Michigan Corrections Otis (2025)

1. Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS)

  • OTIS · OTIS Help · Escapee/Absconder Tips · MDOC's Most Wanted

  • Welcome to the Michigan Department of Corrections’ searchable database, which we call the Offender Tracking and Information System (OTIS). All of the records contained in OTIS are for prisoners and parolees who are CURRENTLY under the jurisdiction of the MDOC, as well as those serving a prison sentence but who are out on writ. Information about prisoners and parolees who have discharged from their sentences and who are not being currently supervised by, or under the jurisdiction of, the MDOC is not contained on OTIS.

2. Michigan Inmate Search: OTIS / MDOC Prison and MI Jail Lookup

  • Online Resources for Michigan Inmate Search. Search Using Free, State, and Private Online Resources.

3. Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) - Offender Profile

4. Michigan Criminal Records Otis

  • The Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) contains information about prisoners, parolees, and probationers who are currently under supervision, or who ...

  • The Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) contains information about prisoners, parolees, and probationers who are currently under supervision, or who have been discharged but are still within three years of their supervision discharge date. It does not contain information about offenders who are beyond that three-year period.

5. Michigan Department of Corrections | Facebook - Facebook

6. Wayne County Jail Inmate Information | Sheriff Connect

  • Address. 4747 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48201. More Contact Information · info@sheriffconnect.com. Inmate Information. Visit Our Inmate Search Page. Jail ...

  • Wayne County Sheriff’s Office

7. OTIS Michigan - Offender Tracking Information System, MI

  • 4 jul 2023 · The Michigan Department of Corrections utilizes the OTIS tool to help people search Michigan offenders from its database. A Michigan OTIS ...

  • There are now countless online systems that have been created to help someone find information on people. There are also some which have been established for

8. Inmate Search | Berrien County, MI

  • US-12 Hwy., New Buffalo, MI 49117. Phone: (269) 756-9571 ext. 7024. site tools. share. Important Links · Southwest Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force.

  • Contact Us

9. 2024 Otis offender tracking system michigan 12004718-01-FC ...

  • 6 uur geleden · ... Michigan Prison Inmate Search. (MDOC Michigan Department of Corrections / OTIS). MDOC Michigan Department of Corrections – …OTIS is intended ...

Michigan Corrections Otis (2025)


How long do you stay on Otis, Michigan? ›

The Michigan Legislature requires the MDOC to keep offender information on OTIS for a period of three years after the offender has discharged from MDOC supervision. This holds true even if the offender dies.

What does offender discharge mean in Michigan? ›

There are several ways in which offenders discharge from their sentences: discharge while on parole or probation (successful completion of parole or probation); discharge on the maximum (failure to parole from prison before the maximum portion of the sentence is completed); and death (dies before completion of the ...

What are the security levels in Michigan prisons? ›

The MDOC operates 5 custody levels: I, II, IV, V, and Administrative Segregation. crime committed, but rather on the confinement and management levels of prisoners. initial custody level placement, over time all prisoners can move down to Level I or II based on their conduct.

How do I find mugshots in Michigan? ›

For most mugshots having convictions, you can view them online through the Offender Tracking Information System of the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and the Sex Offender Registry of the MSP. You can also obtain a mugshot record in person by visiting the local law enforcement agency.

How many video visits can an inmate have in Michigan? ›

The duration of a visit shall not exceed two hours. The MDOC recommends visitors arrive at the facility 30 minutes before their scheduled visit. VISITORS MAY SCHEDULE UP TO ONE VIDEO VISIT EVERY TWO DAYS.

Is Michigan a pay to stay state? ›

In May of this year, the Michigan Supreme Court voted to put an end to a controversial practice occurring within the state's criminal courts. Some Michigan defendants who were unable to pay fines or court fees were getting sentenced to jail.

What is the 10 year gap rule in Michigan? ›

Ten-Year Gap Requirement for Prior Convictions and Adjudications. MCL 777.50 proscribes using a conviction or a juvenile adjudication when scoring PRVs 1 through 5 if discharge from the conviction or adjudication occurred more than 10 years before commission of the sentencing offense.

What does the 10 to 15 year sentence mean in Michigan? ›

Say you were sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison. After 10 years, the Parole Board has jurisdiction in your case and can decide to parole you. But even if they keep denying you parole, after 15 years, you must be released.

What does a sentence of 10 to 15 years mean? ›

When a sentencing judge announces an indeterminate sentence, he/she gives a mandatory minimum term of confinement but does not provide a concrete release date from prison. For example, a judge might impose the following indeterminate sentences: “5 years to 15 years in state prison,” or. “20 years to a life sentence.”

What is level 5 in Michigan prisons? ›

Level V prisons house prisoners who pose maximum management problems are a maximum security risk or both.

Does Michigan have level 5 prisons? ›

The Ionia Correctional Facility is comprised of five Level V housing units and two Level II housing units. Two of the Level V housing units are designated Administrative Segregation, which includes Detention and Temporary Segregation cells.

What is the highest level inmate? ›

A super-maximum security (supermax) or administrative maximum (ADX) prison is a "control-unit" prison, or a unit within prisons, which represents the most secure level of custody in the prison systems of certain countries.

What is Otis in Michigan? ›

Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS)

Are arrests public record in Michigan? ›

Effective February 1, 2006, Michigan law regarding criminal records has changed. Now the general public may receive information on arrest records that do not have a conviction attached. You still will not receive information about warrants, suppressed records, federal records, or criminal records from other states.

What is a SID number in Michigan? ›

SID – State Identification Number.

How many years is a life sentence in Michigan? ›

For virtually all serious crimes other than first-degree murder, Michigan judges have the option of imposing a life sentence or a term of years. A life term makes the person eligible for parole after serving either 10 or 15 years, depending on whether the offense occurred before or after Oct. 1, 1992.

What is a max discharge date? ›

There are two important dates: the “controlling discharge date” (CDD) and the “maximum discharge date” (MDD). The CDD is the date that a parolee is currently set to be discharged from parole if nothing changes. The MDD is the maximum parole term as set by statute, after which the parolee must be discharged.

Do Michigan prisons have conjugal visits? ›

Conjugal Visits in Michigan

Michigan is home to two federal prisons and about 30 state correctional facilities. But conjugal visits are prohibited in Michigan. No such contact is allowed in any state, county, city, or federal correctional facility in our state.

What app do you use to text inmates? ›

Dashboard. TextBehind® This website and the companion mobile app for Apple and Android Smartphones enable family and friends to communicate with incarcerated loved ones conveniently, consistently, and affordably.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.