about this one.

LIIFT4 is an 8 week program by Joel Freeman and includes just four 30-40 minute strength, HIIT and core workouts per week. Each and every workout is different and there is some combination of strength, HIIT and core in each workout. These workouts are incredibly efficient and will help you build muscle during the strength piece and blast fat during the HIIT piece. Joel is a great trainer (and not bad on the eyes!) and is super motivating!

LIIFT4 – Strength Training To Combine With Running

LIIFT4 combines strength training and high intensity interval training (HIIT) in each workout. Because of the effectiveness of this routine, the program is simply four days a week. Each workout is 30-40 minutes long and also includes a core component. The program comes with a nutrition plan and guess what? It includes a cheat day each week (which is great news for me since Mike and I love our beer and pizza on date night!)!

I got to preview this workout on Beachbody on Demand a couple of weeks ago and I loved it and was really sore the next day. Since then, I have been doing the B4LIIFT4 program, which is a set of 20 minute preview workouts to get you ready for the program and I’m loving it! The workouts themselves are focused – you’ll work specific body parts in each workout (back and biceps one day, for example, shoulders another). In the final phase, you’ll get a full body workout as well. Of course since you are doing HIIT, you will work your legs a little bit each day but not so much that they’re fatigued. You know what’s really cool about this? EVERY workout is unique! Just like if you had a personal trainer, every time you show up for your workout you’ll get a new spin, new commentary and new jokes.

LIIFT4 – High Intensity Intervals Promote Weight Loss & Boosts Fitness Faster

If you’re a runner who is also looking to lose some weight for an upcoming race, this program is also great because every workout includes a section of High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is proven to burn more calories during a workout than steady state cardio (aka running). HIIT training kicks your metabolism into high gear, meaning you’ll burn more calories in the 24 hours following your workout by stimulating your human growth hormone by up to 450% (source).

Because the intervals are so short, you’re not going to fatigue yourself to the point of not being able to do it again the next day or compromise your run. You’re not only going to burn more calories, but you’ll become a faster runner with less training. Research shows you can achieve a boost in fitness equable to one hour of steady state running in just 15 minutes of HIIT training.

Training for a Half Marathon While Doing LIIFT4

Sounds pretty awesome right? Run less, get faster, lose more weight. Since becoming a mom, I’m all about efficiency and these workouts will make your half marathon or full marathon training more efficient and effective.

Below are examples of ways you can mix your training for a half marathon or a full marathon with LIIFT4. These schedules include three runs per week with an option for up to five runs per week. Since three of the workouts in the build phase are upper body, you won’t be fatiguing your legs for your key workouts. I recommend giving yourself at least one day between the LIIFT4 Legs workout and any speedwork or long runs, as I anticipate you’ll be lifting heavy and your legs will be fatigued (and the variety in the workouts ensures you’ll probably be sore each time you do it!).

If you need a rest day, I’d recommend moving the Saturday run to the same day as a LIIFT4 workout, rather than combining LIIFT4 workouts (despite focusing on one body part, you’ll still be working other parts during the workout so best to spread them out for best results).

Running & LIIFT4 Schedule – Build Phase (Weeks 1-6)

Monday: LIIFT4 Chest/Triceps + optional easy run

Tuesday: LIIFT4 Back/Biceps

Wednesday: Run – Speedwork, hills or tempo

Thursday: LIIFT4 Shoulders & optional recovery run

Friday: LIIFT4 Legs

Saturday: Easy run

Sunday: Long Run (for advanced runners, every other week include end portion at race pace, starting at 1-2 miles and increasing to around 50% of race distance)

Running & LIIFT4 Schedule – Shred It Phase (Weeks 7 & 8)

Monday: LIIFT4 Chest/Back + optional easy run

Tuesday: LIIFT4 Legs

Wednesday: LIIFT4 Shoulders/Arms + optional easy run

Thursday: Run – Speedwork, hills or tempo

Friday: LIIFT4 Full Body

Saturday: Easy run

Sunday: Long Run (for advanced runners, every other week include end portion at race pace, starting at 1-2 miles and increasing to around 50% of race distance)

LIIFT4 Nutrition Plan (Cheat Meal What!?)

The LIIFT4 nutrition plan provides you with a list of approved foods in each food category (fats, carbs, protein, etc) and then gives you the freedom to select the food you enjoy from the list and eat them in a specified quantity. The nutrition plan comes out to approximately 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat and the list of foods emphasizes those that best support healthy muscles and exercise recovery.

The big change from 21 Day Fix is that LIIFT4 includes ONE CHEAT DAY PER WEEK. Yahoo! Joel encourages you not to go over the top on cheat days and to schedule them the day before a hard workout so that you can utilize those extra carbs during your workout. I know I’ll be utilizing this with our busy social schedule this summer as well as our weekly date nights.

What If I Don’t Run? Can I Still Get Results With LIIFT4?

If you don’t run or cross train, you definitely can still get great results with LIIFT4!!! You’ll want to be more careful with the nutrition but the four workouts per week are more than enough to change your body. The strength training will build lean muscle and the HIIT component blasts fat which makes four workouts a week more than enough to see a change.

Ready to Add Strength Training To Your Run Training?

Join myself and fellow runners who are prioritizing strength training by joining one of my monthly accountability groups! My next group starts on July 16th which also happens to be the day that LIIFT4 officially launches! Please reach out using this form to join one of my monthly challenge groups.

If you want to try the program before we start, I can send you a free preview workout! If you sign up before then, you’ll get access to four special 20 minute sneak peek workouts as well that you can use to get yourself ready to go on July 16th! (Please note if you already have Beachbody on Demand, you cannot access LIIFT 4 until October 1 unless you purchase VIP access separately, for $39.95 or with a challenge pack).

Have you tried HIIT workouts in the past?


LIIFT4 - The Perfect Way to Add Strength Training to Your Running - Fitness Fatale (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.