Petoskey News-Review from Petoskey, Michigan (2024)

I I TWO THE PETOSKEY EVENING NEWS, PETOSKEY, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1951 The Petoskey Evening News A consolidation of The Evening Resorter Record Publishers: The Petoskey, News Printing, Corondent. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday at Petoskey, Michigan TELEPHONE 2544 Entered October 16, 1902, at Petoskey, Michigan, as second class matter under Act of Congress of March 6, 1879. UNITED PRESS WIRE SERVICE National Advertising Representative Scheerer 1 Company 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago 441 Lexington New York SUBSCRIPTION. by RATES: mail By (In carrier, advance) 25g, per mile week, zone $13 of per Petoskey, year on RFD routes or towns where carrier boy delivery service is not maintained, $5 per year, $3 six months, $2 three months.

Elsewhere in Michigan, $6 year. Outside of Michigan, $8 year. HARBOR SPRINGS. MRS. G.

W. LEECE, CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mathews and son, David, left Monday for Lansing where they plan to spend a week visiting with relatives. Mr.

and Mrs. Harvey Keizer were all day guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Knight of Petoskey. Herman Beyer has returned to Detroit following a week's visit Advertisem*nt Value Your Health More Than Riches Some folks think that fine clothes and fine, big houses are the most important things in life, but these things really don't mean too much if a person doesn't feel well enough to enjoy them.

Most folks don't alize this, but Mrs. Lucy Braswell, Route Stone Mountain, reawell. lizes it very Mrs. Braswe ll takes HA DACOL, and by taking HAD ACOL she, found she her helping system overcome deficiencies of Vitamins B1, B2, Niacin and Iron, which HADACOL contains. Here is Mrs.

Braswell's, own statement: "I have been sick for some time with stomach disturbances. I began taking HADACOL and I have been taking it about six, much weeks. I am so much better stronger. I will continue to take HADACOL. It sure has helped me.

I tell my friends about HADACOL. I can't praise HADACOL too much. I am 59 years Copyright 1950, The LeBlane Corporation with Mrs. Louise King and daughter, Mrs. Florence Cobb of Second street.

Joe Davert, son of Mrs. Bertha Davert of 920 Curtis street, Petoskey, submitted to major surgery on Friday at Lockwood General Hospital. Mrs. Nellie Squier has received word that her son-in-law, Sgt. Donald J.

Fowler, who has been in Korea for some time is now in Japan for a rest period. Sgt. Fowler is with the Marine Air Corps. Joel Ayers and Fred Linehan returned Sunday from Scarsdale, N. after spending ten days visiting with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Albert E.

Wells spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Snyder of Mackinaw City. Thomas Buerge, a student at Ferris Institute, Big Rapids spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Rasmus Rasmussen of Harrison street. The Rev. and Mrs. Richard Halter and children have returned from a ten day visit with friends and relatives at Evansville, Ind. They also spent a few days visiting in Chicago.

Mrs. Nelson Allerding was at the Halter residence during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Tippett and family spent Sunday as guests of the former's mother, Mrs.

Sarah Tippett of Stutsmanville road. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morse and son, Garth, were guests on Sunday of Mrs. Morse' parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Ludrick Welsheimer of Harrison street. L. E. Juilleret has the distinction of having the first fish shanty on the harbor for the 11951 season.

ANCHOR COIN Fasten the coin to a piece of cardboard by means of a strip of adhesive tape and it will travel safely through the mail. Reserve District No. 7 State No. 119 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST STATE BANK of Petoskey, Michigan at the close of business December 30, 1950, a State banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of this State a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District.

ASSETS Dollars Cts. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 1,813,788.76 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 618,816.08 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 20,500.00 Corporate stocks (including $7500.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) 7,500.00 Loans and discounts (including $486.56 overdrafts) 12,048,401.41 Bank premises owned $10,000.00, furniture and fixtures (NONE) 10,000.00 (Bank premises owned are subject to no liens not assumed by bank) Other assets 874.85 TOTAL ASSETS 5,580,759.56 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,260,855.17 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 2,475,698.32 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 64,755.54 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 352,111.36 Other deposits (certified officer's checks, etc.) 49,083.10 TOTAL 5,202,503.49 Other liabilities 44,500.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below 5,247,003.49 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 125,000.00 Surplus 125,000.00 Undivided profits 83,756.07 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 333,756.07 TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 5,580,759.56 This bank's capital consists of Common Stock with total par value of $125,000.00 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 150,053.63 Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 11,145.41 Deposits of the State of Michigan $50,000.00 G. A. Hitchmough, Vice Pres. Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

G. A. Hitchmough Correct-Attest: Glen C. Townsend John H. Perry E.

A. Bremmeyr (Directors) State of Michigan, County of Emmet, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of January, 1951. Helen J. Kilborn Notary Public, Emmet County In The World Of Society And Women By Mary Louise Dean Society Writer Phone 2545 Anniversary, Holds Special Significance The 100th anniversary of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, being celebrated this year, holds a special significance for the Rev. Violet Byers of 328 Grove street for her family has been connected with the organization since its founding.

Mrs. Byers is the great niece of Gecrge Ross McKenzie who served as president of the company from 1882 to 1887. The Singer Sewing machine had just been invented when young Mekenzie came to America from Scotland. Taking a job in a New York factory, George McKenzie began his ascent to the presidency as cabinet-maker. Mrs.

Byers, born Violet Ross in Edinburgh, Scotland, came to America. with her mother shortly World War I. With her, Mrs. Ross brought one of the first Singer Sewing machines with a round patented earlier by her oldest brother, Andrew Ross. Mrs.

Ross, who lives in Battle Creek is still using the machine. What does Mrs. Byers do? She works at the Petoskey Singer Sewing Machine Center, of course! Beta Sorority Plans Benefit Plans for a bridge-canasta benfit party were made by members of Beta Sigma Phi sorority when they met last evening at the home of Mrs. J. C.

Tippey. Proceeds from the party, scheduled for March, will go to various charities. The group discussed aid to the Emmet County Health Commission, and voted to contribute to the polio fund at each meeting during the drive. Plans were also made for a spring dance to be held in April or May at the Par4 Club. Mrs.

Robert Humphries was in charge of the interesting program which included two papers, "Modern Conception of Our Universe" given by Mrs. Tippey, and "Life On Earth," presented by Miss Ruth Brill. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Today Rainbow for Girls Masonic Temple; potluck dinner 6:30 p.m., election of officers, 7:30 p.m. BPOE Elks Temple; dinner 7 p.m., meeting 18 p.m.

A.A.U.W. Dining room of Chippewa Hotel, 8 p.m. Wednesday Ladies Day at Boyne Mountain Lesson, 10 a.m. Rotary Hotel Perry, 12:15 p.m. Women's Association of First Presbyterian Church Westminster Room, 1:30 p.m.

Martha Circle First Christian Church, 2 p.m. F. A. M. Durand Lodge No.

344 Masonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. Wed In Impressive Rites On Saturday The St. Francis Xavier Church was the scene Saturday morning of the marriage of Miss Evelyn Beard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beard of route 2, Petoskey, and Leonard Simon, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Simon of route 3, Petoskey. Rev. Fr. Vernard Kommer, O.F.M., performed the single ring rites.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown styled with a lace yoke edged with beads, fitted bodice, and long tapering sleeves. Her full skirt fell into a court-length train, and a Juliet cap of seed pearls held her finger-tip veil. White carnations and bride's roses tied with white satin streamers formed her bouquet. Miss Rosemary Flynn of route 2, Petoskey, maid of honor, wore a blue satin gown which featured a sweetheart neckline, tiny puffed 1 sleeves and hoop skirt. Her headdress of net was held in place by a double row of rosebuds and her bouquet was of pink and white carnations.

Frank Danieis was best man, and William Simon and Ray Krussell seated the guests. All are of route 3, Petoskey. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Beard chose a glen plaid ensemble with brown accessories. A biege gown was the choice of the bridegroom's mother.

With it she used wine accessories. Both wore carnation corsages. A reception for the couple was held at the Emmet County Sportsman's Club at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs.

Simon are making their home on route 2, Petoskey. The bride is a graduate of Marquette high school and is employed at Howard's Lunch in East Bay View. Mr. Simon is employed at the Barnum Bros. Fibre Co.

in Petoskey. Study Group Meets Monday The St. Theresa Study Club of the St. Francis Xavier Church held its first meeting of the new year last evening at the home of Mrs. Edward Foster on Atkins Road.

The study hour featured a reading on "Franciscan given by Mrs. Foster. A social hour followed with the game prize going to Mrs. Frank Schapler. Mrs.

Joseph Paulus was winner of the mystery box. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Foster at the close of the meeting. Members present were Mrs. Ted Erfourth, Mrs.

Irene Lyons, Mrs. Joseph Robarge, Mrs. Harold Lewis and Mrs. Clare Wagar. The group will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs.

Paulus on January 22. WATTS ENOUGH Do not spare on the wattage of the kitchen light. Not only does a brightly lighted kitchen add cheer to the housewife's tasks, but a good light on the stove frequently will save accidents and loss of food. SETS WORLD ALTITUDE RECORD HONEY-HAIRED, freckle-nosed Caro from her tiny, 125-horsepower plane world's altitude record for light off, the aviatrix said she liked Landing after three hours and 32 cold." Old record was 24,504 feet. Rhinestones Add Glitter At Spring Style Showing NEW YORK (UP) Fancy touches like rhinestone-studded wool fleece and pearl-encrusted linens make women's clothes seem the brightest thing in the spring forecast.

These were shown yesterday in the first of a week-long series of spring and summer fashions previewed for some 165 visiting fashion editors. The press week is sponsored annually by the New York Dress Institute. (Pauline Trigere lined a grey fleece coat with white shantung taffeta, added a border of stones along the inner edge from collar to hemline, and showed the coat with a white shantung short formal. She also decorated a short white fleece jacket with tiny gold buttons, sewn in an irregular pattern over the entire jacket. Maurice Rentner, another designer who picked the spring to add beguiling touches of luxury to women's clothes, embroidered a design of pearls on the strapless bodice of a pink linen co*cktail dress, with a similarly-embroidered stole.

The "telescope silhouette" is another idea of Renter's. He has cut skirts, capes and sleeves with a wide flare "that suggests a telescope shape." Generally, the most wearable clothes in the collections were the Mrs. McCune Is Guest Of Club A review of Kenneth Roberts' novel, "Oliver Wiswell," given by Mrs. Allan McCune, highlighted the meeting of the Readers Club held last night at the home of Mrs. Glenn Bain.

Mrs. Wendell Loveless acted as co-hostess. During the business session, the group voted to donate a sum of money to the March of Dimes campaign. Holiday refreshments were served by the hostesses later in the evening, Charlevoix. FRAN MARTIN Phone 367 Mt.

Morris announce the birth Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Skeel of a son, Philip Dean, December 31. Mrs.

Skeel is the former Barbara Allard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Allard.

Mrs. Allard left Friday for Mt. Morris to spend a week with her son-in-law and daughter. Twenty Charlevoix county inductees left Monday for the Detroit induction center. The Charlevoix service organization presented gifts of magazines, cigarettes, candy, gum, postcards and apples to the group as they left the bus station.

Ralnh Hamilton is chairman of the A Genius! CHIC 5 Patent Office DAT COLLECTOR OF'EM, MUST BE I THE COOKIES ARE COOKIE JAR IN THE THEY ALWAYS ARE slim tailored suits, the dress and jacket suits, and the dress andr, coat ensembles. Miss Trigere matched sheer wools with wool fleeces in pastel shades for dress and coat combinations. One pale yellow sheer sleeved dress with a V-neckline was, worn with a matching pale yellow" fleece full-length coat. Herbert Sodheim's spring dresses are combined with dusters, jackets, stoles, or even sweaters. For evening wear, he designed a bright, pink silk linen sheath dress, to worn with a pink and grey wool plaid duster.

This tendency to add something extra to give a "costume" look to every outfit was present in the, Capri original collection also, one' of the five, previewed yesterday. Fringed stoles to wear with daytime suits, dotted silk on one side and navy wool on the other, were shown with Easter suits. For junior sizes, Emily Wilkens. showed bolero suits, boxy jackets and slim skirts, and those inevitable separates, this time in silk shantung, combining new shades like lavender and wisteria. The only two things the design-; ers are unanimous about is a natural shoulder line and shorter skirts.

The rest is up to your figure. MR. AND MRS. LEONARD SIMON (Photo by Foley's) MRS. FRED OWENS, CORRESPONDENT PHONE 3898 Mrs.

Joe Hufford received word from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corl of Cleveland, Ohio who have a cottage on Crooked Lake, stating they spent the holidays in Cincinnati, Ohio. A daughter, Nancy, has returned to her studies at Lake College, Painesville, Ohio following the Christmas and New Years recess with her parents. Jim Evans, of Cleveland, Ohio, and a well known summer resorter joined the Navy just before the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Whitney were Sunday night supper guests of Mr. Whitney's sister, Mrs. Blanche Streeter in Petoskey.

Mrs. Harry Oldham returned to her home on Saturday after having the first baby born in the New Year at Little Traverse Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris recently sold their home and moved to Detroit where Mr.

Harris is employed. Dell Taylor is confined to his home with the flu. Frank Simpson recently purchased the Fred Harris home and is now living there. Mrs. Quigley of Sarane, Canada is visiting her sister, Mrs.

Flora Long. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Babco*ck's house guests, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Nowasacki and family, left for their home in Lansing on The Babco*cks are looking forward to guests on Wednesday, Miss Thelma Patterson and friend, Miss Muriel Hart, who are vacationing at the home of Miss Hart's grandmother in Pickford in the Upper Peninsula. They plan to spend a few days before returning to their home in Lansing. Miss Lila Robbins and Joan and Judy Sheldon of Alanson, joined a group of young people in Petoskey after attending the PYPA Rally at East Jordan on Saturday. Conway Sunday School had good attendance on Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Sevener motored to Fife Lake the past week to call on thier son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sevener, and baby, Dick, who are spending the winter months there. BLONDIE The Mutt's DOGS AREN'T GEE, DOGS ARE DUMB! LET'S SEE DUMB I ASKED YOU TRACK DOWN ELMER TO BRING SOMETHING 3 ME SLIPPERS, MY FELT AND SMELLING MERELY BY THE HE BROUGHT GROUND THE LEATHER ONES Copr.

1951, King Features Syndicate, World rights reserved. BIG SISTER Regiatered WHY, FROM WHAT OFFERS FOR TWO T'INK O' ME SNOOTIN DOSE BUTTONS DE WHOLE LOT BETH FOUND. DEY REALLY IS WORT' BIG MONEY! A TREASURE, I AFTER ALL. MUGGS AND SKEETER THEY MUST BE BOYS WHAT ON HERE SOMEPLACE! EARTH ARE YOU DOING?) WE'RE LOOKING FOR THE COOKIES YOU SAID YOU BAKED FOR A SOUTHERN HOLIDAY--Linen is paired with silk shantung-taffeta in a 1951 New York resort costume by a noted designer. The boxy short-sleeved coat of red linen is lined with the dark.

iridescent gray shantung used for the dress, and the dress belted in red linen. CSO. (N. Y. Dress Institute Photo) By Chic Young LET'S SEE YOU SCRATCH YOUR LEFT EAR WITH YOUR RIGHT FOOT BY LES FORGAVE BETA WAS MIGHTY CAREFUL NOT TO TELL ME DAT.

NEVER MIND. I'LL FIND A WAY TO GET MY HANDS ON A BUNCH OF 'EM! 1951 King Features Syndicate. Inc. World rights reserved BY WALLY BISHOP IN THE NOW, WHO WOULD EVER THINK OF LOOKING FOR ICEBOX COOKIES IN THIS THING HUNH DO NOT MUSEUM FOR 074 MUSEUM 00EN -) 5 01 COOKIES DACRAE: (-9 Bayley of Springfield, waves at Miami before flying to a new feet. Before taking flying because "you can be alone." minutes, she said, "My hands got (International Soundphoto) 2.

Petoskey News-Review from Petoskey, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.