potato and leek gratin (2024)

potato and leek gratin (1)


by debJump to recipe, comments

Because I do not often crave potatoes slow-baked in a cream bath with a burnish of cheese and fine crunch top, when I do, I know exactly how I want it to taste and how much work I’m willing to do to make it happen. Since it’s been eleven years (!) since I last shared a potato gratin here, I think it’s worth revisiting as we head into gratin season, which is not a thing, I absolutely just made that up, but really should be for colder weather and shorter days.

potato and leek gratin (2)potato and leek gratin (3)potato and leek gratin (4)potato and leek gratin (5)

I prefer my potatoes unpeeled; I like the definition on the edges as they bake up. I prefer stacks of potatoes leaning this way and that versus the traditional flat layers, because it creates more texture and a looser density. I love big chunks of leeks in a potato gratin, not sautéed and hidden, but wedged in all over, sharing the spotlight. I prefer cheese only on top and while I like crumbs, too, they have to be tossed in butter first so they remind me of buttered toast and not, say, sawdust. And while I in the past have made gratins with milk and/or half-and-half, I feel especially at this moment in time that if we’re going to do anything, we might as well do it spectacularly, and that will require heavy cream. Not so much that the potatoes are drowning, but enough that they bake up to the luxurious texture that makes a gratin worth daydreaming about.

potato and leek gratin (6)potato and leek gratin (7)potato and leek gratin (8)potato and leek gratin (9)

This is a low-fuss, almost rustic gratin save one tiny extra step: if you can bear adding three minutes, I like to heat the cream with the garlic, salt, pepper, and thyme until simmering for a total infusion. It leads to a more evenly seasoned gratin. Should you need to halve this, you could do so in an 8- to 9-inch cake pan or equivalent oven-safe pan. But even if you, like most of us, are looking out over highly modified and much smaller holidays this year, I have a hunch that it’s been too long since you had potatoes this good. You know what to do next.

potato and leek gratin (10)

Elsewhere: I was on Splendid Table last week, chatting with Francis Lam about ways we can modify our holidays this year while still having great food celebrations. You can listen here.


6 months ago: Any-Kind-Of-Fruit Galette
1 year ago: Perfect Apple Tarte Tatin
2 year ago: Roberta’s Roasted Garlic Caesar Salad
3 years ago: Endive Salad with Toasted Breadcrumbs
4 years ago: Roasted Cauliflower with Pumpkin Seeds and Brown Butter and Apple Strudel
5 years ago: Oven Fries and Chocolate Peanut and Pretzel Brittle
6 years ago: Squash Toasts with Ricotta and Cider Vinegar
7 years ago: Spinach and Egg Pizzettes
8 years ago: Apple Cider Caramels
9 years ago: Homesick Texan Carnitas
10 years ago: Spicy Squash Salad with Lentils and Goat Cheese and Buckeyes
11 years ago: Baked Chicken Meatballs and Salted Brown Butter Crispy Treats
12 years ago: Cabbage and Mushroom Galette and Peanut Butter Crispy Bars
13 years ago: Cranberry Caramel and Almond Tart and Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic
14 years ago: Not Your Mama’s Coleslaw

Potato and Leek Gratin

  • Servings: 8
  • Source: Smitten Kitchen
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Note: You can watch an Instagram Story demo of this recipe over here.

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for pan
  • 2 1/2 pounds yukon gold potatoes, unpeeled, scrubbed, thinly sliced
  • 1 thick or 2 slimmer leeks, halved, washed, cut into 1-inch segments
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • Leaves from 3 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 1/2 cup plain breadcrumbs (panko or homemade are great here)
  • 3/4 cup coarsely grated gruyère, comte, or baby swiss cheese

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Generously butter an 8×12-inch or 3-quart baking dish.

Arrange small stacks of sliced potatoes on an angle, slightly fanned, in different directions filling the pan loosely. Tuck leeks, halved side up, between potatoes around the pan. In a medium saucepan, bring cream, 2 teaspoons kosher salt, many grinds of black pepper, garlic, and thyme to a simmer, stirring to ensure the salt dissolves. Pour hot cream mixture evenly over the pan, trying to get every potato and leek coated. Cover pan tightly with foil, place on a baking sheet to catch any drips, and bake for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, melt 2 remaining tablespoons butter. Add breadcrumbs, salt, and pepper to taste and mix to evenly coat.

At 30 minutes, briefly remove pan from oven and remove foil. Sprinkle top evenly with cheese, then scatter with buttered breadcrumbs. Return to the oven without foil for 45 minutes, until potatoes are totally tender, the top is browned, and the edges are bubbly. [Insert a knife or skewer into potatoes to feel for crunch or resistance. Return to the oven if needed.]

Let cool for 10 minutes before serving hot.

Do ahead: Gratin can be assembled the day before and baked before a big meal. It can also be baked for 30 minutes (the foil-on portion) and cooled, finishing the baking time the next day. Gratin reheats well in a 350-degree oven. Leftovers keep in the fridge for 4 to 5 days.



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All CommentsI Made This!Questions

  1. Amy Wallace

    2 1/2 potatoes or pounds

    1. Nina

      Exactly my question too: shouldn’t it be 2 1/2 *pounds* of potatoes?

      1. Krista

        Made this last night and we couldn’t stop eating it! Next time I might add an extra leek since that was my favorite part. It was also very simple to make, which was perfect for headachey me who couldn’t focus too well.

      2. Terri

        I decided to make this last minute and discovered I didn’t have enough potatoes so I subbed some sweet potatoes and a small touch of blue cheese. It was wonderful!

    2. deb

      Lol, sorry. 2.5 pounds. Now fixed!

  2. Lisa

    Ack! I did my major grocery run yesterday! …this is already going on the list for next time…

    1. Shannon

      Wildly undercooked! I precooked it for 30 minutes as stated, a few hours later finished it with the topping for 45 minutes. Yes there were other things in the oven. But it was bubbling, still undercooked. Put it back in for 20ish minutes more, STILL not done. And just a pool of cream. I love your site but this failed.

      1. Mike

        Crazy thought…why didn’t you just cook it longer? Maybe your potato slices were too thick; maybe your oven wasn’t hot enough. With not a single other problem posted in the comments, one would have to think “this” didn’t fail, you did.

      2. KateK

        Same problem for me, Shannon! Undercooked on the top half, even after an extra 15min in the oven. Followed the directions to a T, used my mandolin set to 1/8” thick, all slices were even, and my dish even looked like Deb’s photos at each step, but had to microwave final servings to get all the potatoes soft enough to eat, but then the bottom parts were extra done. First Smitten Kitchen fail for me! Unlikely I’ll ever attempt this one again sadly.

      3. BB

        Might we suggest slicing your potatoes more thinly? I did cook it for a little longer than called for, but it cooked up perfectly!

  3. Kelly A Haag

    Deb, I know we’re both probably happily married, but this is the first time I’ve ever wanted to propose to someone based on their description of potato gratin. I feel so *seen*–you’ve described just what I love and hate about potatoes and it is glorious. I’m practically swooning.

  4. Jen Dundas

    Could one add some garlic to the butter for the breadcrumbs, or would that be too much?

    1. rachel

      Hi! Does this happen to be the from Newton, younger sis of Michael, Jen Dundas?

  5. Laura

    Deb – It’s not easy these days to keep doing what we do and being who we are. I’d like to acknowlege the gift that you’re giving so many beacuse you continue to do and be. Thank you for that gift and the work it takes to give.

  6. JP

    How would russet potatoes work in this gratin? It looks lovely and ever so crunchy! Yum! Thanks for another inspiration!

    1. Jamie

      Do you have to use cream for this or would a mixture of cream and milk also work?

      1. Alene

        I have an old recipe for a potato gratin that just uses milk, so I think the mixture would work fine.

  7. This looks divine except for one tiny detail – I cannot, under any circ*mstances, abide thyme. I don’t even have it in the house because I find it so vile. (Long story as to why.)

    Would rosemary work as an infuser here?

    1. Terri

      Def use the rosemary, it’s wonderful. Totally ok to drop the thyme. May I humbly suggest that also adding the tiniest dash of nutmeg or sage, and even a smidge of lemon zest rounds this out beautifully.
      Thanks Deb, beautiful recipe to add to the list!

    2. Lynne Janbergs

      Since you’ve mentioned that you use Diamond Crystal kosher salt, which has different sized crystals than other brands, could you include the weight of kosher salt used in your recipes? Sometimes you do mention the amount for other brands, but not in this recipe. For that matter, could you include weight measurements for all ingredients?

      1. Cathy

        How about “season to taste”, use a favorite herb to taste, double the leaks and halve the potatoes because it’s what you happen to have on hand.
        It’s only cooking bunch of vegetables together in tasty fatty sauce seasoned to you liking.

        1. Dawn

          Can you use individual ramekins? Would timing be different? It’s just me at home and I would love to try this! All my favorite things!

    3. J.

      I think rosemary would be wonderful here! In my own recipe for gratin potatoes, I use leeks also, and I shred in some carrot for color, and I also use a tablespoon full of dijon mustard. I think you can do just about anything with a potato gratin, as long as you lead with one flavor profile. Rosemary and potatoes together are spectacular!

  8. Liz

    Long-time reader, first-time poster, but I couldn’t resist snagging the first review! I just happened to have a day off and potatoes that needed using up, and this turned out spectacularly well. I love the crunchy breadcrumbs and the flavor in the cream sauce — I think you could use any herb here and I will definitely be making it again with other variations. (I did have to cook it uncovered about an hour for the potatoes to really tenderize, though.)

  9. omg — I WILL be making this. Easy peasy and I don’t give a frig that it’s loaded with carbs. I know I’m going to love this. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Krisha

      Haha these are my thoughts exactly! Every word!! ;-0

      1. Emily

        Could I make this in a cast iron pan?

  10. PDXish

    So this makes me think of Laurie Colwin, and god how I loved her, but god how her recipes sometimes have not flown for me. Recall her scalloped potatoes? She had you cook the potatoes in milk in a sacuepan, and then dump it in a casserole and it was supposed to bake into creamy potatoey goodness. Mine… did not. A couple of times. And I loved Laurie no less, but I did wonder.

    1. Alene

      I’ve made that several times! I loved her recipes! And it did work for me. And we justified making it because milk is less calories than whole cream.

  11. Marcia

    I have been buying potatoes in 20 pound bags , and there is never a celebration
    Without a gratin. Sometimes in these lockdown days, a gratin is dinner with a big
    Salad, because really , what else do you need.

  12. Walter

    For the mandoline-equipped, how thin should potatoes be sliced? And what’s the diameter of a “thick” leek?


    1. Meredith

      And along with the above question, what mandolin would you recommend, Deb? Or do you have a smitten kitchen recommendations list on Amazon?

      1. Cyndee McMullen

        I have a hand mandolin from OXO. It’s awesome. Works great for slicing veggies directly into your salad bowl.

    2. Helen

      so mandolins slice so thin you may not be able to do it uniformly with a knife? I would suggest uniformity would be the most important here so cut as thin as you can with uniformity. In australia we make this all the time and dont use a mandolin. I would say, the thicker the cut of potatoes the longer it will take to cook.

      1. Walter

        I mentioned a mandoline as a rationale for asking about the desired thickness. Of course, one can cut close to uniform potato slices with a knife (and patience).

  13. Paula smith

    I love this! Years ago , I think in Bon Apatite magazine there was a similar recipe using sweet potato, leeks and apple.. was that your recipe too?

  14. ILA

    Save the Planet!. Instead of sending aluminum foil to landfill, use a lasagna pan with lid or similar!
    After having gratin’d my potato and leek FLAT for 50 years I thank you for the small culinary revolution of tossing potatoes and leek in wild stacks. Makes so much more sense – as does that garlicky heavy cream!

  15. Jessica

    Could this recipe be halved? Since we are limiting contact in these uncertain times, we are cooking smaller quantities. As much as I’d love to eat an entire casserole solo… it’s not the healthiest decision :)

    1. I’ve just successfully halved this recipe – the only difference was that I cooked it uncovered for about 35 mins and that seemed to do the trick!

  16. Monika Burke

    I’ve been making a version of this same-ingredient casserole for a decade on holidays, with thanks to Williams-Sonoma, who published a tempting recipe for this in their catalog, when they actually published recipes and didn’t shuffle readers off to their website – I tore it out and have used it for Thanksgiving and Christmas for about a decade.

    Yours is a deconstructed version. In W-S the leeks are sauteed in butter with thyme first (the perfect rich, earthy herb), and the sliced russet potatoes, leek mixture and shredded gruyere are alternately layered with heavy cream poured over all before baking. It is a lot of work, though. I have some doubts about softening the leek without sauteing, and melding the flavors, but I will try this. The W-S version really is a lot of work. If a simpler approach will yield similar results, it would be a real time-saver.

  17. Netta

    It’s delicious! Made it without changing a thing. Adding the leek is a great idea!

  18. Jill

    Hi Deb, o my goodness this will be amazing!
    One question……would you consider this really wet and creamy or dry and creamy? Dies that make sense? I need wet, so if there’s a shortage of ‘gravy’ I’ll want to use more cream. What is your opinion of this recipe? Wetter or drier?

  19. Barbara

    Simply a delicious comfort food! Thank goodness for the mandoline to thinly slice the potatoes. My husband is not a creamy person fan so I used 1 3/4 cup heavy cream and 1/4 cup water. Still yummy to the tummy.

  20. Jill

    After adding breadcrumbs and cheese, does it bake for *another* 45 minutes, or is it 45 minutes total bake time? I’ve never done a gratin, so I don’t have a reference. Thanks!

    1. deb

      Yes. 30 under the foil. 45 without.

      1. Jill

        Thank you!

  21. This sounds delicious. I have never added leeks to potato gratin before and so I am going to try this for something a bit different.

  22. Kate

    One of the best things we’ve ever eaten! We also increased the baking time uncovered to one hour.

  23. This is just in time for a new Thanksgiving potato dish – can’t wait to give it a try next week.

  24. Alexandra

    I’m wondering what a dairy free version of this recipe might look like? Would coconut milk/cream work as a substitute for the heavy cream? Or would that just get too coconut-y? Maybe cashew cheese and/or nutritional yeast instead of cheese?

    1. Astrid

      I would use oat cream (coconut can be more dominant in a dish than oat) and maybe a bit less cream because of the thickness of the heavy cream? And a non-dairy cheese on top.

    2. deb

      I haven’t tested it with non-dairy milks so I cannot say which will work best here. I, personally, find coconut milk and cream to be coconutty, but that’s not always a bad thing.

    3. Emma

      I was wondering the same thing so I halved the recipe and tried with coconut milk! It’s in the oven right now! I can tell right off the bat just from looking at it, I should’ve used less because coconut milk is thinner than heavy cream. Maybe a combination of coconut milk and coconut cream next time? Or, as suggested by another comment, something oat based.

      1. deb

        Did it all work out? I find that when this cooks, it looks like a lot of liquid but when it all settles down, it’s just a moderately (not excessively) creamy/wet gratin.

  25. I’m always looking for great potato recipes, especially for dinner parties, and this one fits the bill perfectly. Thanks for sharing a lovely dish that can be prepared the day before, as I’m always in a bit of a stress in the hours leading up to entertaining, but also I can see this would be a lovely family dish too. Perfect with a roast instead of roast potatoes maybe?

    1. Sara

      Thank you for a perfectly decadent, delicious, and impressive (but super easy) dish. Made it with Russet potatoes because that’s what I had. Prepped it the day before through the first 30 min bake, refrigerated overnight, and then took it out a half hour before putting the cheese and breadcrumbs on and baking for another 50 min or so. Seemed a little over the top for our little family of 4 Thanksgiving this year but hey, why not.
      Deb- loved your interview with Hannah Goldfield in the New Yorker this week! Thanks for being you.

      1. Kelly

        This happened to me, too! I was so surprised. A quick google search told me it was safe to eat so although it was really ugly, it was still delicious :) Next time, I will assemble and bake on the same day instead of splitting it up.

        1. Kelly

          Oh sorry! This comment was supposed to be under Bev’s post. I think I still have pie-brain.

  26. Neja

    Made this two days ago for our Saint Martin’s celebration and it was delicious!
    Maybe we were just extra gluttonous, but there was only about one portion left even though we were four and I made a whole batch.

  27. I have discovered a love of leeks this year with quarantine cooking. Can’t wait to try this!!

  28. Bev

    Very yummy! I had only 8oz of heavy cream, so used another 8oz of half and half.

    NOTE: one disappointment was that I covered the pan tightly with foil and baked for 30 minutes, planning to finish off the next day. Unfortunately some of the top layer of potatoes turned an ugly grayish colour during the fridge time. I assume this was a reaction with the foil? Not sure, and it was just for my daughter and me, so I didn’t worry about it, but those sections are really quite ugly. We ate some of the ugly parts, too, so I hope those were ok! We both loved the flavour.

    Another time I might let the dish cool uncovered, then add a layer of parchment under the foil while storing it in the fridge.

    1. Kelly

      This happened to me, too! I was so surprised. A quick google search told me it was safe to eat so although it was really ugly, it was still delicious :) Next time, I will assemble and bake on the same day instead of splitting it up.

    2. Aynsley

      I’ve made this many times for holiday meals and it’s always a family favourite. This year I thought I’d get ahead and so prepped and baked to the first 30 mins the night before. Unfortunately the potatoes oxadised where they weren’t submerged in the cream sauce. Whoops. If I had known I would have just made it the day of. You can also prevent the potatoe slicesfrom oxidising if you soak them in lemon juice/water to prevent them from turning black but I have no idea what this would do to the flavour or texture of the sauce. Deb, may be worth updating the notes?

  29. Helen

    Deb. I love gratin and this is how I often make gratin. Can I, however, offer another way to make it that is a little lighter – replace the cream with the following

    saute a couple of diced up cloves of garlic and a few tablespoons butter, when aromatic, squeeze in a lemon (the garlic turns green) then add a couple cups of chicken stock.

  30. JMS

    Could this be made with thinner leek slices though? I don’t see how I’d be able to wash the larger chunks without them falling apart. Also, would a white cheddar work here?

    1. deb

      You want to wash the leeks before you cut them into segments. Halve the long way. Plunge in cold water, fanning out the layers. Grit falls to bottom of bowl, so make sure not to sweep it back up as you remove them. Once you remove them from the water, you can cut them into segments.

  31. Amy

    Can you please add a link to the Staub baking dish you are using. Thanks

  32. Aimee Bower

    This was delicious! So simple but so decadent. I made a half portion and it worked great – I forgot to butter the pan but it didn’t matter – I think the cream helped keep it from sticking? Anyway, we absolutely devoured it!

  33. Deirdre

    Enjoyed this dish tonight in memory of Edward Espe Brown’s amazing scalloped potatos we used to make. My tips: Leeks are great – I will slice them thinner next time. I will increase cheese to 1 cup and trade out comte for a mix of gruyere and smoked cheese (a la E. E. Brown). I had no panko at home so used a mix of sourdough bread crumbs and potato chips. (An old-school Irish meal always features two kinds of potatos.) Thanks Deb!

  34. Rachele

    This was everything. I halved the recipe and wished I would’ve just made the whole thing.

    Easy, elegant, delicious.

  35. Charlotte

    Hi Deb,

    This looks delicious! I see there was already a question about cleaning the leeks, but I’m concerned that I won’t be able to get all the grit out of the leeks unless I fully separate the layers. How were you able to clean the leeks thoroughly without cutting/separating the layers?


    1. Dina Bishara

      If I’ve had very gritty/sandy leeks, I will submerge the halved leeks in a bowl of water and sort of use my thumb to fan the layers. But usually holding the halved layers under running water is sufficient.

    2. deb

      These were delightfully grit-free (I checked!) but in most cases, here is my process: Halve the long way. Plunge in cold water, fanning out the layers. Grit falls to bottom of bowl, so make sure not to sweep it back up as you remove them. Pat dry, then slice into your desired thickness.

      1. Laura

        Holy geez. So, so good. I think these are a new holiday meal staple. Gonna go eat leftovers now…

    3. Rebecca

      Late to the party here (I’m definitely making this for Christmas dinner!), but Trader Joe’s sells washed and trimmed leeks. I always use them because the price of leeks by the pound is outrageous considering how much of them you trim off & toss. I’ve also not had too much luck getting all of the sand out, so it’s worth it to brave the crowds at TJ’s.

      1. Mary

        Rebecca – thanks for the tip about the leeks at Trader Joe’s. I’m making this for a party and hated the cost of the grocery store leeks that were more green than white. Totally worth the TJ crowds!

  36. Nancy+in+CA

    Oh, I might just have to try throwing some chunks of ham in here and calling it dinner. I will totally have to halve it, or my potato-loving Huz will polish off half of eight servings in one go.

  37. Jessica

    Whoa, this was just incredible. I made the recipe almost exactly to the letter, only substituting the thyme sprigs with a little ground thyme and adding a bay leaf to simmer with the cream. The cooking times were perfect for me. The potatoes were tender and coated with just the right amount of the cream mixture. And it did reheat wonderfully the next day. So pleased with this and will definitely repeat.

  38. Sujatha

    This was delicious! I did tweak it a little. I made roughly 75% of the recipe for 4 of us, which was a perfect amount as a main dish. I used about 2/3 milk and 1/3 cream, and it was great. I think I could get away with all milk, which would enable us to eat this more often (tho I’m sure all cream is amazing). I had lacinato kale to use up so I chopped & added it after the covered portion of the baking time. I stirred the kale in (which sadly disrupted the pretty stacks of potatoes), then I stirred in the cheese to distribute it through instead of just on top — used up bits of leftover cheese in my fridge (combo of gruyere, smoked Gouda & cheddar). Topped it with chopped cooked bacon, then the bread crumbs on top (which I mixed with Parmesan cheese). Baked uncovered for an hour as others suggested. So so good I licked my plate.

  39. Nicole A

    I desperately want a smitten kitchen phone app.

    1. helen

      oh i would just love an app! I read SK all the time

  40. Kate

    I don’t LOVE gruyere (and I flat-out don’t like Swiss) – is there another cheese I could substitute here?

    1. I used gouda since that is what was in my fridge! Delicious

  41. This is fabulous! It delivers on every bite – just as Deb promised. Creamy, with a slight hint of garlic and cooking the leeks this way means they don’t disappear into your potato dish. We loved it, and as a bonus – it was super easy to make. Pop it into the oven and enjoy the way your house smells.

  42. Mike

    Great recipe! Used homegrown potatoes and leeks, and added 2 other available garden veggies: beets and carrots. The pigment from the beets wicked up into the vertical yellow potato slices in a gradient that looked like a sunset…serendipitous and gorgeous! The browned tips of the leeks and potatoes added to a nice presentation.

  43. Kristin

    This was a hit! I made it just as written, though I used sharp cheddar because that’s what I had. I cooked it for an extra 15 minutes and it was perfect.

  44. rose

    FYI, for a dairy-free version sub blended silken tofu in place of the cream. Potatoes are one of the few places where subbing coconut cream, which I would do otherwise, just doesn’t taste right, imo. Cannot wait to make this, thanks!

  45. Anne

    Anybody have thoughts or experience on whether this could be frozen at some stage? I’m inclined to make the full recipe split into two pans if the second one could be saved.

    1. deb

      I actually froze one of mine when it had about 5 to 10 minutes of baking time left (i.e. it could handle getting a tiny bit darker). I haven’t defrosted it yet (that’s for Thursday) but I generally find that gratins are not perfect when rewarmed but still delicious.

      1. Anne

        Thanks, Deb!

  46. This looks absolutely delicious. I’m going to roast up a Gammon joint next Sunday when I have guests over and will make this as a side. I think it’ll perfect as I just love creamy and cheesy together with the ham. Could you recommend a good glaze for the gammon by any chance?

  47. Ginger

    I live in NW Michigan. Gratin season exists. It is now and then extends maybe until May. My question in a normal year is how many gratins are reasonable for thanksgiving day? Answer: all the gratins!
    This recipe looks fantastic and I will be trying it soon. Thanks!

  48. Rachel

    Has anyone had any luck prepping this the night before and baking the next day? Any tips or tricks? Do the potatoes turn brown? Hoping to prep the night before thanksgiving and cook the day of. Thanks!

    1. deb

      I would prep it up to the cream part, adding it. Bake the next day.

      1. Bev

        You can do what Deb suggests, and bake it partway, then finish the next day. But refer to my earlier comment (a week or more ago) re potatoes discolouring, the reason for which I’m not sure about. Since Deb said it would be ok to bake covered with foil and then save to finish later, I assumed that in itself would not cause the discolouration, so that is what I did. But the potatoes did turn an ugly grey/brown in spots, which I assumed was due to them touching the foil. My solution next time would be to add a layer of parchment between the potatoes and the foil in order to store them overnight—but I have not tried it so cannot confirm this would work.

      2. Rachel

        Thank you!

  49. Sophia

    Deb, thank you so much for making this recipe possible, my husband and I drooled over the photos and immediately added this to our Thanksgiving menu. The day can’t come soon enough!

  50. Michelle Faranda

    I made the gratin for my birthday dinner (yes I made my own celebration meal) and it was amazing! My hubby has never liked anything creamy or cheesy (scalloped potatoes, Mac and cheese, etc) but he loved it. I lined the edges of the pan with the leeks so the son who eats low carb could avoid the potatoes and the son who avoids all onion-like foods could avoid the leeks. Everyone loved this. Really delicious!

  51. Kate

    This is so delicious! I wouldn’t do anything differently. Perfectly tender and melt in your mouth with such flavorful seasoning. The whole house smells amazing! Easy to modify if needed based on whatever size pan you want to make. I had a combo of white, red skinned, purple and cranberry potatoes and it’s a great way to use the different colored ones.

  52. Colleen

    This came out exactly as amazing as I hoped it would. I only had 1.5 cups of cream so I filled in the rest with half and half and it was still deliciously decadent. Used Robusto Gouda which I sometimes like to think of as a secret weapon; it stands in nicely in gruyere situations. Thank you for the best dish on our Thanksgiving table this year!

  53. Jennifer

    So good! This was the star of Thanksgiving (along with SK’s butternut squash galette). It did take longer to bake, as others have said, but I’ll definitely be making it again in the future!

  54. Deb

    I made this recipe for my husband & myself for Thanksgiving 2020. Absolutely delicious!! I did not change a thing. Pretty sure I had fourths…🤤

  55. Debby

    Heavenly. By far the most popular dish on my Thanksgiving table, and a recipe that will be used many times again. I did reduce the cream a little with about a 1/2 low fat milk, and nobody knew. Thanks Deb for another winner!

  56. Aynsley

    This was delicious. We enjoyed a half pan for our Thanksgiving for 3 yesterday. The infused cream was a revelation! Easy to make with my trusty mandolin.

  57. Sarah

    I made this as one of just two sides for a pared-down Thanksgiving. The leftovers were SO DELICIOUS that I ate the remaining half for dinner the night after Thanksgiving! A few notes:
    1. Keeping the potato skins on saves time, (no worrying about oxidization, discoloration, or soaking peeled slices in water and losing precious starch that helps thicken your gratin), makes slicing more stable (no slippery peeled surface), and doesn’t detract from the end result—the potatoes were so soft that none of us remembered that the skins were on.
    2. I used a mandoline and made the slices a little thicker than, say, a potato chip but will make them thinner next time—portions in the middle of the dish still had some texture to them at the end of the cook time (but were perfect on reheating). I HAD been toying with the idea of a Hasselbeck gratin earlier, so might have packed too many potato slices in.
    3. The phenomenal crumb topping stayed crisp! I reheated at 350°without a lid or foil, and that worked perfectly.
    4. This was simple with great flavor. I can see trying variations with a dash of nutmeg and wilted dark greens in my future.

    1. Zoe

      Hi Sarah, Your comment was really helpful! I made this dish for Thanksgiving and it was a big hit! Planning to make it again this weekend, but wanted to ask how long you reheated the dish at 350 for the next day. Thank you!

  58. Valerie

    Soooo good, and so rich! I chopped up the leftovers and heated up with some chicken broth, then puréed, voila, potato-leek soup! Crumbled (turkey) bacon on top. The dish that keeps in giving!

  59. Karen Brown

    This was delicious and so easy to make. We are thinking of subbing 1 cup of broth for the same amount of cream (so we could justify having it more often). We’ll let you know how that goes. What we lose on the swings we may gain on the round-about.
    So many of your recipes from your books and the web have become part of our meal rotation during the pandemic – thank you so much! We love the meatballs, pita bread (the nearest Middle Eastern grocery is 25 miles away), cauliflower cheese, zucchini and almond pasta, summer squash and potato torte, leek fritters, asparagus torte and ….many more.

  60. Lisa

    Soooooo good! Shared this recipe the day before Thanksgiving with a co-worker. We both made it for Thanksgiving and we shared pictures. We were both happy and I’d make it again in a heartbeat. My friend is a new Smitten Kitchen convert and I’ll continue will continue to worship at the Smitten Kitchen altar. Thank you!!

  61. Madeleine

    I had no breadcrumbs but otherwise made the recipe as written and it was great for the cold December night! My only problem was that the leeks were not fully cooked. Maybe I included part of the leek too close to the green? My husband suggested sautéing them next time before adding them to the gratin but then I’d lose the pretty fanned layers. Any suggestions for getting them soft? The rest of the gratin cooked perfectly so I don’t think it’s a cooking time issue.

  62. Debra

    This was a big hit at Thanksgiving! Other than using a full cup of cheese (I used Comte), I followed the recipe closely. It took an extra 15 minutes to get a beautiful brown crust with some crispiness around the edges. I almost didn’t make the recipe because my mandoline is a small hand-held one (made by Kyocera), so I was pleased with how well and quickly I got (mostly) perfect potato slices.

  63. I made it and it was delicious! Just a perfect side dish for the pork chops and I love how it lets me sneak in a bit more vegetables for my fussy kids. Leeks get lost in the cream and cheese mixture and the fussy eaters did not even notice. This recipe will become a staple in our house!

  64. Janice

    So delicious. Made this for Thanksgiving and had no problems with bake time (actually took it out of the oven early), although I did forget to cover it with foil when it went in the oven, so maybe that helped it cook faster. I added extra garlic because that’s the way my family likes it but otherwise left the recipe intact. Was so yummy I made this dish again today and added a little parsley to the cream mixture and it was great. Incredible recipe and pretty painless if you have a mandolin!

  65. theresa

    I made this as written, cream and all, for dinner for just my husband and I. It was perfect. Rich and decadent and comforting. Just what we needed on this dark snowy December day in lonely COVID times up here in New England. We had it with a side of blanched green beans and a big green salad for a somewhat balanced dinner, and enjoyed the leftovers too! Thank you.

  66. Katie Murtha

    We made this again! We always half the recipe, this time we used small red potatoes and gouda cheese. Very happy with how versatile it is, and using a mandolin to slice is extremely therapeutic.

  67. Noelle

    I made this for Christmas dinner today alongside a beef tenderloin and it was a huge hit. I think this will be going on our holiday tradition list, it was that good. I added a few slices of Swiss cheese to the cream mixture, and a tiny bit of nutmeg. I have no idea if nutmeg does anything but whatever, it was delicious!

  68. StevEagle

    Just made and ate this thing up! Delicious, as usual, Deb! My wife loves leeks and since she also loves potatoes gratin, it was perfect!
    I followed the recipe just as you wrote and the timings and everything were spot on for me. The only thing I would’ve done differently is add more salt to the cream mixture- it’s hard to tell if you have enough salt because you’re just adding it to cream, and it’s like, “hmmmm, how salty do I like my cream?” Which is not a question I’ve ever asked before! It’s hard to judge until you actually have cooked it with everything else!

  69. Joanne

    This was delicious. I made a halfish recipe in a 8×11 Pyrex. I doubled the garlic in the cream and then strained it all over the potatoes. Since I had a parsnip, I cut that on the mandoline along with the potatoes. I was skeptical of the uncooked leeks, but it worked out well for me. I cooked it for 35 minutes under foil at 375, then 30 uncovered still at 375. This will definitely go in my rotation.

  70. Emily

    This was amazing and perfect. I made it as a side for Thanksgiving. It was a hit, but because of the pandemic, there were only three of us at dinner, so we had plenty of leftovers. I eagerly devoured a portion of the leftover leek gratin for several days after. It kept very well in the fridge for almost a week! I can’t wait to make it again. It is an ideal autumn recipe: filling comfort food.

  71. This recipe has quickly become a family favorite at my house. I love it, my husband loves it, and our kid thinks it’s fantastic. The dish is warm, delicious, easy to make, vegetarian, and made using only one pot (if you heat the dairy, garlic, and thyme together) and the baking pan. I’ve made it multiple times already and I have another stack of waxy potatoes on the counter and leeks in the fridge so I can make it again! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  72. Lauren

    I made this yesterday for Easter and they were the best potatoes we have ever had. This recipe is a keeper.

  73. Jenny

    I made this a day ahead for Easter and I’m afraid it didn’t work out at all. The potatoes were badly discolored (black, in fact) — contact with the foil? Too long in the fridge? And even though I cooked it 20 minutes longer than suggested, both the potatoes and leeks were still inedibly crunchy and it was in a soup of cream. It wasn’t done in time for dinner and I’m not sure it looked appealing enough to eat anyway. I wish I knew what I ought to have done differently; I love the idea.

  74. Katy

    This worked perfectly for me as written, in terms of timing. I used matzo meal instead of the breadcrumbs and cheddar instead of the listed cheeses. It didn’t look as pretty as Deb’s as I am terrible at slicing potatoes thinly so just use the food processor. For those using fan ovens, I find that for Deb’s recipes I only need to turn my oven down by 10 degrees C rather than the 20 that is often recommended. This was tender and delicious and reheated fine in the microwave (late supper, desperate times) with a cup of water on the plate with it to revive the cheese.

    1. Katy

      I have just remembered that I used half double cream and half milk, which turned out to be rich enough for us.

  75. Why did the P for pinterest disappear by recipe? Can’t Save!

    1. deb

      There was an error last week that blocked the buttons. They should be back. Try restarting your browser and it should reappear. If that doesn’t work, can you clear your browser cache? That will do the trick and definitely let me know if it does not.

  76. Kelly

    I can’t find the Pinterest pin for this recipe. 😩

  77. Bettina Powell

    I’m having trouble printing your recipes! Has my 70 year old brain forgotten where the print icon is, or has something changed? I really enjoy your site and try many recipes. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you.

    Bettina Powell

    1. deb

      It’s not just you. There was an error on the site blocking the Print icon, however, it’s been fixed. Try restarting your browser and it should reappear. If that doesn’t work, can you clear your browser cache? That will do the trick and definitely let me know if it does not. Finally, even without the print button, every recipe is printable from CTRL or ⌘ + P [on desktop], File > Print on a Mac, or from the share button (the one that looks like an up-arrow coming out of a box) at the bottom of the Safari browser on an iPhone.

  78. Kelly

    Delicious! Followed the instructions exactly. It came together surprisingly quickly given all the hand slicing. The only thing I would do differently next time is more leeks, as they were a real star. Paired with a maple ham. My husband doesn’t typically like gratin, but he ate this two nights in a row so I’m calling it a winner.

  79. Emily

    If I’m making this the day before Christmas (including baking time) and then pre-heating ahead of lunch, any guesses re how long this would take to reheat through fully? And would it be better to do it under foil or without? (And any thoughts re whether this is preferable to making it ahead of time up until the point of cooking and then baking it day of?)

  80. Christie

    This is a family favorite. I think I even mentioned you in our holiday newsletter and suggested every gratin fan should try it. It’s so delicious! It makes the house smell lovely, it’s super easy to prepare. It’s just good food. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us!

  81. Johanna Kratz

    This recipe is a keeper. Everyone loved it! So creamy! I ran out of steam and didn’t make the breadcrumb topping and topped it with aged cheddar instead of Gruyère.

  82. Lilly Beauchamp

    Has anyone frozen this? Would you follow the same Do ahead instructions freezing after the par-bake or not baking it at all and then freezing?

  83. Kayla

    As it is two days before Thanksgiving, somehow leeks have been very scarce- I guess everyone is making this! Do you think onions quartered and sliced would be an okay substitute?

    1. deb


  84. Leika

    This looks delicious! I would like to either 1.5 or double this recipe. How would you adjust cooking time/baking dish size?

  85. Robina

    Is it possible to make this ahead of time and freeze and then reheat?

  86. marti molwitz

    This potato and leek gratin is really good. AND it is easy! I made it for guests and then ate the leftovers all week. So yummy. Marti

potato and leek gratin (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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