[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (2024)

This game has a lot of weapons and items that you can use to either make your life easier or to make it harder for yourself. You can easily go into a match with only a pistol, or you can fully deck yourself out with equipment that will help you out.

Since there is a lot of equipment in the game, let's go over some of it. In this article, I’ll be listing some of the top 12 weapons and items that will help you out. I will also explain how you should use the specific weapon or item while playing. So with that, let’s get into it!

12. Beanbag Shotgun

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (1)This doesn’t hurt a lot, I swear.

The first weapon that I’ll be talking to you about is the beanbag shotgun. It’s a non-lethal weapon mainly made for making enemies surrender and going through a mission with the least amount of bloodshed possible.

It’s good in missions where enemies won’t be using armor. It’s also good to be brought on missions where there are a lot of hostages around so that you don’t kill them accidentally.

What Beanbag Shotgun Excels In:

  • Making enemies surrender.
  • Decreases the chances of accidentally killing a hostage.
  • Works amazing against enemies who don’t have armor equipped.
  • It’s great for getting a high score.

Beanbag Shotgun Stats:

  • Ammo Type: Beanbags
  • Firing Modes: Single
  • Magazine Capacity: 7 rounds
  • Function: Medium-low lethality, no penetration.

11. Taser

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (2)How do you like those volts running through your body?

Another great option for a non-lethal loadout is the taser. It will stun the target, and you can easily proceed to detain them and put handcuffs on them. It also comes with a laser pointer, so it’s easier to aim with.

The taser is great as a secondary weapon if you don’t want to bring a pistol with you or if you’re going for a full non-lethal loadout. It’s great for taking down a single enemy, and it’s best used if you have a friend with you that can go ahead and detain the target that was tased.

What Taser Excels In:

  • Great for taking down single targets.
  • Has a laser pointer so that it’s easier to aim with.
  • Can be used in a non-lethal loadout.
  • Good as a secondary option.

Taser Stats:

  • Ammo Type: Electricity
  • Firing Modes: Single
  • Magazine Capacity: /
  • Function: Stunning a single target

10. Breaching Shotgun

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (3)Open sesame.

Here’s a great item for quickly taking down locked doors: the breaching shotgun. This item has only been made for this specific purpose.

Yes, they can still damage an enemy, but it won’t kill them or incapacitate them; it will just graze them, which can make them angry or make them run away. It’s best used to take down doors.

What Breaching Shotgun Excels At:

  • Taking down doors quickly.
  • It doesn’t take up a primary or secondary weapon slot.
  • Great for surprising the enemy.

Breaching Shotgun Stats:

  • Ammo Type: Breaching rounds
  • Firing Modes: Single
  • Magazine Capacity: /
  • Function: Breaching doors

9. M320 Launcher

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (4)Now you see me, now you don’t.

Here’s a great item for clearing out rooms, and it doesn’t take up your primary or secondary weapon slot. Instead, it takes up an equipment slot, which isn’t that bad, especially if you communicate with your teammates to bring something else while you bring in this bad boy.

The launcher can be equipped with three different grenades: flashbangs, stingers, or CS gas. It’s great for flashing out a whole room and stunning the targets in that room. The downside is that it can only fire 1 shot before you have to reload.

What M320 Launcher Excels At:

  • Clearing out whole rooms.
  • Stunning everyone who gets hit by the radius of the grenades.
  • It can cycle between three different grenade types.

M320 Stats:

  • Ammo Type: Flashbangs, stingers, CS Gas.
  • Firing Modes: Single
  • Magazine Capacity: 1 round
  • Function: Stunning enemies

8. Ballistic Face Mask

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (5)Now my whole face is protected.

This specific item is great for players who are the ones going into a room to clear it. It’s great for stopping low-caliber bullets or some pistols from killing you instantly if they hit your head.

Keep in mind that this item can’t stop a high-caliber bullet, as it will instantly go through your face mask and your head, respectively. It’s good when you’re going on missions where the enemies are only using pistols or guns that use low-caliber rounds.

What Ballistic Face Mask Excels At:

  • It stops you from being instantly killed if shot in the head.
  • Stops guns from killing you instantly if they are using a low-caliber bullet.
  • It’s great for missions where the enemies are either only using pistols or guns that use a lower caliber.

Ballistic Face Mask Stats:

  • Function: Stopping pistols or low-caliber weapons from killing you instantly.

7. P90

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (6)Time to breach and clear boys.

If you want a good SMG to bring with you on a mission, then you should go with the P90. The AI in this game can hear when you’re reloading and will charge at you when they hear that sound. Because the P90 can hold up to 50 rounds in its magazine, it’s perfect for not having to reload that often.

Another great thing about this weapon is that the recoil isn’t that high and can easily be controlled if you know what you’re doing. The other thing is that it has a great rate of fire, and the penetration of the gun is decent for an SMG.

What P90 Excels At:

  • It can hold up to 50 rounds in its magazine.
  • You don’t have to reload often with this weapon.
  • It has a high rate of fire.
  • The recoil can easily be controlled.
  • Perfect for close-range encounters and can easily defeat body armor.

P90 Stats:

  • Ammo type: 5.7x28mm
  • Firing Modes: Fully automatic or single.
  • Magazine Capacity: 50 rounds
  • Function: High lethality with medium penetration

6. M4 Super 90

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (7)Remove them from existence.

Another great weapon for close-range encounters is the M4 Super 90. This shotgun will obliterate people into tiny little pieces so that nothing will be left of them. It’s a gas-powered shotgun that is known for its reliability and stopping power.

Due to it being gas-powered, it can easily cycle between rounds, making it super effective at close range. One huge drawback to this shotgun is that you’ll easily run out of ammo due to how fast it shoots. It does have high penetration, which is a great thing.

What M4 Super 90 Excels At:

  • Great for close-range encounters.
  • Can kill someone in a single shot.
  • Has a high rate of fire for a shotgun.
  • Decent penetration so don’t be afraid to shoot through a wall.

M4 Super 90 Stats:

  • Ammo Type: 12 gauge
  • Firing Modes: Semi-automatic
  • Magazine Capacity: 8 rounds
  • Function: High lethality, medium penetration

5. Heavy Armor

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (8)Damn, bullets still hurt :(.

Here is a good item that you should bring with you, as it doesn’t cost you anything except movement speed. This thing can save your life in so many situations you don’t even know. The armor will protect your chest and back, but it will also be applied to your arms and legs.

It will impact the speed at which you walk, but if you have a slower playstyle, that isn’t an issue. It can also stop some heavy and small caliber bullets. Truth be told, you should be taking this game slow and steady, and you shouldn’t be rushing or running everywhere because you’re not John Wick.

What Heavy Armor Excels At:

  • Stopping heavy and small caliber bullets.
  • It covers your whole body in armor platings.
  • It’s harder for you to die.
  • Perfect for a slow playthrough.

Heavy Armor Stats:

  • Function: Protects you from being killed instantly.

4. .357 Magnum

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (9)You ain’t safe anywhere boy.

If you want to kill someone in 1 or 2 shots, no matter how much armor they are wearing, then you should bring this secondary with you. This is the highest caliber pistol that SWAT teams can use. This magnum can go through walls and still kill someone in a single shot.

The gun does have a high stopping power, but it also has a huge kick to it. It also has a high rate of fire, but if you shoot it fast, your arms are going to fall off. It has great sound effects when shooting it.

What .357 Magnum Excels At:

  • Great for killing enemies through walls.
  • Has a decent rate of fire.
  • Has great penetration.

.357 Magnum Stats:

  • Ammo Type: 0.357mm
  • Firing Modes: Double action
  • Magazine Capacity: 6 rounds
  • Function: High penetration, high lethality.

3. MK-18

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (10)Ah, the old reliable.

Let me show you a great gun for some long-range engagements. Because, believe it or not, you will find yourself in those situations on large and open maps. Because an SMG isn’t as accurate at long distances, it’s good to bring an assault rifle with you on these missions.

The best option for you is the MK-18, as it’s very versatile and reliable. You can choose from a huge variety of suppressors, scopes, rails, and so on. It’s also good in close combat, which is why most SWAT officers go for it.

What M4A1 Excels At:

  • Long-range engagements.
  • It's a very versatile weapon.
  • Highly customizable.
  • It’s good for close-range engagements.

M4A1 Stats:

  • Ammo Type: 5.56x45mm
  • Firing Modes: Fully or semi-automatic
  • Magazine Capacity: 30 rounds
  • Function: high lethality, high penetration.

2. Ballistic Shield

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (11)I am a wall.

One great item that will help you clear out rooms with ease is the ballistic shield. When using this, you do need to communicate with your teammates. With this, you will always have to go first into a room or push toward the enemy. Since only explosives can damage you, you are safe from bullets, no matter their caliber.

The one downside to this item is that you can only use your pistol, and you won’t be able to use anything else. And if you aim down your sights while using the shield, you will expose your head, which puts you at a high risk of being killed.

What Ballistic Shield Excels At:

  • Amazing for pushing towards the enemy.
  • Stops all caliber rounds.
  • Great for clearing rooms and giving information to your friends.
  • Gives you additional moving cover for yourself and your friends.

Ballistic Shield Stats:

  • Function: Stopping bullets and giving additional cover.

1. M32A1 Flash

[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (12)Lock ‘n load boys!

If you want to clear out a room quickly without an issue, just bring this grenade launcher with you. Sadly, it doesn’t use explosive rounds, but it does use flashbangs, which are great for blinding anyone who gets hit by them.

You should also bring anti-flash goggles, as should your teammates so that you don’t blind yourself or them. It’s mostly a support weapon, and it’s not used to kill people. I do recommend that you bring a pistol that can hold a decent amount of ammo.

What M32A1 Excels At:

  • It can blind or stun a whole room of enemies.
  • Grenades detonate on impact.
  • Amazing for a non-lethal loadout.
  • It’s great if you’re playing with friends to support them.

M32A1 Stats:

  • Ammo Type: Flash grenades.
  • Firing Modes: Semi.
  • Magazine Capacity: 6 rounds
  • Function: Stunning Enemies.

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[Top 12] Ready Or Not Best Weapons and Items (And How To Use Them Effectively) (2024)


What is the best non-lethal weapon in Ready or Not? ›

While the Beanbag Shotgun is a great non-lethal choice, it can also become deadly if you hit enemies in the face. Another option would be the R7 Launcher, which fires pepper balls that can incapacitate enemies when fired near them or directly at them.

What is the best weapon for AI teammates Ready or Not? ›

Team AI are pinpoint accurate, so equipping them with semi-auto shotguns and the FAL is a pretty solid choice. Having one shield + high capacity pistol for each pair is also a must. Stingers + C4 are pretty much required to make vanilla AI suspects submit.

Which weapon was the most effective? ›

7 Deadliest Weapons in History
  • Maxim machine gun. World War I: German infantrymen. ...
  • Nuclear weapon. first thermonuclear weapon. ...
  • Shock cavalry. ...
  • Greek fire/napalm. ...
  • Rifle. ...
  • Submarine. ...
  • Biological weapons.

Which is the strongest weapon in? ›

1. What is the Tsar Bomba? – The Tsar Bomba is a powerful nuclear weapon developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War era. It is known as the most powerful explosive device ever created by humans.

Is the most powerful weapon which you can use? ›

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela's quote resonates deeply with me, as I strongly believe in the transformative power of education.

What is the most powerful shotgun in Ready or Not? ›

Ready or Not features 5 shotguns that can be used to take out enemies that refuse to surrender or back down. The Beanbag shotgun is non-lethal but can still be fatal if used excessively or with a headshot. The M1014 is considered the best shotgun in the game, offering reliable and fast firing for close-quarter combat.

What is the most overpowered gun in real life? ›

Examples of the most powerful guns in the world include the Barrett M82, a . 50 caliber rifle known for its long-range precision and stopping power. The GAU-8 Avenger, mounted on the A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft, is a fearsome rotary cannon capable of destroying armored vehicles from the air.

Is there a taser in Ready or Not? ›

This non-lethal companion is at home in the holsters of police officers everywhere. Useful for stunning noncompliant persons in order to disarm or arrest them. Be wary, as not every target will respond to it the same way. The taser is a less-lethal device in Ready or Not.

What game is hardest for AI? ›

Every single one has had difficult AI, but XCOM 2 tops the list. You control an anti-alien task force and must outthink the opposition to complete the campaign. That's a lot easier said than done. XCOM 2 has a permanent death feature, and the AI is well aware.

Which game has best AI? ›

It's a whole new level of exciting and unpredictable gameplay.
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  • F.E.A.R. ...
  • Alien: Isolation. ...
  • Forza Horizon series. ...
  • Hitman series. ...
  • Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War. ...
  • Left 4 Dead.

Which game has best NPC AI? ›

Skyrim has very good npc's reactions to stuff. Not all in the game are that good, but the companions you can get are pretty good. Mods can also improve how npc;s react and some even make them even more dynamic.

What is the most powerful weapon ever used? ›

Tsar Bomba (in Russian, Царь-бомба) is the Western nickname for the Soviet RDS-220 (РДС-220) hydrogen bomb (code name Vanya). Detonated by the Soviet Union on October 30, 1961, Tsar Bomba is the largest nuclear device ever detonated and the most powerful man-made explosion in history.

Which caliber is the deadliest? ›

The 9mm is most often used in homicides and results in the most fatal shootings.

What is the best sidearm in Ready or Not? ›

There are 8 sidearms in the game, each with its own advantages and drawbacks, allowing players to find one that suits their playstyle. The best pistol in Ready or Not is subjective, but the B92SX stands out for its high ammo count, trigger response, and controllable recoil.

What is the best weapon for success? ›

Well, knowledge is not only the most powerful weapon; it is also the key to success and the most effective way to break the poverty cycle. And yes, it is a great influential tool and it can change the world. However, education and learning are related to each other.

Are SMGs good in Ready or Not? ›

The best SMG in Ready or Not depends on the player's preferences and playstyle, but certain SMGs offer an advantage. The MP7 and P90 are highly effective in close-quarters combat due to their high ammunition capacity and compact design.

What is the best weapon to survive? ›

Best Survival Firearms
1 Savage Model 42Take down design Shotgun and rifle in one Polymer, lightweight design
3 Henry AR-7Take down design Semi-auto Packs into the stock
4 Axor Arms PAF12Folding pump shotgun Assisted pump Rifle sights
5 CZ 600 TrailM-LOK handguard Collapsing stock Optics and suppressor ready
3 more rows
Nov 8, 2023

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