The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (2024)

Once I acknowledged here on Fork and Beans ofmy diagnosis of a fungal infection called Candida overgrowth, I got an outpouring of questions about what exactlyCandida is, how to getdiagnosed for it and what I have been eating in order to combat the infection. I’m taking this month to answer all your questions, share some of the recipes I have been creating and enjoying, and filling you in on my experience with the diet for anyone eveninterested in hearing about it.

Let’s start with talking about what it is. Candida isa normally-occurring yeast-like fungus that thrives in the intestines ofhumans.The goalis not to get rid of candida, it only becomes a problem when there is an overgrowth of yeast. When that happens, the good bacteria in your gut becomes dominated by the bad, causing an array of horrible symptoms that are spurred on by poor diet (including processed foods, sugars, and alcohol), consumption of antibiotics in our food supply, and stress. An overgrowth begins to negatively effect our bodiesthrough the following ways butnot limited to:

  • Bloating/gas
  • Diarrhea/constipation
  • IBS
  • Foggy brain
  • Fatigue
  • Skin irritations (acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis)
  • Poor concentration
  • Dizziness
  • Mood swings
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fluid retention
  • Mucus in stools
  • vagin*l itch/odor
  • Jock itch
  • White thrush on tongue
  • Consistent sinus problems
  • Strong cravings for sugar or high carb foods
  • Food allergies

I have been feeling horribly fora good two yearsnow andwas diagnosedwith aCandida overgrowth back in September through my naturopath doctor who ran several tests on me including blood and stool samples. My tests came back saying that I was malnourished and my liver levels were at a low,so right after my diagnosisI began a standard Candida diet where I eliminatedall sugars, most fruits, processed foods, alcohol, and yeast from my dietand found relief to the majority of my issues.

I lost 10 lbsthat firstmonth (weight I could NOT lose for the life of me), my stomach was no longer bloated, the white coating on my tongue went away, my breath changed, I battle with cystic acne when it’s not balanced by birth control and once I went off the pillaround the same time of the dietmy face actually cleared up (!!), my bowel movements became normal, I wasn’t angry and high-stressed, in fact I felt very even in my mood, I wasn’t dropping anything/running into walls/or feeling clumsy like usual, and the amount of gas I had went significantly down. Matt even went on the diet and we witnessed his dermatitis significantly go down. His skin became less inflamed, less raw, and less dry–something that no doctor has been able to cause. Unbeknownst to us,we actually needed to be on the diet for longer than those 2 months so once I started to incorporate foods a bit too quickly back into my diet,our symptoms came back with a vengeance.Nowwe arepreparing to goback onto the diet (this time for a longer length of time [4-6 months]in a more structured manner [a clear 2 phase plan]. I am ready to kick this thing to the past and I knowthat there are several of you who are in a similar situation so here are the ABCs of Candida that I have been learning and havefound to be helpful:

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (1)

Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar will become your new best friend. Though vinegar is off-limits while on the anti-candida diet, Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar happens to be a natural candida repellent and is encouraged to ingest daily. I get my dosage by drizzling it (along with avocado oil) on a side salad at dinner but you can also drink 1 teaspoon mixed with 1/2 cup filtered water.

Be Surrounded by Supportive People

Find the people in your life who have your best interest in mind and keep them close during this time. I’m serious. If you can even convince your loved ones to join you on this eating plan, that will make your life all the easier. If anything, you will need the support and encouragement fromfriends and loved ones so if anything, take note of those who seek to sabotage you and avoid them at all costs during this time.


The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (2)I highly recommend purchasing Ricki Heller’s latest guidebook, Living Candida Free. Not only does it provide you with 100 recipes that are meatless AND tasty but it also lines out for you a 3 Phase program on how to go on a successful (and easy-to-follow) Candida cleanse for those who have a diagnosis. There is a lot of differing info out there so it is nice when you can trust the source and Ricki is someone I trust. You can read more here on my review of the book.

Ditch the Alcohol

As much as it might pain you, all alcohol needs to be avoided completely for the duration of the diet plandue to its ability to convert into sugar once it hits your system, thus aggravating candida. One glass can set you back completely if it’s added too soon to your diet. Trust me,I learned this the hard way.

Every Body is Different

Be your body’s bestchampion and know what works best for it because what works for me might not work for you. Though the outline of the candida diet is the same for everybody, keep in mind that the execution will be a little different for you, especially the duration of time on it. Some will recover rather quickly and be back to feeling better in no time, others (like myself) will need a longer amount of time on the elimination phase. Also some will be okay with eating beans and grains at a faster rate initially while others (like myself) will not. It is not your place to judge anyone’s choices or actions whilein recovery, in fact this is a great reminder to remember in general. You do not hold the key to everyone’s problems, only your own.

Fruit in Limitation

Despite the fact that fruit isfilled with delicious, natural-occurring sugars it still needs tobe avoidedas much as possible, especially the first couple of weekswhile on the first phase of thediet. If youwant a piece of fruit,stick to a very small serving andgrab for fruits that are lowest in sugar like blueberries, kiwis, coconut,or even tart green apples.

Get Up and Move!

You will find it helpful to be active during this diet as it stimulates your brain and body. Really, I don’t need to convince you here about the benefits of exercise–just do it but be mindful of how your body is feeling and don’t overexert yourself in the first phase. Gofor anice walk and call it a day.

Herbal Teas Instead of Coffee

Make the switch to herbal tea or at least greatly reduce the amount of coffee you drink down to one cup a day and then sip on tea for the remainder of the day. Some of my favorite teas are Peppermint (great for digestion), Roasted Dandelion Root, and Nettle Leaf (perfect for those who like black tea) and I particularly love the Traditional Medicinals tea brand.

Inventory Your Symptoms

Pay attention to your symptoms and monitor their improvements as you are on the diet. Keep a food diary and note if certain additions of foods cause certain symptoms to come back and adjust accordingly. Do this slowly, giving your body enough time to react to new foods and seeing how it shows up in your system. For me, when I added wine back into my diet too quickly, I found the day after having one glass thatI was super clumsy,unable to properly grab itemswith my hands and my temperament went from serene to very angry–something I had not experienced in the two months prior to.

Just Remember It’s Not About Perfection

Perfection isn’t the goal here, recovery is, and though you need to be on top of your eating game, it’s okay when you “fall off the wagon” (and by “It’s okay” I meanthis isn’t a race about who recovers faster nor is there a time frame on when you should feel better). The nature of growth is never in a straight line. There is a lot of “2 steps forward, 2 steps back” type of growing so never beat yourself up when you step back;learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

Keep It Simple

The diet itself can seem very overwhelming initially but just remember to keep it as simple as possible. For breakfast, I will eat eggs, veggies, and even a slice of Paleo bread on occasion; for lunch, I go for leftovers from the night before or a big salad; and for dinner, I try to have a very small portion of protein, a good-sized serving of vegetables, and I always serve my dinner with a side salad drizzled with raw apple cider vinegar and avocado oil. It’s a basic and simple structure for my meals withoutfeeling overwhelmed.

Lemon Water First Thing in the Morning

Lemon is great for digestion, alkaline for the body, and should be pairedwithlukewarm water. Usually those who are battling candida tend to have problems with digestion in some formso introducing lemon water first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything else is agreat habit to form.

Make Veggies the Spotlight

In every meal, make vegetables the star, avoiding high-starchy veggies initially for the first few weeks like carrots, corn, peas, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Vegetables are high in fiber, full of good-for-you vitamins, andare filling.

Natural Candida Repellents

There are a good number of foods that actually are naturalcandida repellents. Find ways to incorporate them into your daily diet, even after the restrictive phase is over:

  • coconut oil
  • garlic
  • lemons
  • clove oil
  • raw apple cider vinegar
  • oregano
  • cruciferous vegetables

Organic and Antibiotic-Free Foods

Do your best (remember perfection is not the goal) to buy organic fruits and vegetables and hormone/antibiotic-free eggs and meat (if you are a carnivore). Consuming too many foods with antibiotics in themis part of the issue for Candida overgrowth so do what you can with what you have. Yes, they are more expensive to purchase but you will be saving money on not buying processed foods so it’s a win-win.

Pay Attention to Your Cravings

The foods you crave the most while you are on the most restrictive part of the diet are usually the foods you should pay the most attention to, as it can be an indication of a food that the yeast overgrowth actually craves. For me I had insane cravings for corn, mainly in tortilla chip form. Corn, potatoes andalcohol,oh the Holy Trinity of severe body damageonceincorporated back into my diet.

Quiz Yourself

This awesome quiz provides as a tool (though does not take place of a doctor’s diagnosis) to monitor how severe your candida might be, as well as monitor your progress along the diet. I highly recommend it.

Rest and Relax

Part of the cause and continuation of a candida overgrowth is stress so now is the time to learn to take it easy. Make sure you are getting enough sleep for your body and that you are not overexerting yourself. You mightalsofind itverybeneficial if you begin a meditation routine.

Stevia is the New Sugar

Since sugar in all forms (this includes honey, molasses, brown sugar, sucrose–you name it)must be avoided during the diet, stevia provides as a great substitute. I personally am not a fan however desperate times call for desperate measures.

Take Snacks with You Wherever You Go

I make sure that my purse is well-stocked with goodies whenever I step out of the house. From a green apple, to nuts like almonds or cashews, cut up veggies, or even a green juice, I know that being hungry causes me to make poor choices so avoiding that as much as possible is key.

Undo Bad Habits

It’s our bad habits that got us here in the first place and now is the time to deal with them. Whether it’s eating too fast, making poor food choices, stressing out, or even grabbing for a chocolate baror can of beer instead of dealing with our emotions, now is the time to gowithin and figure out the big WHY. If we don’t deal with the underlying issues, we will perpetually be in the same circ*mstance over and over again.

Vitamins, Supplements, Anti-Fungals, Oh My!

The following is my daily regime from vitamins, supplements, and even the anti-fungal that I use to battle my candida overgrowth prescribed by my naturopath doctor. This serves a guide to help you and is not limited to:

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (3)

This is the anti-fungal that I use and have had great results with it: Thorne Research Formula SF722. I take 5 pills, 3 times a day until the bottle runs out (take a little over two weeks to complete). You can go longer with the dosage, which is what I will be doing the second time around, especially around the time you begin to incorporate news foods into your diet in case of an outbreak.

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (4)

I also ingest oil of oregano caps from Gaia to pair with theanti-fungal pills (onecap, 3 times a day), which as we discussed earlier, oregano is a natural candida repellent and helps with the lowering of bad bacteria in order toreplace it with the good bacteria.

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (5)

Ultra Flora Spectrum is a high quality probiotic withover 1o billionlive bacteria to do the job right. I take one capsule every day after I eat breakfast.

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (6)

Triphala is one of my most prized supplements to take. Due to my terrible-at-times digestion, this stuffhelps keep my colon moving. I usually take two caps at night so it does the dirty work for me by the morning. This isn’t candida-specific but it’s part of my daily regime.

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (7)

Thorne Research has a great multivitamin for women called Nutri Fem. I take three pills every morning after I eat breakfast and get allof my needed nutrients aside from food.

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (8)

For the days that I amfeeling bloated or gassy, depending on what I have ingested, these Activated Charcoal pillsdo thetrick! Usually Iget relief within 15 minutes of taking 1 cap. Note that the charcoal will absorb anything else you takewith it so it’s best to spread out ingesting this apart from other medications.

Watch Fed Up

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (9)Needmore good inspiration (as if your health being on the rocksisn’t enough) on reasons why you should initially ditch sugar? The documentary FedUpjust might do the trick. It is a greatmovie and overview as to why it’s important to eat fresh, whole foods and avoid processed foods as much as possible. It also explores the harmful effects that sugar can cause on our bodies when over-consumed (notice I said over-consumed–I amnot advocating avoiding sugarcompletely).

Xplore New Recipes

Variety is key with this diet. Switch up what you eat as often as you can and try adding new foods into therotation. Go on Pinterest, create a secret boardfor the diet, and collect new recipe ideas to try. I have a board for every meal as well as a snack category.

You WILL Make It!

The best part of all of this is knowing that thisway of eatingis NOT forever. You do not have to avoid fruit (or other goodies) for the rest of your life so remind yourself of that when things get rough (because they will).

Zip Up Those Bad Thoughts

It all begins in your head so whatever you choose to think and dwell on, your reality will become. Overcoming your health and weight issues (you WILL be losing weight on this) might seem impossible, eating better foods might seem unimaginable, and getting through these several months might seem never-ending but you CAN do this as long as you keep that brain clear of negative thoughts.

If you or someone you know is going through something similar you don’t want to miss the remainder of the month. I’m going to be talking about my particular diet plan, my personal experience of it, and I will besharing tasty candida-friendly recipes.

The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (10)


  • Homemade Vegetable Broth
  • Grain-Free Everything Crackers
  • Vegan Chickpea Omelet
  • How to Make a Candida-Friendly Smoothie
The ABCs of Candida - Fork and Beans (2024)


What drink kills Candida? ›

Apple cider vinegar is the only vinegar that provides an alkalizing benefit for the body and actually causes candida to die.

What beans can I eat on a candida diet? ›

Avoid starchy vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all squash except zucchini, beets, peas, parsnips and all beans except green beans. They all contain sugar and can lead to Candida overgrowth. You should buy your vegetables fresh and eat them raw, steam or grill them.

What kills Candida fungus? ›

How do you clear up Candida? A doctor can prescribe antifungal medications such as nyastatin or clotrimazole. These are available as pills or creams, depending on which part of the body Candida affects and how severe the infection is ( 15 ).

Is peanut butter bad for Candida? ›

Nuts. Any nuts that are high in mould, like peanuts, can promote a Candida outbreak.

Does apple cider vinegar get rid of Candida? ›

In summary, there is not enough evidence to claim that ACV will treat or prevent Candida infections in humans. Nonetheless, consuming ACV or using ACV topically could make the body a less friendly environment for Candida to survive.

Does lemon water cure Candida? ›

Both of these act as antifungals. Warm water with lemon in the morning can fight candida and ramp up digestion. Add a splash or two of ACV into your water bottle or over a salad, and you'll be good to go.

Can you eat bananas with Candida? ›

The list of foods to avoid on the candida diet include: High-sugar fruits: Bananas, dates, raisins, grapes and mango. Grains that contain gluten: Wheat, rye, barley and spelt. Certain meats: Deli meats and farm-raised fish.

How do you flush yeast out of your system? ›

Remedies and Treatments for Yeast Infections
  1. Take Probiotics. Many yeast infections happen when your immune system is busy or damaged. ...
  2. Eat Yogurt. Yogurt is another healthy source of probiotics. ...
  3. Apply Saltwater Rinses. Yeast infections can sometimes be reduced and soothed by rinsing the area gently with saltwater.
Apr 13, 2023

Is watermelon okay for Candida? ›

Ditch the sweet stuff in packaged foods, desserts, snacks and low-fat options to starve them out. Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame are also off the table as they can have a negative effect on digestion. High-sugar fruits: You'll also want to avoid high-sugar fruits like bananas, mangoes, watermelons and grapes.

How do I get rid of Candida ASAP? ›

The best way to treat Candida is with a three-step approach:
  1. Starve the yeast. The first key is to eliminate foods that have yeast in them and foods that yeast likes to eat. ...
  2. Overpower the yeast. Some patients need a prescription anti-fungal (like Diflucan or Nystatin). ...
  3. Replenish good bacteria.

How do you know if Candida is dying? ›

Candida die-off symptoms may include fever, headaches, and muscle pain. Candida die-off may cause symptoms of a yeast infection to temporarily worsen, or it may even cause new symptoms, such as a fever or stomach pain.

What is the strongest antifungal for Candida? ›

The strongest candida killers are generally recognized to be antifungal drugs, such as fluconazole (brand name Diflucan), nystatin, and clotrimazole.

Is oatmeal OK for candida? ›

Whole grains contain nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, that help to strengthen the body and increase its defense mechanisms. You can include whole wheat breat, whole grain rice, quinoa, amarynth and oats into you diet to help fight a yeast infection quicker.

Is sweet potato ok on a candida diet? ›

Some complex carbohydrates can also be added back into your diet, in small portions. These include sweet potatoes and beans. Although these will be broken down by your body into sugars that can promote Candida growth, they are whole foods that are digested and broken down much more slowly.

Is almond milk ok on a candida diet? ›

Milk: Rice & almond or cashew super market is fine: look for sugar free such as pure harvest. It's easy to make also: Yoghurt: Sheep and goat yoghurt. Available at IGA: Cow dairy is fine if you don't react to it or suffer with hay fever, sinusitis or general dairy reactivity such as mucous discharge.

How do you flush Candida out of your body? ›

Here are the most important steps in your Candida cleanse:
  1. Follow a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet to boost your immunity and starve the Candida yeast.
  2. Take a detox supplement to support your liver and reduce your Candida symptoms.
  3. Use a high-quality probiotic supplement to restore your gut flora.
May 23, 2024

What tea is good for Candida overgrowth? ›

An herbal blended tea with natural ingredients like echinacea, pau d'arco, ginger root & calendula, all known to help fight & clear symptoms of candida overgrowth in the body & remove inflammation. Ingredients like peppermint leaf, echinacea, pau d'arco, ginger root, thyme, calendula petals, oregano & cloves.

What cleaner kills Candida? ›

Chlorhexidine is a biocide often used in products targeted for skin disinfection and is known to be effective against Candida species (53, 55). It's a biocide known to target the microbial cell membrane (56). Using a suspension test (EN 13624:2013), Moore et al. (57) evaluated the efficacy of chlorhexidine against C.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.