Miss G’s Simple Non-Pork Jamaican Stew Peas Recipe (Smoked Turkey) - Jamaicans and Jamaica - Jamaicans.com (2024)

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The traditional Jamaican Stew Peas recipe has pig-tails in it but recently non-pork lovers have been substituting it with smoked turkey necks. While I love mine with pork here is a version of mySimple Jamaican Stew Peas Recipe with smoked turkey necks for non-pork lovers.


  • 3 Smoked Turkey Necks, to be soaked overnight (cut in 2-inch pieces)
  • 1 cup Dry Kidney Beans, to be soaked overnight
  • 1 pound Stewing Beef, cut in cubes
  • 1 Tablespoon Butter (or Margarine)
  • 1 Onion, chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons Red and Green Bell Peppers, finely chopped
  • 2-3 slices Scotch Bonnet Pepper
  • 2 Scallion or Green Onion (white parts only)
  • 2-3 sprigs Fresh Thyme (or1 tsp Dried Thyme)
  • Black Pepper as per taste
  • 1 teaspoon Pimento seeds (optional)

Spinners(spindle shaped long dumplings)

  • 3/4 cup Flour
  • pinch of Salt

Mix the flour and salt together. Prepare soft dough by adding water and kneading it well. Keep it aside.

The red beans and turkey neck need to be rinsed in cold water and then need to be soaked overnight in 4 cups of water and 6 cups of water each respectively.


  1. Drain the smoked turkey neck and place them in a pot.
  2. Fill the pot with some cold and fresh water and put it to boil for 4-5 minutes. Once done, drain the water and fill it again with some more fresh and cold water (around 6 cups) and boil it again.
  3. Once it comes to a boil, put the red beans (without draining them) and the stewing beef in it.
  4. Cook it covered for an hour or so till the meat is cooked (keep on adding water occasionally)
  5. While this happens, place a pan over medium flame and melt some butter in it. Add the onions and sauté them till they turn transparent. Add in scallions and peppers and sauté them too.
  6. Transfer the contents of the pan to the pot along with the remaining scallions, thyme, some pimento and bonnet peppers.
  7. Sprinkle some salt and black pepper, as per taste and continue to stir for few minutes.
  8. Remove the bonnet peppers from the pot when desired.
  9. Prepare spinners (spindle-shaped small dumplings) from the dough and add them to the pot. Continue to cook it covered till the spinners are well cooked and the stew has reached the desired thickness.
  10. Just before serving, remove the un-chopped scallions, thyme sprigs and pimento (if used).
  11. Serve it hot with fried plantain or a dish of your choice.

Miss G’s Simple Non-Pork Jamaican Stew Peas Recipe (Smoked Turkey) - Jamaicans and Jamaica - Jamaicans.com (20)

#Jamaican Recipes#Non-Pork#Stew Peas
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Miss G’s Simple Non-Pork Jamaican Stew Peas Recipe (Smoked Turkey) - Jamaicans and Jamaica - Jamaicans.com (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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