The Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe (not the imposter!) (2024)

Hey who changed the Fantasy Fudge recipe? What happened to my tried and true Fantasy Fudge recipe? The marshmallow fudge recipe that is a family tradition for the holidays! Any day, any time of the year, who can turn down a tempting square of melt in your mouth fudge.

This is the original Fantasy Fudge recipe that we all craved during the holiday season. This recipe brings back memories of our youth while making new memories from today!

The Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe (not the imposter!) (1)

Difference Between Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe and Current Version

The ingredients are the same, but Fantasy Fudge fans will notice the recipe on the current jar of Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Crème is slightly different from the recipe we loved. It’s a slight difference, but chocolate aficionados will note the recipe on the jar recommends a brand of semi chocolate chips whereas the original recipe did not provide a recommendation. It makes a difference, a big difference!

Can You Freeze Fantasy Fudge?

Yes, yes and absolutely.One of the great features of fudge is the ease of freezing fudge for the future.

How Do I freeze Fantasy Fudge?

yes, you can freeze fudge! I’ve included a few of my tips in Can You Freeze Fudge? as this was a question I often receive.

Make a batch of the Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe With Marshmallow Creme.

Cut the fudge into squares, 8 squares equals one row of fudge.

Wrap the row of squares with plastic wrap.

Then wrap the row of plastic wrapped squares with aluminum foil. Double freezer protection.

Insert the fudge rows into a plastic freezer bag. Remove the air from the bag. Close and mark the date on the outside of the freezer bag.

If you are pressed for time then a large section of fudge can wrapped to freeze and the squares can be cut when the fudge is defrosted.

It does take longer to defrost the frozen fudge in the refrigerator, but I recommend using the refrigerator to defrost the fudge as this will maintain its’ consistency no matter what the temperatures are in the kitchen.

How to Make The Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe


  • 3 cups sugar
  • 3/4 cup butter or margarine
  • 2/3 cup evaporated milk
  • 2 cups semi chocolate chips (I use Tollhouse for the original recipe)
  • 1 jar of marshmallow crème, Kraft jet puffed 7 oz. jar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • Chopped nuts are optional


  1. Grease a 9 X 13 ” pan. Alternative and much easier is to line a 9 X 13″ pan with parchment paper, this allows a much quicker release and clean up.
  2. In a medium pot, mix sugar, butter and milk.
  3. Bring the mixture to a full boil using medium heat, stirring constantly so the sugar dissolves and the mixture does not burn on the bottom of the pot. **
  4. Boil for five minutes. This is important! Five minutes exactly !!
  5. Remove the thickened mixture from the heat and add chocolate chips.
  6. Add the marshmallow crème and vanilla.
  7. Add nuts if desired.
  8. Pour into the prepared pan to cool.

**Note: I have found that gas or electric stoves do make a difference in the time it takes for the mixture to obtain a full boil in step 3. For the stoves I use the mixture reaches boiling 50% quicker when I use a gas stove verses electric. However, the five minute boil time is the same for step 4. This is not a gentle boil! It is a rockin and rollin boil and stirring constantly with a Capital C! A candy thermometer can also be used (but I never do as the five minute boil is the key)

Nuts Or No Nuts In Your Fantasy Fudge?

This is a recipe which can be easily adjusted for those who like nuts or do not like nuts. We have a fudge must be with nuts or I won’t eat it family member. The recipe can be easily split into halves or even split as I do where I make 3/4 of the recipe without nuts in an 8″ by 8″ pan and use a smaller loaf pan for the fantasy fudge with nuts fan.

Fantasy Fudge Holiday Desserts !

Fantasy Fudge is not just for Christmas! Learn how to turn your Fantasy Fudge into fun fudge shaped desserts, treats and party favors for the holidays. Fudge is not just to eaten in a square! Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and football fudge make very cute and very affordable party themed treats.

The Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe (not the imposter!) (2)

Cutting fudge into shapes does take a little practice and the bonus of practice is yummy and melt in your mouth scraps. My first attempt at cutting shapes out of fudge was a little rough; however, a few practice attempts will quickly turn into success.

I make these treats assembly line style and it goes quickly. I’ve made a post of my quick tips and tricks to cut fudge into any shape!

The Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe (not the imposter!) (3)

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Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe (not the imposter!)

Enjoy the original fantasy fudge recipe we so fondly remember! Fantasy Fudge recipe with marshmallow creme is a family tradition for delicious melt in your mouth fudge.

Course Dessert

Cuisine American

Keyword fantasy fudge recipe with marshmallow creme, original fantasy fudge recipe

Prep Time 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes minutes

Set 1 hour hour

Total Time 20 minutes minutes

Servings 12

Author The Savvy Age


  • 3 cups sugar
  • 3/4 cup butter
  • 2/3 cup evaporated milk
  • 2 cups semi sweet morsels (Toll House)
  • 1 jar marshmallow creme
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup chopped nuts optional


  • Grease a 9 X 13 " pan. Alternative and much easier is to line a 9 X 13" pan with parchment paper, this allows a much quicker release and clean up.

    In a medium pot, mix sugar, butter and milk.

    Bring the mixture to a full boil using medium heat, stirring constantly so the sugar dissolves and the mixture does not burn on the bottom of the pot.

    Boil for five minutes. This is important! Five minutes exactly !!

    Remove the thickened mixture from the heat and add chocolate chips.

    Add the marshmallow crème and vanilla.

    Add nuts if desired.

    Pour into the prepared pan to cool.

    The Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe (not the imposter!) (4)


The key to perfect fudge - every time - is boiling for five minutes. Exactly five minutes!!!

Two Critical Fudge Cutting Tips!

The Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe (not the imposter!) (5)

How To Make Fudge Cut Outs

The most important tips to ensure a fudge cut out works:

  1. Use old school aluminum cookie cutters. Yes, you can use the plastic cookie cutters, but I have found the highest success rate with the metal cookie cutters. If the fudge does adhere to your cookie cutter then wash, clean and dry the cookie cutter before the next attempt.
  2. Grease the inside of cookie cutter before each cut. Each cut, not every other cut, but each fudge cut.
  3. I spray the cookie cutter with cooking spray. It is not just the bottom of the cookie cutter which needs to be greased – the entire inside of the cookie cutter needs to be greased so the fudge will release and keep its’ intended shape.

Fun Fantasy Fudge Recipes

Valentines’ Day Fudge Hearts

Easter Bunny Fudge

Shamrock Fudge

Game Day Football Fudge

The Original Fantasy Fudge Recipe (not the imposter!) (2024)


What are the ingredients for fantasy fudge? ›

Fantasy fudge is a decadent blend of the following ingredients: sugar, margarine, evaporated milk, chocolate chips, marshmallow creme, walnuts, and vanilla extract.

What makes fantasy fudge grainy? ›

Once a seed crystal forms, it grows bigger and bigger as the fudge cools. A lot of big crystals in fudge makes it grainy. By letting the fudge cool without stirring, you avoid creating seed crystals. Stirring would help sucrose molecules "find" one another and start forming crystals.

What is the secret to perfect fudge? ›

The key to creamy, luscious fudge is controlling crystal formation. If the sucrose (table sugar) crystals are small, the fudge will feel creamy and smooth on your tongue. But if the crystals are large, the fudge develops a crumbly, dry, or even coarse texture.

Why isn t my fantasy fudge creamy? ›

It's important to beat the fudge ingredients to develop the right texture, but you won't get smooth, creamy fudge if you beat it when it's too hot. Beating fudge when it's still over heat creates sugar crystals, aka the grittiness you feel in the fudge.

Is evaporated milk or condensed milk better for fudge? ›

Use Evaporated Milk- Make sure to use evaporated milk and not sweetened condensed milk. If you accidentally use sweetened condensed milk your fudge will be incredibly over the top sweet. Cut up the Butter– Before adding the butter in make sure to cut it into smaller pieces for faster melting.

How do you thicken fantasy fudge? ›

How to Harden Fudge. Allowing fudge to come to room temperature will solidify it and make it easy to handle. You can also pop it into the refrigerator for a couple of hours or even the freezer for about 30 minutes.

Why is my fudge like taffy? ›

If the fudge is very soft and slightly chewy then it is possible that it did not quite cook to soft ball stage and next time the mixture should be cooked to a slightly higher temperature (soft ball is 112-116c/235-240F and a sugar or candy thermometer can help).

How do I fix my fantasy fudge that didn't set? ›

To fix it, you can reheat the fudge mixture over low heat and continue cooking until it reaches the proper temperature. Be sure to use a candy thermometer to monitor the temperature accurately. Alternatively, you can try to salvage chewy fudge by mixing it into ice cream or using it as a topping for desserts.

What happens if you boil fudge too long? ›

If there is too much evaporation, when the cooking time is too long, there will not be enough water left in the fudge and it will be too hard. Conversely, if the cooking time is too brief and there is not enough evaporation, too much water will remain and the fudge will be too soft.

What not to do when making fudge? ›

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid for Candy Shop-Worthy Fudge and Caramels
  1. Using the Wrong Pan. All candy and confections start by melting sugar. ...
  2. Stirring the Sugar. ...
  3. Not Using a Candy Thermometer. ...
  4. Leaving Out the Parchment Paper Lining. ...
  5. Skipping the Cooking Spray. ...
  6. Scraping the Pot. ...
  7. Using a Cold Knife to Slice.
Dec 16, 2015

How do you make fudge creamy and not grainy? ›

Once the sugar has dissolved and the mixture has come to a boil, do not stir it. If you do, the sugar can crystallize, giving your fudge a gritty texture. As you beat the fudge, pay attention to color and texture. Once the fudge loses its sheen and thickens, put down your spoon.

Should you stir fudge while it's cooking? ›

Don't stir!

Once the fudge reaches soft-ball stage on the candy thermometer, remove from the heat and let the temperature drop to 110°F. Keep that spoon or spatula out of the pot until this happens. If you stir too early in the process, you'll make the sugar crystals too big and end up with grainy fudge.

What makes fudge softer? ›

If you don't heat your fudge to a high enough temperature, you'll end up with a soft product. And if you heat the mixture too much, your fudge may be harder than you'd like.

Is Kraft marshmallow creme the same as marshmallow fluff? ›

Is Fluff the same as Marshmallow Creme? Generically, they are the same, but Fluff is made by a costly, batch-whipping process. Creme is whipped in a continuous mixing process.

Can you remelt fudge? ›

OMG My fudge is grainy, what do I do? -

Pop the grainy fudge back into the pan along with some water and a little cream and melt the fudge back down to a liquid and re-boil it to temperature. Heat slowly to begin with and make sure the mixture goes completely smooth before bringing it to the boil.

What's the main ingredients in fudge? ›

This delicious fudge recipe is easy to make in the microwave with just 3 ingredients: chocolate chips, condensed milk, and butter. Add nuts, mini marshmallows, or candy before chilling to make this treat even more decadent, or try peanut butter chips instead of semisweet chocolate chips to make peanut butter fudge.

What is Penuche fudge made of? ›

Penuche (/pəˈnutʃi/, from Italian: panucci) is a fudge-like candy made from brown sugar, butter, and milk, using no flavorings except for vanilla. Penuche often has a tannish color, and is lighter than regular fudge.

What are the ingredients in good pop fudge? ›

Fudge coating: chocolate, powdered cane sugar, coconut oil, cacao nibs*, canola oil, natural flavor. What is pea protein and why is it in my pop? Find the answer on our FAQs page along with more information about our pops, their ingredients and allergen concerns.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.